Source code for botorch.posteriors.fully_bayesian

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Optional
from warnings import warn

import torch
from botorch.posteriors.gpytorch import GPyTorchPosterior
from gpytorch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
from torch import Tensor

MCMC_DIM = -3  # Location of the MCMC batch dimension
TOL = 1e-6  # Bisection tolerance

[docs] def batched_bisect( f: Callable, target: float, bounds: Tensor, tol: float = TOL, max_steps: int = 32 ): r"""Batched bisection with a fixed number of steps. Args: f: Target function that takes a `(b1 x ... x bk)`-dim tensor and returns a `(b1 x ... x bk)`-dim tensor. target: Scalar target value of type float. bounds: Lower and upper bounds, of size `2 x b1 x ... x bk`. tol: We termniate if all elements satisfy are within `tol` of the `target`. max_steps: Maximum number of bisection steps. Returns: Tensor X of size `b1 x ... x bk` such that `f(X) = target`. """ # Make sure target is actually contained in the interval f1, f2 = f(bounds[0]), f(bounds[1]) if not ((f1 <= target) & (target <= f2)).all(): raise ValueError( "The target is not contained in the interval specified by the bounds" ) bounds = bounds.clone() # Will be modified in-place center = bounds.mean(dim=0) f_center = f(center) for _ in range(max_steps): go_left = f_center > target bounds[1, go_left] = center[go_left] bounds[0, ~go_left] = center[~go_left] center = bounds.mean(dim=0) f_center = f(center) # Check convergence if (f_center - target).abs().max() <= tol: return center return center
def _quantile(posterior: GaussianMixturePosterior, value: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Compute the posterior quantiles for the mixture of models.""" if value.numel() > 1: return torch.stack( [_quantile(posterior=posterior, value=v) for v in value], dim=0 ) if value <= 0 or value >= 1: raise ValueError("value is expected to be in the range (0, 1).") dist = torch.distributions.Normal( loc=posterior.mean, scale=posterior.variance.sqrt() ) if posterior.mean.shape[MCMC_DIM] == 1: # Analytical solution return dist.icdf(value).squeeze(MCMC_DIM) icdf_val = dist.icdf(value) low = icdf_val.min(dim=MCMC_DIM).values - TOL high = icdf_val.max(dim=MCMC_DIM).values + TOL bounds =, high.unsqueeze(0)), dim=0) return batched_bisect( f=lambda x: dist.cdf(x.unsqueeze(MCMC_DIM)).mean(dim=MCMC_DIM), target=value.item(), bounds=bounds, )
[docs] class GaussianMixturePosterior(GPyTorchPosterior): r"""A Gaussian mixture posterior. The MCMC batch dimension that corresponds to the models in the mixture is located at `MCMC_DIM` (defined at the top of this file). Note that while each MCMC sample corresponds to a Gaussian posterior, the posterior is rather a mixture of Gaussian distributions. """ def __init__(self, distribution: MultivariateNormal) -> None: r"""A posterior for a fully Bayesian model. Args: distribution: A GPyTorch MultivariateNormal (single-output case) """ super().__init__(distribution=distribution) self._mean = ( distribution.mean if self._is_mt else distribution.mean.unsqueeze(-1) ) self._variance = ( distribution.variance if self._is_mt else distribution.variance.unsqueeze(-1) ) self._covariance_matrix = distribution.lazy_covariance_matrix self._mixture_mean: Optional[Tensor] = None self._mixture_variance: Optional[Tensor] = None self._mixture_covariance_matrix: Optional[Tensor] = None @property def mixture_mean(self) -> Tensor: r"""The posterior mean for the mixture of models.""" if self._mixture_mean is None: self._mixture_mean = self._mean.mean(dim=MCMC_DIM) return self._mixture_mean @property def mixture_variance(self) -> Tensor: r"""The posterior variance for the mixture of models.""" if self._mixture_variance is None: num_mcmc_samples = self.mean.shape[MCMC_DIM] t1 = self._variance.sum(dim=MCMC_DIM) / num_mcmc_samples t2 = self._mean.pow(2).sum(dim=MCMC_DIM) / num_mcmc_samples t3 = -(self._mean.sum(dim=MCMC_DIM) / num_mcmc_samples).pow(2) self._mixture_variance = t1 + t2 + t3 return self._mixture_variance @property def mixture_covariance_matrix(self) -> Tensor: r"""The posterior covariance matrix for the mixture of models.""" if self._mixture_covariance_matrix is None: num_mcmc_samples = self.mean.shape[MCMC_DIM] t1 = self._covariance_matrix.sum(dim=MCMC_DIM) / num_mcmc_samples mean_diff = self._mean - self.mixture_mean.unsqueeze(MCMC_DIM) t2 = ( torch.matmul(mean_diff, mean_diff.transpose(-1, -2)).sum(dim=MCMC_DIM) / num_mcmc_samples ) self._mixture_covariance_matrix = t1 + t2 return self._mixture_covariance_matrix
[docs] def quantile(self, value: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Compute the posterior quantiles for the mixture of models.""" return _quantile(posterior=self, value=value)
@property def batch_range(self) -> tuple[int, int]: r"""The t-batch range. This is used in samplers to identify the t-batch component of the `base_sample_shape`. The base samples are expanded over the t-batches to provide consistency in the acquisition values, i.e., to ensure that a candidate produces same value regardless of its position on the t-batch. """ return (0, -2) if self._is_mt else (0, -1)
[docs] class FullyBayesianPosterior(GaussianMixturePosterior): """For backwards compatibility.""" def __init__(self, distribution: MultivariateNormal) -> None: """DEPRECATED.""" warn( "`FullyBayesianPosterior` is marked for deprecation, consider using " "`GaussianMixturePosterior` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) super().__init__(distribution=distribution)