Source code for botorch.models.contextual_multioutput

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.


.. [Feng2020HDCPS]
    Q. Feng, B. Latham, H. Mao and E. Backshy. High-Dimensional Contextual Policy
    Search with Unknown Context Rewards using Bayesian Optimization.
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, NeurIPS 2020.

from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import torch
from botorch.models.multitask import MultiTaskGP
from botorch.models.transforms.input import InputTransform
from botorch.models.transforms.outcome import OutcomeTransform
from botorch.utils.datasets import MultiTaskDataset, SupervisedDataset
from botorch.utils.types import _DefaultType, DEFAULT
from gpytorch.constraints import Interval
from gpytorch.kernels.rbf_kernel import RBFKernel
from gpytorch.likelihoods.likelihood import Likelihood
from gpytorch.module import Module
from linear_operator.operators import LinearOperator
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import ModuleList

[docs] class LCEMGP(MultiTaskGP): r"""The Multi-Task GP with the latent context embedding multioutput (LCE-M) kernel. See [Feng2020HDCPS]_ for a reference on the model and its use in Bayesian optimization. """ def __init__( self, train_X: Tensor, train_Y: Tensor, task_feature: int, train_Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None, mean_module: Optional[Module] = None, covar_module: Optional[Module] = None, likelihood: Optional[Likelihood] = None, context_cat_feature: Optional[Tensor] = None, context_emb_feature: Optional[Tensor] = None, embs_dim_list: Optional[list[int]] = None, output_tasks: Optional[list[int]] = None, all_tasks: Optional[list[int]] = None, outcome_transform: OutcomeTransform | _DefaultType | None = DEFAULT, input_transform: Optional[InputTransform] = None, ) -> None: r""" Args: train_X: (n x d) X training data. train_Y: (n x 1) Y training data. task_feature: Column index of train_X to get context indices. train_Yvar: An optional (n x 1) tensor of observed variances of each training Y. If None, we infer the noise. Note that the inferred noise is common across all tasks. mean_module: The mean function to be used. Defaults to `ConstantMean`. covar_module: The module for computing the covariance matrix between the non-task features. Defaults to `RBFKernel`. likelihood: A likelihood. The default is selected based on `train_Yvar`. If `train_Yvar` is None, a standard `GaussianLikelihood` with inferred noise level is used. Otherwise, a FixedNoiseGaussianLikelihood is used. context_cat_feature: (n_contexts x k) one-hot encoded context features. Rows are ordered by context indices, where k is the number of categorical variables. If None, task indices will be used and k = 1. context_emb_feature: (n_contexts x m) pre-given continuous embedding features. Rows are ordered by context indices. embs_dim_list: Embedding dimension for each categorical variable. The length equals k. If None, the embedding dimension is set to 1 for each categorical variable. output_tasks: A list of task indices for which to compute model outputs for. If omitted, return outputs for all task indices. all_tasks: By default, multi-task GPs infer the list of all tasks from the task features in `train_X`. This is an experimental feature that enables creation of multi-task GPs with tasks that don't appear in the training data. Note that when a task is not observed, the corresponding task covariance will heavily depend on random initialization and may behave unexpectedly. outcome_transform: An outcome transform that is applied to the training data during instantiation and to the posterior during inference (that is, the `Posterior` obtained by calling `.posterior` on the model will be on the original scale). We use a `Standardize` transform if no `outcome_transform` is specified. Pass down `None` to use no outcome transform. input_transform: An input transform that is applied in the model's forward pass. """ super().__init__( train_X=train_X, train_Y=train_Y, task_feature=task_feature, train_Yvar=train_Yvar, mean_module=mean_module, covar_module=covar_module, likelihood=likelihood, output_tasks=output_tasks, all_tasks=all_tasks, outcome_transform=outcome_transform, input_transform=input_transform, ) self.device = train_X.device if all_tasks is None: all_tasks_tensor = train_X[:, task_feature].unique() self.all_tasks = else: all_tasks_tensor = torch.tensor(all_tasks, dtype=torch.long) self.all_tasks = all_tasks self.all_tasks.sort() # These are the context indices. if context_cat_feature is None: context_cat_feature = all_tasks_tensor.unsqueeze(-1).to(device=self.device) self.context_cat_feature: Tensor = ( context_cat_feature # row indices = context indices ) self.context_emb_feature = context_emb_feature # construct emb_dims based on categorical features if embs_dim_list is None: # set embedding_dim = 1 for each categorical variable embs_dim_list = [1 for _i in range(context_cat_feature.size(1))] n_embs = sum(embs_dim_list) self.emb_dims = [ (len(context_cat_feature[:, i].unique()), embs_dim_list[i]) for i in range(context_cat_feature.size(1)) ] # contruct embedding layer: need to handle multiple categorical features self.emb_layers = ModuleList( [ torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=x, embedding_dim=y, max_norm=1.0) for x, y in self.emb_dims ] ) self.task_covar_module_base = RBFKernel( ard_num_dims=n_embs, lengthscale_constraint=Interval( 0.0, 2.0, transform=None, initial_value=1.0 ), ) def _eval_context_covar(self) -> LinearOperator: """Obtain the context covariance matrix, a linear operator with shape (num_contexts x num_contexts). This first generates the embedding features for all contexts, then evaluates the task covariance matrix with those embeddings to get the task covariance matrix. """ all_embs = self._task_embeddings() return self.task_covar_module_base(all_embs) def _task_embeddings(self) -> Tensor: """Generate embedding features for all contexts.""" embeddings = [ emb_layer( self.context_cat_feature[:, i].to( dtype=torch.long, device=self.device ) # pyre-ignore ) for i, emb_layer in enumerate(self.emb_layers) ] embeddings =, dim=1) # add given embeddings if any if self.context_emb_feature is not None: embeddings = [embeddings,], dim=1, # pyre-ignore ) return embeddings
[docs] def task_covar_module(self, task_idcs: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Compute the task covariance matrix for a given tensor of task / context indices. Args: task_idcs: Task index tensor of shape (n x 1) or (b x n x 1). Returns: Task covariance matrix of shape (b x n x n). """ # This is a tensor of shape (num_tasks x num_tasks). covar_matrix = self._eval_context_covar().to_dense() # Here, we index into the base covar matrix to extract # the rows & columns corresponding to the task indices. # First indexing operation picks the rows for each index in # task indices (results in b x n x num_tasks). We then transpose # to make the picked rows into columns (b x num_tasks x n), and # pick the rows again to result in the final covariance matrix. # The result is a symmetric tensor of shape (b x n x n). # An alternative implementation could pick the columns directly # by moving the transpose operation into the index of gather, # however, this does not seem to make any noticeable difference. base_idx = task_idcs.squeeze(-1) expanded_idx = task_idcs.expand( *([-1] * (task_idcs.dim() - 1)), task_idcs.shape[-2] ) return ( covar_matrix[base_idx].transpose(-1, -2).gather(index=expanded_idx, dim=-2) )
[docs] @classmethod def construct_inputs( cls, training_data: Union[SupervisedDataset, MultiTaskDataset], task_feature: int, output_tasks: Optional[list[int]] = None, context_cat_feature: Optional[Tensor] = None, context_emb_feature: Optional[Tensor] = None, embs_dim_list: Optional[list[int]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct `Model` keyword arguments from a dataset and other args. Args: training_data: A `SupervisedDataset` or a `MultiTaskDataset`. task_feature: Column index of embedded task indicator features. output_tasks: A list of task indices for which to compute model outputs for. If omitted, return outputs for all task indices. context_cat_feature: (n_contexts x k) one-hot encoded context features. Rows are ordered by context indices, where k is the number of categorical variables. If None, task indices will be used and k = 1. context_emb_feature: (n_contexts x m) pre-given continuous embedding features. Rows are ordered by context indices. embs_dim_list: Embedding dimension for each categorical variable. The length equals k. If None, the embedding dimension is set to 1 for each categorical variable. """ base_inputs = super().construct_inputs( training_data=training_data, task_feature=task_feature, output_tasks=output_tasks, **kwargs, ) if context_cat_feature is not None: base_inputs["context_cat_feature"] = context_cat_feature if context_emb_feature is not None: base_inputs["context_emb_feature"] = context_emb_feature if embs_dim_list is not None: base_inputs["embs_dim_list"] = embs_dim_list return base_inputs