Source code for botorch.utils.probability.lin_ess

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

r"""Linear Elliptical Slice Sampler.


.. [Gessner2020]
    A. Gessner, O. Kanjilal, and P. Hennig. Integrals over gaussians under
    linear domain constraints. AISTATS 2020.

.. [Wu2024]
    K. Wu, and J. Gardner. A Fast, Robust Elliptical Slice Sampling Implementation for
    Linearly Truncated Multivariate Normal Distributions. arXiv:2407.10449. 2024.

This implementation is based (with multiple changes / optimiations) on
the following implementations based on the algorithm in [Gessner2020]_:

In addition, the active intervals (from which the angle is sampled) are computed using
the improved algorithm described in [Wu2024]_:

The implementation here differentiates itself from the original implementations with:
1) Support for fixed feature equality constraints.
2) Support for non-standard Normal distributions.
3) Numerical stability improvements, especially relevant for high-dimensional cases.
4) Support multiple Markov chains running in parallel.

from __future__ import annotations

import math

import torch
from botorch.utils.sampling import PolytopeSampler
from linear_operator.operators import DiagLinearOperator, LinearOperator
from torch import Tensor

_twopi = 2.0 * math.pi

[docs] class LinearEllipticalSliceSampler(PolytopeSampler): r"""Linear Elliptical Slice Sampler. Ideas: - Optimize computations if possible, potentially with torch.compile. - Extend fixed features constraint to general linear equality constraints. """ def __init__( self, inequality_constraints: tuple[Tensor, Tensor] | None = None, bounds: Tensor | None = None, interior_point: Tensor | None = None, fixed_indices: list[int] | Tensor | None = None, mean: Tensor | None = None, covariance_matrix: Tensor | LinearOperator | None = None, covariance_root: Tensor | LinearOperator | None = None, check_feasibility: bool = False, burnin: int = 0, thinning: int = 0, num_chains: int = 1, ) -> None: r"""Initialize LinearEllipticalSliceSampler. Args: inequality_constraints: Tensors `(A, b)` describing inequality constraints `A @ x <= b`, where `A` is an `n_ineq_con x d`-dim Tensor and `b` is an `n_ineq_con x 1`-dim Tensor, with `n_ineq_con` the number of inequalities and `d` the dimension of the sample space. If omitted, must provide `bounds` instead. bounds: A `2 x d`-dim tensor of box bounds. If omitted, must provide `inequality_constraints` instead. interior_point: A `d x 1`-dim Tensor presenting a point in the (relative) interior of the polytope. If omitted, an interior point is determined automatically by solving a Linear Program. Note: It is crucial that the point lie in the interior of the feasible set (rather than on the boundary), otherwise the sampler will produce invalid samples. fixed_indices: Integer list or `d`-dim Tensor representing the indices of dimensions that are constrained to be fixed to the values specified in the `interior_point`, which is required to be passed in conjunction with `fixed_indices`. mean: The `d x 1`-dim mean of the MVN distribution (if omitted, use zero). covariance_matrix: The `d x d`-dim covariance matrix of the MVN distribution (if omitted, use the identity). covariance_root: A `d x d`-dim root of the covariance matrix such that covariance_root @ covariance_root.T = covariance_matrix. NOTE: This matrix is assumed to be lower triangular. covariance_root can only be passed in conjunction with fixed_indices if covariance_root is a DiagLinearOperator. Otherwise the factorization would need to be re- computed, as we need to solve in `standardize`. check_feasibility: If True, raise an error if the sampling results in an infeasible sample. This creates some overhead and so is switched off by default. burnin: Number of samples to generate upon initialization to warm up the sampler. thinning: Number of samples to skip before returning a sample in `draw`. num_chains: Number of Markov chains to run in parallel. This sampler samples from a multivariante Normal `N(mean, covariance_matrix)` subject to linear domain constraints `A x <= b` (intersected with box bounds, if provided). """ if interior_point is not None and interior_point.ndim == 1: interior_point = interior_point.unsqueeze(-1) if mean is not None and mean.ndim == 1: mean = mean.unsqueeze(-1) super().__init__( inequality_constraints=inequality_constraints, # TODO: Support equality constraints? interior_point=interior_point, bounds=bounds, ) tkwargs = {"device": self.x0.device, "dtype": self.x0.dtype} if covariance_matrix is not None and covariance_root is not None: raise ValueError( "Provide either covariance_matrix or covariance_root, not both." ) # can't unpack inequality constraints directly if bounds are passed A, b = self.A, self.b self._Az, self._bz = A, b self._is_fixed, self._not_fixed = None, None if fixed_indices is not None: mean, covariance_matrix, covariance_root = ( self._fixed_features_initialization( A=A, b=b, interior_point=interior_point, fixed_indices=fixed_indices, mean=mean, covariance_matrix=covariance_matrix, covariance_root=covariance_root, ) ) self._mean = mean # Have to delay factorization until after fixed features initialization. if covariance_matrix is not None: # implies root is None covariance_root, info = torch.linalg.cholesky_ex(covariance_matrix) not_psd = torch.any(info) if not_psd: raise ValueError( "Covariance matrix is not positive definite. " "Currently only non-degenerate distributions are supported." ) self._covariance_root = covariance_root # Rewrite the constraints as a system that constrains a standard Normal. self._standardization_initialization() # state of the sampler ("current point") self._x = self.x0.clone() self._z = self._transform(self._x) # Expand the shape to (d, num_chains) for running parallel Markov chains. if num_chains > 1: self._z = self._z.expand(-1, num_chains).clone() # We will need the following repeatedly, let's allocate them once self.zeros = torch.zeros((num_chains, 1), **tkwargs) self.ones = torch.ones((num_chains, 1), **tkwargs) self.indices_batch = torch.arange( num_chains, dtype=torch.int64, device=tkwargs["device"] ) self.check_feasibility = check_feasibility self._lifetime_samples = 0 if burnin > 0: self.thinning = 0 self.draw(burnin) self.thinning = thinning def _fixed_features_initialization( self, A: Tensor, b: Tensor, interior_point: Tensor | None, fixed_indices: list[int] | Tensor, mean: Tensor | None, covariance_matrix: Tensor | None, covariance_root: Tensor | None, ) -> tuple[Tensor | None, Tensor | None]: """Modifies the constraint system (A, b) due to fixed indices and assigns the modified constraints system to `self._Az`, `self._bz`. NOTE: Needs to be called prior to `self._standardization_initialization` in the constructor. covariance_root and fixed_indices can both not be None only if covariance_root is a DiagLinearOperator. Otherwise, the covariance matrix would need to be refactorized. Returns: Tuple of `mean` and `covariance_matrix` tensors of the non-fixed dimensions. """ if interior_point is None: raise ValueError( "If `fixed_indices` are provided, an interior point must also be " "provided in order to infer feasible values of the fixed features." ) root_is_diag = isinstance(covariance_root, DiagLinearOperator) if covariance_root is not None and not root_is_diag: root_is_diag = (covariance_root.diag().diag() == covariance_root).all() if root_is_diag: # convert the diagonal root to a DiagLinearOperator covariance_root = DiagLinearOperator(covariance_root.diagonal()) else: # otherwise, fail raise ValueError( "Provide either covariance_root or fixed_indices, not both." ) d = interior_point.shape[0] is_fixed, not_fixed = get_index_tensors(fixed_indices=fixed_indices, d=d) self._is_fixed = is_fixed self._not_fixed = not_fixed # Transforming constraint system to incorporate fixed features: # A @ x - b = (A[:, fixed] @ x[fixed] + A[:, not fixed] @ x[not fixed]) - b # = A[:, not fixed] @ x[not fixed] - (b - A[:, fixed] @ x[fixed]) # = Az @ z - bz self._Az = A[:, not_fixed] self._bz = b - A[:, is_fixed] @ interior_point[is_fixed] if mean is not None: mean = mean[not_fixed] if covariance_matrix is not None: # subselect active dimensions covariance_matrix = covariance_matrix[ not_fixed.unsqueeze(-1), not_fixed.unsqueeze(0) ] if root_is_diag: # in the special case of diagonal root, can subselect covariance_root = DiagLinearOperator(covariance_root.diagonal()[not_fixed]) return mean, covariance_matrix, covariance_root def _standardization_initialization(self) -> None: """For non-standard mean and covariance, we're going to rewrite the problem as sampling from a standard normal distribution subject to modified constraints. A @ x - b = A @ (covar_root @ z + mean) - b = (A @ covar_root) @ z - (b - A @ mean) = _Az @ z - _bz NOTE: We need to standardize bz before Az in the following, because it relies on the untransformed Az. We can't simply use A instead because Az might have been subject to the fixed features transformation. """ if self._mean is not None: self._bz = self._bz - self._Az @ self._mean if self._covariance_root is not None: self._Az = self._Az @ self._covariance_root @property def lifetime_samples(self) -> int: """The total number of samples generated by the sampler during its lifetime.""" return self._lifetime_samples
[docs] def draw(self, n: int = 1) -> Tensor: r"""Draw samples. Args: n: The number of samples. Returns: A `(n * num_chains) x d`-dim tensor of `n * num_chains` samples. """ samples = [] for _ in range(n): for _ in range(self.thinning): self.step() samples.append(self.step()) return, dim=-1).transpose(-1, -2)
[docs] def step(self) -> Tensor: r"""Take a step, return the new sample, update the internal state. Returns: A `d x num_chains`-dim tensor, where each column is a sample from a Markov chain. """ nu = torch.randn_like(self._z) theta = self._draw_angle(nu=nu) self._z = z = self._get_cart_coords(nu=nu, theta=theta) self._x = x = self._untransform(z) self._lifetime_samples += 1 if self.check_feasibility and (not self._is_feasible(self._x).all()): Axmb = self.A @ self._x - self.b violated_indices = Axmb > 0 raise RuntimeError( "Sampling resulted in infeasible point. \n\t- Number " f"of violated constraints: {violated_indices.sum()}." f"\n\t- Magnitude of violations: {Axmb[violated_indices]}" "\n\t- If the error persists, please report this bug on GitHub." ) return x
def _draw_angle(self, nu: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Draw the rotation angle. Args: nu: A `d x num_chains`-dim tensor (the "new" direction, drawn from N(0, I)). Returns: A `num_chains`-dim Tensor containing the rotation angle (radians). """ left, right = self._find_active_intersection_angles(nu) left, right = self._trim_intervals(left, right) # If left[i, j] <= right[i, j], then [left[i, j], right[i, j]] is an active # interval. On the other hand, if left[i, j] > right[i, j], then they are both # dummy variables and should be discarded. Thus, we clamp their difference so # that they do not contribute to the cumulative length. csum = right.sub(left).clamp(min=0.0).cumsum(dim=-1) u = csum[:, -1] * torch.rand( right.size(-2), dtype=right.dtype, device=right.device ) # The returned index i satisfies csum[i - 1] < u <= csum[i] idx = torch.searchsorted(csum, u.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # Do a zero padding so that padded_csum[i] = csum[i - 1] padded_csum =[self.zeros, csum], dim=-1) return u - padded_csum[self.indices_batch, idx] + left[self.indices_batch, idx] def _get_cart_coords(self, nu: Tensor, theta: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Determine location on the ellipse in Cartesian coordinates. Args: nu: A `d x num_chains`-dim tensor (the "new" direction, drawn from N(0, I)). theta: A `num_chains`-dim tensor of angles. Returns: A `d x num_chains`-dim tensor of samples from the domain in Cartesian coordinates. """ return self._z * torch.cos(theta) + nu * torch.sin(theta) def _trim_intervals(self, left: Tensor, right: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Trim the intervals by a small positive constant. This encourages the Markov chain to stay in the interior of the domain. """ gap = torch.clamp(right - left, min=0.0) eps = gap.mul(0.25).clamp(max=1e-6 if gap.dtype == torch.float32 else 1e-12) return left + eps, right - eps def _find_active_intersection_angles(self, nu: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Construct the active intersection angles. Args: nu: A `d x num_chains`-dim tensor (the "new" direction, drawn from N(0, I)). Returns: A tuple (left, right) of two tensors of size `num_chains x m` representing the active intersection angles. For the i-th Markov chain and the j-th constraint, a pair of angles left[i, j] and right[i, j] is active if and only if left[i, j] <= right[i, j]. If left[i, j] > right[i, j], they are inactive and should be ignored. """ alpha, beta = self._find_intersection_angles(nu) # It's easier to put `num_chains` as the first dimension, # because `torch.searchsorted` only supports searching in the last dimension alpha, beta = alpha.T, beta.T srted, indices = torch.sort(alpha, descending=False) cummax = beta[self.indices_batch.unsqueeze(-1), indices].cummax(dim=-1).values srted =[srted, self.ones * 2 * math.pi], dim=-1) cummax =[self.zeros, cummax], dim=-1) return cummax, srted def _find_intersection_angles(self, nu: Tensor) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Compute all 2 * m intersections of the ellipse and the domain, where `m = n_ineq_con` is the number of inequality constraints defining the domain. If the i-th linear inequality constraint has no intersection with the ellipse, we will create two dummy intersection angles alpha_i = beta_i = 0. Args: nu: A `d x num_chains`-dim tensor (the "new" direction, drawn from N(0, I)). Returns: A tuple of two tensors with the same size `m x num_chains`. The first tensor represents the smaller intersection angles. The second tensor represents the larger intersection angles. """ p = self._Az @ self._z q = self._Az @ nu radius = torch.sqrt(p**2 + q**2) ratio = self._bz / radius has_solution = ratio < 1.0 arccos = torch.arccos(ratio) arccos[~has_solution] = 0.0 arctan = torch.arctan2(q, p) theta1 = arctan + arccos theta2 = arctan - arccos # translate every angle to [0, 2 * pi] theta1 = theta1 + * _twopi theta2 = theta2 + * _twopi alpha = torch.minimum(theta1, theta2) beta = torch.maximum(theta1, theta2) return alpha, beta def _is_feasible(self, points: Tensor, transformed: bool = False) -> Tensor: r"""Returns a Boolean tensor indicating whether the `points` are feasible, i.e. they satisfy `A @ points <= b`, where `(A, b)` are the tensors passed as the `inequality_constraints` to the constructor of the sampler. Args: points: A `d x M`-dim tensor of points. transformed: Wether points are assumed to be transformed by a change of basis, which means feasibility should be computed based on the transformed constraint system (_Az, _bz), instead of (A, b). Returns: An `M`-dim binary tensor where `True` indicates that the associated point is feasible. """ A, b = (self._Az, self._bz) if transformed else (self.A, self.b) return (A @ points <= b).all(dim=0) def _transform(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Transforms the input so that it is equivalent to a standard Normal variable constrained with the modified system constraints (self._Az, self._bz). Args: x: The input tensor to be transformed, usually `d x 1`-dimensional. Returns: A `d x 1`-dimensional tensor of transformed values subject to the modified system of constraints. """ if self._not_fixed is not None: x = x[self._not_fixed] return self._standardize(x) def _untransform(self, z: Tensor) -> Tensor: """The inverse transform of the `_transform`, i.e. maps `z` back to the original space where it is subject to the original constraint system (self.A, self.b). Args: z: The transformed tensor to be un-transformed, usually `d x 1`-dimensional. Returns: A `d x 1`-dimensional tensor of un-transformed values subject to the original system of constraints. """ if self._is_fixed is None: return self._unstandardize(z) else: x = self._x.clone() # _x already contains the fixed values x[self._not_fixed] = self._unstandardize(z) return x def _standardize(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """_transform helper standardizing the input `x`, which is assumed to be a `d x 1`-dim Tensor, or a `len(self._not_fixed) x 1`-dim if there are fixed indices. """ z = x if self._mean is not None: z = z - self._mean root = self._covariance_root if root is not None: z = torch.linalg.solve_triangular(root, z, upper=False) return z def _unstandardize(self, z: Tensor) -> Tensor: """_untransform helper un-standardizing the input `z`, which is assumed to be a `d x 1`-dim Tensor, or a `len(self._not_fixed) x 1`-dim if there are fixed indices. """ x = z if self._covariance_root is not None: x = self._covariance_root @ x if self._mean is not None: x = x + self._mean return x
[docs] def get_index_tensors( fixed_indices: list[int] | Tensor, d: int ) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Converts `fixed_indices` to a `d`-dim integral Tensor that is True at indices that are contained in `fixed_indices` and False otherwise. Args: fixed_indices: A list or Tensoro of integer indices to fix. d: The dimensionality of the Tensors to be indexed. Returns: A Tuple of integral Tensors partitioning [1, d] into indices that are fixed (first tensor) and non-fixed (second tensor). """ is_fixed = torch.as_tensor(fixed_indices) dtype, device = is_fixed.dtype, is_fixed.device dims = torch.arange(d, dtype=dtype, device=device) not_fixed = torch.tensor([i for i in dims if i not in is_fixed], dtype=dtype) return is_fixed, not_fixed