Source code for botorch.utils.probability.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator

from functools import lru_cache
from math import pi
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any

import torch
from botorch.utils.safe_math import logdiffexp
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss as numpy_leggauss
from torch import BoolTensor, LongTensor, Tensor

CaseNd = tuple[Callable[[], BoolTensor], Callable[[BoolTensor], Tensor]]

_log_2 = math.log(2)
_sqrt_pi = math.sqrt(pi)
_inv_sqrt_pi = 1 / _sqrt_pi
_inv_sqrt_2pi = 1 / math.sqrt(2 * pi)
_inv_sqrt_2 = 1 / math.sqrt(2)
_neg_inv_sqrt_2 = -_inv_sqrt_2
_log_sqrt_2pi = math.log(2 * pi) / 2
STANDARDIZED_RANGE: tuple[float, float] = (-1e6, 1e6)
_log_two_inv_sqrt_2pi = _log_2 - _log_sqrt_2pi  # = log(2 / sqrt(2 * pi))

[docs] def case_dispatcher( out: Tensor, cases: Iterable[CaseNd] = (), default: Callable[[BoolTensor], Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Basic implementation of a tensorized switching case statement. Args: out: Tensor to which case outcomes are written. cases: Iterable of function pairs (pred, func), where `mask=pred()` specifies whether `func` is applicable for each entry in `out`. Note that cases are resolved first-come, first-serve. default: Optional `func` to which all unclaimed entries of `out` are dispatched. """ active = None for closure, func in cases: pred = closure() if not pred.any(): continue mask = pred if (active is None) else pred & active if not mask.any(): continue if mask.all(): # where possible, use Ellipsis to avoid indexing out[...] = func(...) return out out[mask] = func(mask) if active is None: active = ~mask else: active[mask] = False if not active.any(): break if default is not None: if active is None: out[...] = default(...) elif active.any(): out[active] = default(active) return out
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_constants( values: Number | Iterator[Number], device: torch.device | None = None, dtype: torch.dtype | None = None, ) -> Tensor | tuple[Tensor, ...]: r"""Returns scalar-valued Tensors containing each of the given constants. Used to expedite tensor operations involving scalar arithmetic. Note that the returned Tensors should not be modified in-place.""" if isinstance(values, Number): return torch.full((), values, dtype=dtype, device=device) return tuple(torch.full((), val, dtype=dtype, device=device) for val in values)
[docs] def get_constants_like( values: Number | Iterator[Number], ref: Tensor, ) -> Tensor | Iterator[Tensor]: return get_constants(values, device=ref.device, dtype=ref.dtype)
[docs] def gen_positional_indices( shape: torch.Size, dim: int, device: torch.device | None = None, ) -> Iterator[torch.LongTensor]: ndim = len(shape) _dim = ndim + dim if dim < 0 else dim if _dim >= ndim or _dim < 0: raise ValueError(f"dim={dim} invalid for shape {shape}.") cumsize = shape[_dim + 1 :].numel() for i, s in enumerate(reversed(shape[: _dim + 1])): yield torch.arange(0, s * cumsize, cumsize, device=device)[(...,) + i * (None,)] cumsize *= s
[docs] def build_positional_indices( shape: torch.Size, dim: int, device: torch.device | None = None, ) -> LongTensor: return sum(gen_positional_indices(shape=shape, dim=dim, device=device))
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def leggauss(deg: int, **tkwargs: Any) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: x, w = numpy_leggauss(deg) return torch.as_tensor(x, **tkwargs), torch.as_tensor(w, **tkwargs)
[docs] def ndtr(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Standard normal CDF.""" half, neg_inv_sqrt_2 = get_constants_like((0.5, _neg_inv_sqrt_2), x) return half * torch.erfc(neg_inv_sqrt_2 * x)
[docs] def phi(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Standard normal PDF.""" inv_sqrt_2pi, neg_half = get_constants_like((_inv_sqrt_2pi, -0.5), x) return inv_sqrt_2pi * (neg_half * x.square()).exp()
[docs] def log_phi(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Logarithm of standard normal pdf""" log_sqrt_2pi, neg_half = get_constants_like((_log_sqrt_2pi, -0.5), x) return neg_half * x.square() - log_sqrt_2pi
[docs] def log_ndtr(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Implementation of log_ndtr that remedies problems of torch.special's version for large negative x, where the torch implementation yields Inf or NaN gradients. Args: x: An input tensor with dtype torch.float32 or torch.float64. Returns: A tensor of values of the same type and shape as x containing log(ndtr(x)). """ if not (x.dtype == torch.float32 or x.dtype == torch.float64): raise TypeError( f"log_Phi only supports torch.float32 and torch.float64 " f"dtypes, but received {x.dtype=}." ) neg_inv_sqrt_2, log_2 = get_constants_like((_neg_inv_sqrt_2, _log_2), x) return log_erfc(neg_inv_sqrt_2 * x) - log_2
[docs] def log_erfc(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Computes the logarithm of the complementary error function in a numerically stable manner. The GitHub issue tracks progress toward moving this feature into PyTorch in C++. Args: x: An input tensor with dtype torch.float32 or torch.float64. Returns: A tensor of values of the same type and shape as x containing log(erfc(x)). """ if not (x.dtype == torch.float32 or x.dtype == torch.float64): raise TypeError( f"log_erfc only supports torch.float32 and torch.float64 " f"dtypes, but received {x.dtype=}." ) is_pos = x > 0 x_pos = x.masked_fill(~is_pos, 0) x_neg = x.masked_fill(is_pos, 0) return torch.where( is_pos, torch.log(torch.special.erfcx(x_pos)) - x_pos.square(), torch.log(torch.special.erfc(x_neg)), )
[docs] def log_erfcx(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Computes the logarithm of the complementary scaled error function in a numerically stable manner. The GitHub issue tracks progress toward moving this feature into PyTorch in C++: Args: x: An input tensor with dtype torch.float32 or torch.float64. Returns: A tensor of values of the same type and shape as x containing log(erfcx(x)). """ is_pos = x > 0 x_pos = x.masked_fill(~is_pos, 0) x_neg = x.masked_fill(is_pos, 0) return torch.where( is_pos, torch.special.erfcx(x_pos).log(), torch.special.erfc(x_neg).log() + x.square(), )
[docs] def standard_normal_log_hazard(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Computes the logarithm of the hazard function of the standard normal distribution, i.e. `log(phi(x) / Phi(-x))`. Args: x: A tensor of any shape, with either float32 or float64 dtypes. Returns: A Tensor of the same shape `x`, containing the values of the logarithm of the hazard function evaluated at `x`. """ # NOTE: using _inv_sqrt_2 instead of _neg_inv_sqrt_2 means we are computing Phi(-x). a, b = get_constants_like((_log_two_inv_sqrt_2pi, _inv_sqrt_2), x) return a - log_erfcx(b * x)
[docs] def log_prob_normal_in(a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the probability that a standard normal random variable takes a value in \[a, b\], i.e. log(Phi(b) - Phi(a)), where Phi is the standard normal CDF. Returns accurate values and permits numerically stable backward passes for inputs in [-1e100, 1e100] for double precision and [-1e20, 1e20] for single precision. In contrast, a naive approach is not numerically accurate beyond [-10, 10]. Args: a: Tensor of lower integration bounds of the Gaussian probability measure. b: Tensor of upper integration bounds of the Gaussian probability measure. Returns: Tensor of the log probabilities. """ if not (a < b).all(): raise ValueError("Received input tensors a, b for which not all a < b.") # if abs(b) > abs(a), we use Phi(b) - Phi(a) = Phi(-a) - Phi(-b), since the # right tail converges to 0 from below, leading to digit cancellation issues, while # the left tail of log_ndtr is well behaved and results in large negative numbers rev_cond = b.abs() > a.abs() # condition for reversal of inputs if rev_cond.any(): c = torch.where(rev_cond, -b, a) b = torch.where(rev_cond, -a, b) a = c # after we updated b, can assign c to a return logdiffexp(log_a=log_ndtr(a), log_b=log_ndtr(b))
[docs] def swap_along_dim_( values: Tensor, i: int | LongTensor, j: int | LongTensor, dim: int, buffer: Tensor | None = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Swaps Tensor slices in-place along dimension `dim`. When passed as Tensors, `i` (and `j`) should be `dim`-dimensional tensors with the same shape as `values.shape[:dim]`. The xception to this rule occurs when `dim=0`, in which case `i` (and `j`) should be (at most) one-dimensional when passed as a Tensor. Args: values: Tensor whose values are to be swapped. i: Indices for slices along dimension `dim`. j: Indices for slices along dimension `dim`. dim: The dimension of `values` along which to swap slices. buffer: Optional buffer used internally to store copied values. Returns: The original `values` tensor. """ dim = values.ndim + dim if dim < 0 else dim if dim and ( (isinstance(i, Tensor) and i.ndim) or (isinstance(j, Tensor) and j.ndim) ): # Handle n-dimensional batches of heterogeneous swaps via linear indexing if isinstance(i, Tensor) and i.shape != values.shape[:dim]: raise ValueError("Batch shapes of `i` and `values` do not match.") if isinstance(j, Tensor) and j.shape != values.shape[:dim]: raise ValueError("Batch shapes of `j` and `values` do not match.") pidx = build_positional_indices( shape=values.shape[: dim + 1], dim=-2, device=values.device ) swap_along_dim_( values.view(-1, *values.shape[dim + 1 :]), i=(pidx + i).view(-1), j=(pidx + j).view(-1), dim=0, buffer=buffer, ) else: # Base cases: homogeneous swaps and 1-dimenensional heterogeneous swaps if isinstance(i, Tensor) and i.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Tensor `i` must be at most 1-dimensional when `dim=0`.") if isinstance(j, Tensor) and j.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("Tensor `j` must be at most 1-dimensional when `dim=0`.") if dim: ctx = tuple(slice(None) for _ in range(dim)) i = ctx + (i,) j = ctx + (j,) if buffer is None: buffer = values[i].clone() else: buffer.copy_(values[i]) values[i] = values[j] values[j] = buffer return values
[docs] def compute_log_prob_feas_from_bounds( con_lower_inds: Tensor, con_upper_inds: Tensor, con_both_inds: Tensor, con_lower: Tensor, con_upper: Tensor, con_both: Tensor, means: Tensor, sigmas: Tensor, ) -> Tensor: r"""Compute logarithm of the feasibility probability for each batch of mean/sigma. Args: means: A `(b) x m`-dim Tensor of means. sigmas: A `(b) x m`-dim Tensor of standard deviations. con_lower_inds: 1d Tensor of indices con_lower applies to in the second dimension of means and sigmas. con_upper_inds: 1d Tensor of indices con_upper applies to in the second dimension of means and sigmas. con_both_inds: 1d Tensor of indices con_both applies to in the second dimension of means and sigmas. con_lower: 1d Tensor of lower bounds on the constraints equal in dimension to con_lower_inds. con_upper: 1d Tensor of upper bounds on the constraints equal in dimension to con_upper_inds. con_both: 2d Tensor of "both" bounds on the constraints equal in length to con_both_inds. Returns: A `b`-dim tensor of log feasibility probabilities """ log_prob = torch.zeros_like(means[..., 0]) if len(con_lower_inds) > 0: i = con_lower_inds dist_l = (con_lower - means[..., i]) / sigmas[..., i] log_prob = log_prob + log_ndtr(-dist_l).sum(dim=-1) # 1 - Phi(x) = Phi(-x) if len(con_upper_inds) > 0: i = con_upper_inds dist_u = (con_upper - means[..., i]) / sigmas[..., i] log_prob = log_prob + log_ndtr(dist_u).sum(dim=-1) if len(con_both_inds) > 0: i = con_both_inds con_lower, con_upper = con_both[:, 0], con_both[:, 1] # scaled distance to lower and upper constraint boundary: dist_l = (con_lower - means[..., i]) / sigmas[..., i] dist_u = (con_upper - means[..., i]) / sigmas[..., i] log_prob = log_prob + log_prob_normal_in(a=dist_l, b=dist_u).sum(dim=-1) return log_prob
[docs] def percentile_of_score(data: Tensor, score: Tensor, dim: int = -1) -> Tensor: """Compute the percentile rank of `score` relative to `data`. For example, if this function returns 70 then 70% of the values in `data` are below `score`. This implementation is based on `scipy.stats.percentileofscore`, with `kind='rank'` and `nan_policy='propagate'`, which is the default. Args: data: A `... x n x output_shape`-dim Tensor of data. score: A `... x 1 x output_shape`-dim Tensor of scores. Returns: A `... x output_shape`-dim Tensor of percentile ranks. """ # based on scipy.stats.percentileofscore left = torch.count_nonzero(data < score, dim=dim) right = torch.count_nonzero(data <= score, dim=dim) plus1 = left < right perct = (left + right + plus1) * (50.0 / data.shape[dim]) # perct shape: `... x output_shape` # fill in nans due to current trial progression being nan nan_mask = torch.broadcast_to(torch.isnan(score.squeeze(dim)), perct.shape) perct[nan_mask] = torch.nan # fill in nans due to previous trial progressions being nan nan_mask = torch.broadcast_to(torch.any(torch.isnan(data), dim=dim), perct.shape) perct[nan_mask] = torch.nan return perct