#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
r"""Assorted helper methods and objects for working with BoTorch models."""
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from collections.abc import Iterator
from contextlib import contextmanager, ExitStack
import torch
from botorch import settings
from botorch.exceptions import InputDataError, InputDataWarning
from botorch.settings import _Flag
from gpytorch import settings as gpt_settings
from gpytorch.module import Module
from torch import Tensor
def _make_X_full(X: Tensor, output_indices: list[int], tf: int) -> Tensor:
r"""Helper to construct input tensor with task indices.
X: The raw input tensor (without task information).
output_indices: The output indices to generate (passed in via `posterior`).
tf: The task feature index.
Tensor: The full input tensor for the multi-task model, including task
index_shape = X.shape[:-1] + torch.Size([1])
indexers = (
torch.full(index_shape, fill_value=i, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype)
for i in output_indices
X_l, X_r = X[..., :tf], X[..., tf:]
return torch.cat(
[torch.cat([X_l, indexer, X_r], dim=-1) for indexer in indexers], dim=-2
def add_output_dim(X: Tensor, original_batch_shape: torch.Size) -> tuple[Tensor, int]:
r"""Insert the output dimension at the correct location.
The trailing batch dimensions of X must match the original batch dimensions
of the training inputs, but can also include extra batch dimensions.
X: A `(new_batch_shape) x (original_batch_shape) x n x d` tensor of
original_batch_shape: the batch shape of the model's training inputs.
2-element tuple containing
- A `(new_batch_shape) x (original_batch_shape) x m x n x d` tensor of
- The index corresponding to the output dimension.
X_batch_shape = X.shape[:-2]
if len(X_batch_shape) > 0 and len(original_batch_shape) > 0:
# check that X_batch_shape supports broadcasting or augments
# original_batch_shape with extra batch dims
torch.broadcast_shapes(X_batch_shape, original_batch_shape)
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError(
"The trailing batch dimensions of X must match the trailing "
f"batch dimensions of the training inputs. Got {X.shape=} "
f"and {original_batch_shape=}."
# insert `m` dimension
X = X.unsqueeze(-3)
output_dim_idx = max(len(original_batch_shape), len(X_batch_shape))
return X, output_dim_idx
def check_no_nans(Z: Tensor) -> None:
r"""Check that tensor does not contain NaN values.
Raises an InputDataError if `Z` contains NaN values.
Z: The input tensor.
if torch.any(torch.isnan(Z)).item():
raise InputDataError("Input data contains NaN values.")
def check_min_max_scaling(
X: Tensor,
strict: bool = False,
atol: float = 1e-2,
raise_on_fail: bool = False,
ignore_dims: list[int] | None = None,
) -> None:
r"""Check that tensor is normalized to the unit cube.
X: A `batch_shape x n x d` input tensor. Typically the training inputs
of a model.
strict: If True, require `X` to be scaled to the unit cube (rather than
just to be contained within the unit cube).
atol: The tolerance for the boundary check. Only used if `strict=True`.
raise_on_fail: If True, raise an exception instead of a warning.
ignore_dims: Subset of dimensions where the min-max scaling check is omitted.
ignore_dims = ignore_dims or []
check_dims = list(set(range(X.shape[-1])) - set(ignore_dims))
if len(check_dims) == 0:
return None
with torch.no_grad():
X_check = X[..., check_dims]
Xmin = torch.min(X_check, dim=-1).values
Xmax = torch.max(X_check, dim=-1).values
msg = None
if strict and max(torch.abs(Xmin).max(), torch.abs(Xmax - 1).max()) > atol:
msg = "scaled"
if torch.any(Xmin < -atol) or torch.any(Xmax > 1 + atol):
msg = "contained"
if msg is not None:
# NOTE: If you update this message, update the warning filters as well.
# See https://github.com/pytorch/botorch/pull/2508.
msg = (
f"Data (input features) is not {msg} to the unit cube. "
"Please consider min-max scaling the input data."
if raise_on_fail:
raise InputDataError(msg)
warnings.warn(msg, InputDataWarning, stacklevel=2)
def check_standardization(
Y: Tensor,
atol_mean: float = 1e-2,
atol_std: float = 1e-2,
raise_on_fail: bool = False,
) -> None:
r"""Check that tensor is standardized (zero mean, unit variance).
Y: The input tensor of shape `batch_shape x n x m`. Typically the
train targets of a model. Standardization is checked across the
atol_mean: The tolerance for the mean check.
atol_std: The tolerance for the std check.
raise_on_fail: If True, raise an exception instead of a warning.
with torch.no_grad():
Ymean = torch.mean(Y, dim=-2)
mean_not_zero = torch.abs(Ymean).max() > atol_mean
if Y.shape[-2] <= 1:
if mean_not_zero:
# NOTE: If you update this message, update the warning filters as well.
# See https://github.com/pytorch/botorch/pull/2508.
msg = (
f"Data (outcome observations) is not standardized (mean = {Ymean})."
" Please consider scaling the input to zero mean and unit variance."
if raise_on_fail:
raise InputDataError(msg)
warnings.warn(msg, InputDataWarning, stacklevel=2)
Ystd = torch.std(Y, dim=-2)
std_not_one = torch.abs(Ystd - 1).max() > atol_std
if mean_not_zero or std_not_one:
# NOTE: If you update this message, update the warning filters as well.
# See https://github.com/pytorch/botorch/pull/2508.
msg = (
"Data (outcome observations) is not standardized "
f"(std = {Ystd}, mean = {Ymean})."
"Please consider scaling the input to zero mean and unit variance."
if raise_on_fail:
raise InputDataError(msg)
warnings.warn(msg, InputDataWarning, stacklevel=2)
def mod_batch_shape(module: Module, names: list[str], b: int) -> None:
r"""Recursive helper to modify gpytorch modules' batch shape attribute.
Modifies the module in-place.
module: The module to be modified.
names: The list of names to access the attribute. If the full name of
the module is `"module.sub_module.leaf_module"`, this will be
`["sub_module", "leaf_module"]`.
b: The new size of the last element of the module's `batch_shape`
if len(names) == 0:
m = getattr(module, names[0])
if len(names) == 1 and hasattr(m, "batch_shape") and len(m.batch_shape) > 0:
m.batch_shape = m.batch_shape[:-1] + torch.Size([b] if b > 0 else [])
mod_batch_shape(module=m, names=names[1:], b=b)
def gpt_posterior_settings():
r"""Context manager for settings used for computing model posteriors."""
with ExitStack() as es:
if gpt_settings.debug.is_default():
if gpt_settings.fast_pred_var.is_default():
def detect_duplicates(
X: Tensor,
rtol: float = 0,
atol: float = 1e-8,
) -> Iterator[tuple[int, int]]:
"""Returns an iterator over index pairs `(duplicate index, original index)` for all
duplicate entries of `X`. Supporting 2-d Tensor only.
X: the datapoints tensor with potential duplicated entries
rtol: relative tolerance
atol: absolute tolerance
if len(X.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("X must have 2 dimensions.")
tols = atol
if rtol:
rval = X.abs().max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values
tols = tols + rtol * rval.max(rval.transpose(-1, -2))
n = X.shape[-2]
dist = torch.full((n, n), float("inf"), device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype)
dist[torch.triu_indices(n, n, offset=1).unbind()] = torch.nn.functional.pdist(
X, p=float("inf")
return (
(i, int(j))
# pyre-fixme[19]: Expected 1 positional argument.
for diff, j, i in zip(*(dist - tols).min(dim=-2), range(n))
if diff < 0
def consolidate_duplicates(
X: Tensor, Y: Tensor, rtol: float = 0.0, atol: float = 1e-8
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
"""Drop duplicated Xs and update the indices tensor Y accordingly.
Supporting 2d Tensor only as in batch mode block design is not guaranteed.
X: the datapoints tensor
Y: the index tensor to be updated (e.g., pairwise comparisons)
rtol: relative tolerance
atol: absolute tolerance
consolidated_X: the consolidated X
consolidated_Y: the consolidated Y (e.g., pairwise comparisons indices)
new_indices: new index of each original item in X, a tensor of size X.shape[-2]
if len(X.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("X must have 2 dimensions.")
n = X.shape[-2]
dup_map = dict(detect_duplicates(X=X, rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
# Handle edge cases conservatively
# If a item is in both dup set and kept set, do not remove it
common_set = set(dup_map.keys()).intersection(dup_map.values())
for k in list(dup_map.keys()):
if k in common_set or dup_map[k] in common_set:
del dup_map[k]
if dup_map:
dup_indices, kept_indices = zip(*dup_map.items())
unique_indices = sorted(set(range(n)) - set(dup_indices))
# After dropping the duplicates,
# the kept ones' indices may also change by being shifted up
new_idx_map = dict(zip(unique_indices, range(len(unique_indices))))
new_indices_for_dup = (new_idx_map[idx] for idx in kept_indices)
new_idx_map.update(dict(zip(dup_indices, new_indices_for_dup)))
consolidated_X = X[list(unique_indices), :]
consolidated_Y = torch.tensor(
[[new_idx_map[item.item()] for item in row] for row in Y.unbind()],
new_indices = (
torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.long)
.apply_(lambda x: new_idx_map[x])
return consolidated_X, consolidated_Y, new_indices
return X, Y, torch.arange(n, device=Y.device, dtype=Y.dtype)
class fantasize(_Flag):
r"""A flag denoting whether we are currently in a `fantasize` context."""
_state: bool = False