Source code for botorch.acquisition.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

Utilities for acquisition functions.

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import torch
from botorch import settings
from botorch.acquisition import analytic, multi_objective
from botorch.acquisition import monte_carlo  # noqa F401
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective import monte_carlo as moo_monte_carlo
from botorch.acquisition.objective import (
from botorch.exceptions.errors import UnsupportedError
from botorch.exceptions.warnings import SamplingWarning
from botorch.models.model import Model
from botorch.sampling.samplers import IIDNormalSampler, MCSampler, SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils.multi_objective.box_decompositions.non_dominated import (
from torch import Tensor
from torch.quasirandom import SobolEngine

[docs]def get_acquisition_function( acquisition_function_name: str, model: Model, objective: MCAcquisitionObjective, X_observed: Tensor, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, mc_samples: int = 500, qmc: bool = True, seed: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> monte_carlo.MCAcquisitionFunction: r"""Convenience function for initializing botorch acquisition functions. Args: acquisition_function_name: Name of the acquisition function. model: A fitted model. objective: A MCAcquisitionObjective. X_observed: A `m1 x d`-dim Tensor of `m1` design points that have already been observed. X_pending: A `m2 x d`-dim Tensor of `m2` design points whose evaluation is pending. constraints: A list of callables, each mapping a Tensor of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m` to a Tensor of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`, where negative values imply feasibility. Used when constraint_transforms are not passed as part of the objective. mc_samples: The number of samples to use for (q)MC evaluation of the acquisition function. qmc: If True, use quasi-Monte-Carlo sampling (instead of iid). seed: If provided, perform deterministic optimization (i.e. the function to optimize is fixed and not stochastic). Returns: The requested acquisition function. Example: >>> model = SingleTaskGP(train_X, train_Y) >>> obj = LinearMCObjective(weights=torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0])) >>> acqf = get_acquisition_function("qEI", model, obj, train_X) """ # initialize the sampler if qmc: sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples=mc_samples, seed=seed) else: sampler = IIDNormalSampler(num_samples=mc_samples, seed=seed) # instantiate and return the requested acquisition function if acquisition_function_name in ("qEI", "qPI"): obj = objective(model.posterior(X_observed).mean) best_f = obj.max(dim=-1).values if acquisition_function_name == "qEI": return monte_carlo.qExpectedImprovement( model=model, best_f=best_f, sampler=sampler, objective=objective, X_pending=X_pending, ) elif acquisition_function_name == "qPI": return monte_carlo.qProbabilityOfImprovement( model=model, best_f=best_f, sampler=sampler, objective=objective, X_pending=X_pending, tau=kwargs.get("tau", 1e-3), ) elif acquisition_function_name == "qNEI": return monte_carlo.qNoisyExpectedImprovement( model=model, X_baseline=X_observed, sampler=sampler, objective=objective, X_pending=X_pending, prune_baseline=kwargs.get("prune_baseline", False), marginalize_dim=kwargs.get("marginalize_dim"), ) elif acquisition_function_name == "qSR": return monte_carlo.qSimpleRegret( model=model, sampler=sampler, objective=objective, X_pending=X_pending ) elif acquisition_function_name == "qUCB": if "beta" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("`beta` must be specified in kwargs for qUCB.") return monte_carlo.qUpperConfidenceBound( model=model, beta=kwargs["beta"], sampler=sampler, objective=objective, X_pending=X_pending, ) elif acquisition_function_name == "qEHVI": # pyre-fixme [16]: `Model` has no attribute `train_targets` try: ref_point = kwargs["ref_point"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("`ref_point` must be specified in kwargs for qEHVI") try: Y = kwargs["Y"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("`Y` must be specified in kwargs for qEHVI") # get feasible points if constraints is not None: feas = torch.stack([c(Y) <= 0 for c in constraints], dim=-1).all(dim=-1) Y = Y[feas] obj = objective(Y) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.0) if alpha > 0: partitioning = NondominatedPartitioning( ref_point=torch.as_tensor(ref_point, dtype=Y.dtype, device=Y.device), Y=obj, alpha=alpha, ) else: partitioning = FastNondominatedPartitioning( ref_point=torch.as_tensor(ref_point, dtype=Y.dtype, device=Y.device), Y=obj, ) return moo_monte_carlo.qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement( model=model, ref_point=ref_point, partitioning=partitioning, sampler=sampler, objective=objective, constraints=constraints, X_pending=X_pending, ) elif acquisition_function_name == "qNEHVI": if "ref_point" not in kwargs: raise ValueError("`ref_point` must be specified in kwargs for qNEHVI") return moo_monte_carlo.qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement( model=model, ref_point=kwargs["ref_point"], X_baseline=X_observed, sampler=sampler, objective=objective, constraints=constraints, prune_baseline=True, alpha=kwargs.get("alpha", 0.0), X_pending=X_pending, marginalize_dim=kwargs.get("marginalize_dim"), cache_root=kwargs.get("cache_root", True), ) raise NotImplementedError( f"Unknown acquisition function {acquisition_function_name}" )
[docs]def get_infeasible_cost( X: Tensor, model: Model, objective: Optional[Callable[[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tensor]] = None, ) -> float: r"""Get infeasible cost for a model and objective. Computes an infeasible cost `M` such that `-M < min_x f(x)` almost always, so that feasible points are preferred. Args: X: A `n x d` Tensor of `n` design points to use in evaluating the minimum. These points should cover the design space well. The more points the better the estimate, at the expense of added computation. model: A fitted botorch model. objective: The objective with which to evaluate the model output. Returns: The infeasible cost `M` value. Example: >>> model = SingleTaskGP(train_X, train_Y) >>> objective = lambda Y: Y[..., -1] ** 2 >>> M = get_infeasible_cost(train_X, model, obj) """ if objective is None: def objective(Y: Tensor, X: Optional[Tensor] = None): return Y.squeeze(-1) posterior = model.posterior(X) lb = objective(posterior.mean - 6 * posterior.variance.clamp_min(0).sqrt()).min() M = -(lb.clamp_max(0.0)) return M.item()
[docs]def is_nonnegative(acq_function: AcquisitionFunction) -> bool: r"""Determine whether a given acquisition function is non-negative. Args: acq_function: The `AcquisitionFunction` instance. Returns: True if `acq_function` is non-negative, False if not, or if the behavior is unknown (for custom acquisition functions). Example: >>> qEI = qExpectedImprovement(model, best_f=0.1) >>> is_nonnegative(qEI) # returns True """ return isinstance( acq_function, ( analytic.ExpectedImprovement, analytic.ConstrainedExpectedImprovement, analytic.ProbabilityOfImprovement, analytic.NoisyExpectedImprovement, monte_carlo.qExpectedImprovement, monte_carlo.qNoisyExpectedImprovement, monte_carlo.qProbabilityOfImprovement, multi_objective.analytic.ExpectedHypervolumeImprovement, multi_objective.monte_carlo.qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement, multi_objective.monte_carlo.qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement, ), )
[docs]def prune_inferior_points( model: Model, X: Tensor, objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, num_samples: int = 2048, max_frac: float = 1.0, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, marginalize_dim: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Prune points from an input tensor that are unlikely to be the best point. Given a model, an objective, and an input tensor `X`, this function returns the subset of points in `X` that have some probability of being the best point under the objective. This function uses sampling to estimate the probabilities, the higher the number of points `n` in `X` the higher the number of samples `num_samples` should be to obtain accurate estimates. Args: model: A fitted model. Batched models are currently not supported. X: An input tensor of shape `n x d`. Batched inputs are currently not supported. objective: The objective under which to evaluate the posterior. num_samples: The number of samples used to compute empirical probabilities of being the best point. max_frac: The maximum fraction of points to retain. Must satisfy `0 < max_frac <= 1`. Ensures that the number of elements in the returned tensor does not exceed `ceil(max_frac * n)`. sampler: If provided, will use this customized sampler instead of automatically constructing one with `num_samples`. marginalize_dim: A batch dimension that should be marginalized. For example, this is useful when using a batched fully Bayesian model. Returns: A `n' x d` with subset of points in `X`, where n' = min(N_nz, ceil(max_frac * n)) with `N_nz` the number of points in `X` that have non-zero (empirical, under `num_samples` samples) probability of being the best point. """ if X.ndim > 2: # TODO: support batched inputs (req. dealing with ragged tensors) raise UnsupportedError( "Batched inputs `X` are currently unsupported by prune_inferior_points" ) max_points = math.ceil(max_frac * X.size(-2)) if max_points < 1 or max_points > X.size(-2): raise ValueError(f"max_frac must take values in (0, 1], is {max_frac}") with torch.no_grad(): posterior = model.posterior(X=X) if sampler is None: if posterior.base_sample_shape.numel() > SobolEngine.MAXDIM: if settings.debug.on(): warnings.warn( f"Sample dimension q*m={posterior.base_sample_shape.numel()} " f"exceeding Sobol max dimension ({SobolEngine.MAXDIM}). " "Using iid samples instead.", SamplingWarning, ) sampler = IIDNormalSampler(num_samples=num_samples) else: sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples=num_samples) samples = sampler(posterior) if objective is None: objective = IdentityMCObjective() obj_vals = objective(samples, X=X) if obj_vals.ndim > 2: if obj_vals.ndim == 3 and marginalize_dim is not None: obj_vals = obj_vals.mean(dim=marginalize_dim) else: # TODO: support batched inputs (req. dealing with ragged tensors) raise UnsupportedError( "Models with multiple batch dims are currently unsupported by" " prune_inferior_points." ) is_best = torch.argmax(obj_vals, dim=-1) idcs, counts = torch.unique(is_best, return_counts=True) if len(idcs) > max_points: counts, order_idcs = torch.sort(counts, descending=True) idcs = order_idcs[:max_points] return X[idcs]
[docs]def project_to_target_fidelity( X: Tensor, target_fidelities: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None ) -> Tensor: r"""Project `X` onto the target set of fidelities. This function assumes that the set of feasible fidelities is a box, so projecting here just means setting each fidelity parameter to its target value. Args: X: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor of with `q` `d`-dim design points for each t-batch. target_fidelities: A dictionary mapping a subset of columns of `X` (the fidelity parameters) to their respective target fidelity value. If omitted, assumes that the last column of X is the fidelity parameter with a target value of 1.0. Return: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor `X_proj` with fidelity parameters projected to the provided fidelity values. """ if target_fidelities is None: target_fidelities = {-1: 1.0} d = X.size(-1) # normalize to positive indices tfs = {k if k >= 0 else d + k: v for k, v in target_fidelities.items()} ones = torch.ones(*X.shape[:-1], device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype) # here we're looping through the feature dimension of X - this could be # slow for large `d`, we should optimize this for that case X_proj = torch.stack( [X[..., i] if i not in tfs else tfs[i] * ones for i in range(d)], dim=-1 ) return X_proj
[docs]def expand_trace_observations( X: Tensor, fidelity_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None, num_trace_obs: int = 0 ) -> Tensor: r"""Expand `X` with trace observations. Expand a tensor of inputs with "trace observations" that are obtained during the evaluation of the candidate set. This is used in multi-fidelity optimization. It can be though of as augmenting the `q`-batch with additional points that are the expected trace observations. Let `f_i` be the `i`-th fidelity parameter. Then this functions assumes that for each element of the q-batch, besides the fidelity `f_i`, we will observe additonal fidelities `f_i1, ..., f_iK`, where `K = num_trace_obs`, during evaluation of the candidate set `X`. Specifically, this function assumes that `f_ij = (K-j) / (num_trace_obs + 1) * f_i` for all `i`. That is, the expansion is performed in parallel for all fidelities (it does not expand out all possible combinations). Args: X: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor of with `q` `d`-dim design points (incl. the fidelity parameters) for each t-batch. fidelity_dims: The indices of the fidelity parameters. If omitted, assumes that the last column of X contains the fidelity parameters. num_trace_obs: The number of trace observations to use. Return: A `batch_shape x (q + num_trace_obs x q) x d` Tensor `X_expanded` that expands `X` with trace observations. """ if num_trace_obs == 0: # No need to expand if we don't use trace observations return X if fidelity_dims is None: fidelity_dims = [-1] # The general strategy in the following is to expand `X` to the desired # shape, and then multiply it (point-wise) with a tensor of scaling factors reps = [1] * (X.ndim - 2) + [1 + num_trace_obs, 1] X_expanded = X.repeat(*reps) # batch_shape x (q + num_trace_obs x q) x d scale_fac = torch.ones_like(X_expanded) s_pad = 1 / (num_trace_obs + 1) # tensor of num_trace_obs scaling factors equally space between 1-s_pad and s_pad sf = torch.linspace(1 - s_pad, s_pad, num_trace_obs, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype) # repeat each element q times q = X.size(-2) sf = torch.repeat_interleave(sf, q) # num_trace_obs * q # now expand this to num_trace_obs x q x num_fidelities sf = sf.unsqueeze(-1).expand(X_expanded.size(-2) - q, len(fidelity_dims)) # change relevant entries of the scaling tensor scale_fac[..., q:, fidelity_dims] = sf return scale_fac * X_expanded
[docs]def project_to_sample_points(X: Tensor, sample_points: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Augment `X` with sample points at which to take weighted average. Args: X: A `batch_shape x 1 x d`-dim Tensor of with one d`-dim design points for each t-batch. sample_points: `p x d'`-dim Tensor (`d' < d`) of `d'`-dim sample points at which to compute the expectation. The `d'`-dims refer to the trailing columns of X. Returns: A `batch_shape x p x d` Tensor where the q-batch includes the `p` sample points. """ batch_shape = X.shape[:-2] p, d_prime = sample_points.shape X_new = X.repeat(*(1 for _ in batch_shape), p, 1) # batch_shape x p x d X_new[..., -d_prime:] = sample_points return X_new