Source code for botorch.posteriors.gpytorch
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
Posterior Module to be used with GPyTorch models.
from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import ExitStack
from typing import Optional
import torch
from botorch.exceptions.errors import BotorchTensorDimensionError
from botorch.posteriors.posterior import Posterior
from gpytorch import settings as gpt_settings
from gpytorch.distributions import MultitaskMultivariateNormal, MultivariateNormal
from gpytorch.lazy import BlockDiagLazyTensor, LazyTensor, SumLazyTensor
from torch import Tensor
[docs]class GPyTorchPosterior(Posterior):
r"""A posterior based on GPyTorch's multi-variate Normal distributions."""
def __init__(self, mvn: MultivariateNormal) -> None:
r"""A posterior based on GPyTorch's multi-variate Normal distributions.
mvn: A GPyTorch MultivariateNormal (single-output case) or
MultitaskMultivariateNormal (multi-output case).
self.mvn = mvn
self._is_mt = isinstance(mvn, MultitaskMultivariateNormal)
def base_sample_shape(self) -> torch.Size:
r"""The shape of a base sample used for constructing posterior samples."""
shape = self.mvn.batch_shape + self.mvn.base_sample_shape
if not self._is_mt:
shape += torch.Size([1])
return shape
def device(self) -> torch.device:
r"""The torch device of the posterior."""
return self.mvn.loc.device
def dtype(self) -> torch.dtype:
r"""The torch dtype of the posterior."""
return self.mvn.loc.dtype
def event_shape(self) -> torch.Size:
r"""The event shape (i.e. the shape of a single sample) of the posterior."""
shape = self.mvn.batch_shape + self.mvn.event_shape
if not self._is_mt:
shape += torch.Size([1])
return shape
[docs] def rsample(
sample_shape: Optional[torch.Size] = None,
base_samples: Optional[Tensor] = None,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Sample from the posterior (with gradients).
sample_shape: A `torch.Size` object specifying the sample shape. To
draw `n` samples, set to `torch.Size([n])`. To draw `b` batches
of `n` samples each, set to `torch.Size([b, n])`.
base_samples: An (optional) Tensor of `N(0, I)` base samples of
appropriate dimension, typically obtained from a `Sampler`.
This is used for deterministic optimization.
A `sample_shape x event_shape`-dim Tensor of samples from the posterior.
if sample_shape is None:
sample_shape = torch.Size([1])
if base_samples is not None:
if base_samples.shape[: len(sample_shape)] != sample_shape:
raise RuntimeError("sample_shape disagrees with shape of base_samples.")
# get base_samples to the correct shape
base_samples = base_samples.expand(sample_shape + self.event_shape)
# remove output dimension in single output case
if not self._is_mt:
base_samples = base_samples.squeeze(-1)
with ExitStack() as es:
if gpt_settings._fast_covar_root_decomposition.is_default():
samples = self.mvn.rsample(
sample_shape=sample_shape, base_samples=base_samples
# make sure there always is an output dimension
if not self._is_mt:
samples = samples.unsqueeze(-1)
return samples
def mean(self) -> Tensor:
r"""The posterior mean."""
mean = self.mvn.mean
if not self._is_mt:
mean = mean.unsqueeze(-1)
return mean
def variance(self) -> Tensor:
r"""The posterior variance."""
variance = self.mvn.variance
if not self._is_mt:
variance = variance.unsqueeze(-1)
return variance
[docs]def scalarize_posterior(
posterior: GPyTorchPosterior, weights: Tensor, offset: float = 0.0
) -> GPyTorchPosterior:
r"""Affine transformation of a multi-output posterior.
posterior: The posterior over `m` outcomes to be scalarized.
Supports `t`-batching.
weights: A tensor of weights of size `m`.
offset: The offset of the affine transformation.
The transformed (single-output) posterior. If the input posterior has
mean `mu` and covariance matrix `Sigma`, this posterior has mean
`weights^T * mu` and variance `weights^T Sigma w`.
Example for a model with two outcomes:
>>> X = torch.rand(1, 2)
>>> posterior = model.posterior(X)
>>> weights = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.25])
>>> new_posterior = scalarize_posterior(posterior, weights=weights)
if weights.ndim > 1:
raise BotorchTensorDimensionError("`weights` must be one-dimensional")
mean = posterior.mean
q, m = mean.shape[-2:]
batch_shape = mean.shape[:-2]
if m != weights.size(0):
raise RuntimeError("Output shape not equal to that of weights")
mvn = posterior.mvn
cov = mvn.lazy_covariance_matrix if mvn.islazy else mvn.covariance_matrix
if m == 1: # just scaling, no scalarization necessary
new_mean = offset + (weights[0] * mean).view(*batch_shape, q)
new_cov = weights[0] ** 2 * cov
new_mvn = MultivariateNormal(new_mean, new_cov)
return GPyTorchPosterior(new_mvn)
new_mean = offset + (mean @ weights).view(*batch_shape, q)
if q == 1:
new_cov = weights.unsqueeze(-2) @ (cov @ weights.unsqueeze(-1))
# we need to handle potentially different representations of the multi-task mvn
if mvn._interleaved:
w_cov = weights.repeat(q).unsqueeze(0)
sum_shape = batch_shape + torch.Size([q, m, q, m])
sum_dims = (-1, -2)
# special-case the independent setting
if isinstance(cov, BlockDiagLazyTensor):
new_cov = SumLazyTensor(
cov.base_lazy_tensor[..., i, :, :] * weights[i].pow(2)
for i in range(cov.base_lazy_tensor.size(-3))
new_mvn = MultivariateNormal(new_mean, new_cov)
return GPyTorchPosterior(new_mvn)
w_cov = torch.repeat_interleave(weights, q).unsqueeze(0)
sum_shape = batch_shape + torch.Size([m, q, m, q])
sum_dims = (-2, -3)
cov_scaled = w_cov * cov * w_cov.transpose(-1, -2)
# TODO: Do not instantiate full covariance for lazy tensors (ideally we simplify
# this in GPyTorch:
if isinstance(cov_scaled, LazyTensor):
cov_scaled = cov_scaled.evaluate()
new_cov = cov_scaled.view(sum_shape).sum(dim=sum_dims[0]).sum(dim=sum_dims[1])
new_mvn = MultivariateNormal(new_mean, new_cov)
return GPyTorchPosterior(new_mvn)