Source code for botorch.utils.probability.unified_skew_normal

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence

from inspect import getmembers

import torch
from botorch.utils.probability.linalg import augment_cholesky, block_matrix_concat
from botorch.utils.probability.mvnxpb import MVNXPB
from botorch.utils.probability.truncated_multivariate_normal import (
from linear_operator.operators import LinearOperator
from linear_operator.utils.errors import NotPSDError
from torch import Tensor
from torch.distributions.multivariate_normal import Distribution, MultivariateNormal
from torch.distributions.utils import lazy_property
from torch.nn.functional import pad

[docs] class UnifiedSkewNormal(Distribution): arg_constraints = {} def __init__( self, trunc: TruncatedMultivariateNormal, gauss: MultivariateNormal, cross_covariance_matrix: Tensor | LinearOperator, validate_args: bool | None = None, ): r"""Unified Skew Normal distribution of `Y | a < X < b` for jointly Gaussian random vectors `X ∈ R^m` and `Y ∈ R^n`. Batch shapes `trunc.batch_shape` and `gauss.batch_shape` must be broadcastable. Care should be taken when choosing `trunc.batch_shape`. When `trunc` is of lower batch dimensionality than `gauss`, the user should consider expanding `trunc` to hasten `UnifiedSkewNormal.log_prob`. In these cases, it is suggested that the user invoke `trunc.solver` before calling `trunc.expand` to avoid paying for multiple, identical solves. Args: trunc: Distribution of `Z = (X | a < X < b) ∈ R^m`. gauss: Distribution of `Y ∈ R^n`. cross_covariance_matrix: Cross-covariance `Cov(X, Y) ∈ R^{m x n}`. validate_args: Optional argument to super().__init__. """ if len(trunc.event_shape) != len(gauss.event_shape): raise ValueError( f"{len(trunc.event_shape)}-dimensional `trunc` incompatible with" f"{len(gauss.event_shape)}-dimensional `gauss`." ) # LinearOperator currently doesn't support torch.linalg.solve_triangular, # so for the time being, we cast the operator to dense here if isinstance(cross_covariance_matrix, LinearOperator): cross_covariance_matrix = cross_covariance_matrix.to_dense() try: batch_shape = torch.broadcast_shapes(trunc.batch_shape, gauss.batch_shape) except RuntimeError as e: raise ValueError("Incompatible batch shapes") from e super().__init__( batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=gauss.event_shape, validate_args=validate_args, ) self.trunc = trunc self.gauss = gauss self.cross_covariance_matrix = cross_covariance_matrix if self._validate_args: try: # calling _orthogonalized_gauss first makes the following call # _orthogonalized_gauss.scale_tril which is used by self.rsample self._orthogonalized_gauss self.scale_tril except Exception as e: # error could be thrown by linalg.augment_cholesky (NotPSDError) # or torch.linalg.cholesky (with "positive-definite" in the message) if ( isinstance(e, NotPSDError) or "positive-definite" in str(e) or "PositiveDefinite" in str(e) ): e = ValueError( "UnifiedSkewNormal is only well-defined for positive definite" " joint covariance matrices." ) raise e
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the log probability `ln p(Y = value | a < X < b)`.""" event_ndim = len(self.event_shape) if value.ndim < event_ndim or value.shape[-event_ndim:] != self.event_shape: raise ValueError( f"`value` with shape {value.shape} does not comply with the instance's" f"`event_shape` of {self.event_shape}." ) # Iterate with a fixed batch size to keep memory overhead in check i = 0 pre_shape = value.shape[: -len(self.event_shape) - len(self.batch_shape)] batch_size = self.batch_shape.numel() log_probs = torch.empty( pre_shape.numel() * batch_size, device=value.device, dtype=value.dtype ) for batch in value.view(-1, *value.shape[len(pre_shape) :]): log_probs[i : i + batch_size] = self._log_prob(batch).view(-1) i += batch_size return log_probs.view(pre_shape + self.batch_shape)
def _log_prob(self, value: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Computes the log probability `ln p(Y = value | a < X < b)`.""" # Center by subtracting E[X | Y = value] from `bounds`. bounds = ( self.trunc.bounds - self.trunc.loc.unsqueeze(-1) - self._iKyy_Kyx.transpose(-2, -1) @ (value - self.gauss.loc).unsqueeze(-1) ) # Approximately solve for MVN CDF solver = MVNXPB(covariance_matrix=self._K_schur_Kyy, bounds=bounds) # p(Y = value | a < X < b) = P(a < X < b | Y = value)p(Y = value)/P(a < X < b) return solver.solve() + self.gauss.log_prob(value) - self.trunc.log_partition
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size()) -> Tensor: # noqa: B008 r"""Draw samples from the Unified Skew Normal. Args: sample_shape: The shape of the samples. Returns: The (sample_shape x batch_shape x event_shape) tensor of samples. """ residuals = self._orthogonalized_gauss.rsample(sample_shape=sample_shape) trunc_rvs = self.trunc.rsample(sample_shape=sample_shape) - self.trunc.loc cond_expectations = self.gauss.loc + trunc_rvs @ self._iKxx_Kxy return cond_expectations + residuals
[docs] def expand( self, batch_shape: Sequence[int], _instance: UnifiedSkewNormal = None ) -> UnifiedSkewNormal: new = self._get_checked_instance(UnifiedSkewNormal, _instance) super(UnifiedSkewNormal, new).__init__( batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self._validate_args new.gauss = self.gauss.expand(batch_shape=batch_shape) new.trunc = self.trunc.expand(batch_shape=batch_shape) new.cross_covariance_matrix = self.cross_covariance_matrix.expand( batch_shape + self.cross_covariance_matrix.shape[-2:] ) # Expand cached properties for name, _ in getmembers( UnifiedSkewNormal, lambda x: isinstance(x, lazy_property) ): if name not in self.__dict__: continue obj = getattr(self, name) if isinstance(obj, Tensor): base = obj if (obj._base is None) else obj._base new_obj = obj.expand(batch_shape + base.shape) elif isinstance(obj, Distribution): new_obj = obj.expand(batch_shape=batch_shape) else: raise TypeError( f"Type {type(obj)} of UnifiedSkewNormal's lazy property " f"{name} not supported." ) setattr(new, name, new_obj) return new
def __repr__(self) -> str: args_string = ", ".join( ( f"trunc: {self.trunc}", f"gauss: {self.gauss}", f"cross_covariance_matrix: {self.cross_covariance_matrix.shape}", ) ) return self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + args_string + ")" @lazy_property def covariance_matrix(self) -> Tensor: Kxx = self.trunc.covariance_matrix Kxy = self.cross_covariance_matrix Kyy = self.gauss.covariance_matrix return block_matrix_concat(blocks=([Kxx, Kxy], [Kxy.transpose(-2, -1), Kyy])) @lazy_property def scale_tril(self) -> Tensor: Lxx = self.trunc.scale_tril Lyx = self._iLxx_Kxy.transpose(-2, -1) if "_orthogonalized_gauss" in self.__dict__: n = Lyx.shape[-2] Lyy = self._orthogonalized_gauss.scale_tril return block_matrix_concat(blocks=([pad(Lxx, (0, n))], [Lyx, Lyy])) return augment_cholesky(Laa=Lxx, Lba=Lyx, Kbb=self.gauss.covariance_matrix) @lazy_property def _orthogonalized_gauss(self) -> MultivariateNormal: r"""Distribution of `Y ⊥ X = Y - E[Y | X]`, where `Y ~ gauss` and `X ~ untrunc` is the untruncated version of `Z ~ trunc`.""" n = self.gauss.loc.shape[-1] parameters = {"loc": torch.zeros_like(self.gauss.loc)} if "scale_tril" in self.__dict__: parameters["scale_tril"] = self.scale_tril[..., -n:, -n:] else: beta = self._iLxx_Kxy parameters["covariance_matrix"] = ( self.gauss.covariance_matrix - beta.transpose(-1, -2) @ beta ) return MultivariateNormal(**parameters, validate_args=self._validate_args) @lazy_property def _iLyy_Kyx(self) -> Tensor: r"""Cov(Y, Y)^{-1/2}Cov(Y, X)`.""" return torch.linalg.solve_triangular( self.gauss.scale_tril, self.cross_covariance_matrix.transpose(-1, -2), upper=False, ) @lazy_property def _iKyy_Kyx(self) -> Tensor: r"""Cov(Y, Y)^{-1}Cov(Y, X)`.""" return torch.linalg.solve_triangular( self.gauss.scale_tril.transpose(-1, -2), self._iLyy_Kyx, upper=True, ) @lazy_property def _iLxx_Kxy(self) -> Tensor: r"""Cov(X, X)^{-1/2}Cov(X, Y)`.""" return torch.linalg.solve_triangular( self.trunc.scale_tril, self.cross_covariance_matrix, upper=False ) @lazy_property def _iKxx_Kxy(self) -> Tensor: r"""Cov(X, X)^{-1}Cov(X, Y)`.""" return torch.linalg.solve_triangular( self.trunc.scale_tril.transpose(-1, -2), self._iLxx_Kxy, upper=True, ) @lazy_property def _K_schur_Kyy(self) -> Tensor: r"""Cov(X, X) - Cov(X, Y)Cov(Y, Y)^{-1} Cov(Y, X)`.""" beta = self._iLyy_Kyx return self.trunc.covariance_matrix - beta.transpose(-1, -2) @ beta