#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
A wrapper around AcquisitionFunctions to fix certain features for optimization.
This is useful e.g. for performing contextual optimization.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Sequence
from numbers import Number
from typing import Optional, Union
import torch
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module
def get_dtype_of_sequence(values: Sequence[Union[Tensor, float]]) -> torch.dtype:
Return torch.float32 if everything is single-precision and torch.float64
Numbers (non-tensors) are double-precision.
def _is_single(value: Union[Tensor, float]) -> bool:
return isinstance(value, Tensor) and value.dtype == torch.float32
all_single_precision = all(_is_single(value) for value in values)
return torch.float32 if all_single_precision else torch.float64
def get_device_of_sequence(values: Sequence[Union[Tensor, float]]) -> torch.dtype:
CPU if everything is on the CPU; Cuda otherwise.
Numbers (non-tensors) are considered to be on the CPU.
def _is_cuda(value: Union[Tensor, float]) -> bool:
return hasattr(value, "device") and value.device == torch.device("cuda")
any_cuda = any(_is_cuda(value) for value in values)
return torch.device("cuda") if any_cuda else torch.device("cpu")
class FixedFeatureAcquisitionFunction(AcquisitionFunction):
"""A wrapper around AcquisitionFunctions to fix a subset of features.
>>> model = SingleTaskGP(train_X, train_Y) # d = 5
>>> qEI = qExpectedImprovement(model, best_f=0.0)
>>> columns = [2, 4]
>>> values = X[..., columns]
>>> qEI_FF = FixedFeatureAcquisitionFunction(qEI, 5, columns, values)
>>> qei = qEI_FF(test_X) # d' = 3
def __init__(
acq_function: AcquisitionFunction,
d: int,
columns: list[int],
values: Union[Tensor, Sequence[Union[Tensor, float]]],
) -> None:
r"""Derived Acquisition Function by fixing a subset of input features.
acq_function: The base acquisition function, operating on input
tensors `X_full` of feature dimension `d`.
d: The feature dimension expected by `acq_function`.
columns: `d_f < d` indices of columns in `X_full` that are to be
fixed to the provided values.
values: The values to which to fix the columns in `columns`. Either
a full `batch_shape x q x d_f` tensor of values (if values are
different for each of the `q` input points), or an array-like of
values that is broadcastable to the input across `t`-batch and
`q`-batch dimensions, e.g. a list of length `d_f` if values
are the same across all `t` and `q`-batch dimensions, or a
combination of `Tensor`s and numbers which can be broadcasted
to form a tensor with trailing dimension size of `d_f`.
self.acq_func = acq_function
self.d = d
if isinstance(values, Tensor):
new_values = values.detach().clone()
dtype = get_dtype_of_sequence(values)
device = get_device_of_sequence(values)
new_values = []
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, Number):
value = torch.tensor([value], dtype=dtype)
if value.ndim == 0: # since we can't broadcast with zero-d tensors
value = value.unsqueeze(0)
value = value.detach().clone()
new_values.append(value.to(dtype=dtype, device=device))
# There are 3 cases for when `values` is a `Sequence`.
# 1) `values` == list of floats as earlier.
# 2) `values` == combination of floats and `Tensor`s.
# 3) `values` == a list of `Tensor`s.
# For 1), the below step creates a vector of length `len(values)`
# For 2), the below step creates a `Tensor` of shape `batch_shape x q x d_f`
# with the broadcasting functionality.
# For 3), this is simply a concatenation, yielding a `Tensor` with the
# same shape as in 2).
# The key difference arises when `_construct_X_full` is invoked.
# In 1), the expansion (`self.values.expand`) will expand the `Tensor` to
# size `batch_shape x q x d_f`.
# In 2) and 3), this expansion is a no-op because they are already of the
# required size. However, 2) and 3) _cannot_ support varying `batch_shape`,
# which means that all calls to `FixedFeatureAcquisitionFunction` have
# to have the same size throughout when `values` contains a `Tensor`.
# This is consistent with the scenario when a singular `Tensor` is passed
# as the `values` argument.
new_values = torch.cat(torch.broadcast_tensors(*new_values), dim=-1)
self.register_buffer("values", new_values)
# build selector for _construct_X_full
self._selector = []
idx_X, idx_f = 0, d - new_values.shape[-1]
for i in range(self.d):
if i in columns:
idx_f += 1
idx_X += 1
def forward(self, X: Tensor):
r"""Evaluate base acquisition function under the fixed features.
X: Input tensor of feature dimension `d' < d` such that `d' + d_f = d`.
Base acquisition function evaluated on tensor `X_full` constructed
by adding `values` in the appropriate places (see
X_full = self._construct_X_full(X)
return self.acq_func(X_full)
def X_pending(self):
r"""Return the `X_pending` of the base acquisition function."""
return self.acq_func.X_pending
except (ValueError, AttributeError):
raise ValueError(
f"Base acquisition function {type(self.acq_func).__name__} "
"does not have an `X_pending` attribute."
def X_pending(self, X_pending: Optional[Tensor]):
r"""Sets the `X_pending` of the base acquisition function."""
if X_pending is not None:
self.acq_func.X_pending = self._construct_X_full(X_pending)
self.acq_func.X_pending = X_pending
def _construct_X_full(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
r"""Constructs the full input for the base acquisition function.
X: Input tensor with shape `batch_shape x q x d'` such that
`d' + d_f = d`.
Tensor `X_full` of shape `batch_shape x q x d`, where
`X_full[..., i] = values[..., i]` if `i in columns`,
and `X_full[..., i] = X[..., j]`, with
`j = i - sum_{l<=i} 1_{l in fixed_colunns}`.
d_prime, d_f = X.shape[-1], self.values.shape[-1]
if d_prime + d_f != self.d:
raise ValueError(
f"Feature dimension d' ({d_prime}) of input must be "
f"d - d_f ({self.d - d_f})."
# concatenate values to the end
values = self.values.to(X).expand(*X.shape[:-1], d_f)
X_perm = torch.cat([X, values], dim=-1)
# now select the appropriate column order
return X_perm[..., self._selector]