Source code for botorch.utils.containers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

r"""Representations for different kinds of data."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from typing import Any

import torch

from torch import device as Device, dtype as Dtype, LongTensor, Size, Tensor

[docs] class BotorchContainer(ABC): r"""Abstract base class for BoTorch's data containers. A BotorchContainer represents a tensor, which should be the sole object returned by its `__call__` method. Said tensor is expected to consist of one or more "events" (e.g. data points or feature vectors), whose shape is given by the required `event_shape` field. Notice: Once version 3.10 becomes standard, this class should be reworked to take advantage of dataclasses' `kw_only` flag. """ event_shape: Size def __post_init__(self, validate_init: bool = True) -> None: if validate_init: self._validate() @abstractmethod def __call__(self) -> Tensor: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def shape(self) -> Size: raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def device(self) -> Device: raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def dtype(self) -> Dtype: raise NotImplementedError def _validate(self) -> None: for field in fields(self): if == "event_shape": return raise AttributeError("Missing required field `event_shape`.")
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class DenseContainer(BotorchContainer): r"""Basic representation of data stored as a dense Tensor.""" values: Tensor event_shape: Size def __call__(self) -> Tensor: """Returns a dense tensor representation of the container's contents.""" return self.values def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( type(other) is type(self) and self.shape == other.shape and self.values.equal(other.values) ) @property def shape(self) -> Size: return self.values.shape @property def device(self) -> Device: return self.values.device @property def dtype(self) -> Dtype: return self.values.dtype def _validate(self) -> None: super()._validate() for a, b in zip(reversed(self.event_shape), reversed(self.values.shape)): if a != b: raise ValueError( f"Shape of `values` {self.values.shape} incompatible with " f"`event shape` {self.event_shape}." )
[docs] def clone(self) -> DenseContainer: return dataclasses.replace(self)
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class SliceContainer(BotorchContainer): r"""Represent data points formed by concatenating (n-1)-dimensional slices taken from the leading dimension of an n-dimensional source tensor.""" values: Tensor indices: LongTensor event_shape: Size def __call__(self) -> Tensor: flat = self.values.index_select(dim=0, index=self.indices.view(-1)) return flat.view(*self.indices.shape[:-1], -1, *self.values.shape[2:]) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( type(other) is type(self) and self.values.equal(other.values) and self.indices.equal(other.indices) ) @property def shape(self) -> Size: return self.indices.shape[:-1] + self.event_shape @property def device(self) -> Device: return self.values.device @property def dtype(self) -> Dtype: return self.values.dtype def _validate(self) -> None: super()._validate() values = self.values indices = self.indices assert indices.ndim > 1 assert (-1 < indices.min()) & (indices.max() < len(values)) event_shape = self.event_shape _event_shape = (indices.shape[-1] * values.shape[1],) + values.shape[2:] if event_shape != _event_shape: raise ValueError( f"Shapes of `values` {values.shape} and `indices` " f"{indices.shape} incompatible with `event_shape` {event_shape}." )
[docs] def clone(self) -> SliceContainer: return type(self)( values=self.values.clone(), indices=self.indices.clone(), event_shape=torch.Size(self.event_shape), )