Source code for botorch.utils.datasets

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

r"""Representations for different kinds of datasets."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, MISSING
from itertools import chain, count, repeat
from typing import Any, Dict, Hashable, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar, Union

from botorch.utils.containers import BotorchContainer, DenseContainer, SliceContainer
from torch import long, ones, Tensor
from typing_extensions import get_type_hints

T = TypeVar("T")
ContainerLike = Union[BotorchContainer, Tensor]
MaybeIterable = Union[T, Iterable[T]]

[docs]@dataclass class BotorchDataset: # TODO: Once v3.10 becomes standard, expose `validate_init` as a kw_only InitVar def __post_init__(self, validate_init: bool = True) -> None: if validate_init: self._validate() def _validate(self) -> None: pass
[docs]class SupervisedDatasetMeta(type): def __call__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): r"""Converts Tensor-valued fields to DenseContainer under the assumption that said fields house collections of feature vectors.""" hints = get_type_hints(cls) fields_iter = (item for item in fields(cls) if item.init is not None) f_dict = {} for value, field in chain( zip(args, fields_iter), ((kwargs.pop(, MISSING), field) for field in fields_iter), ): if value is MISSING: if field.default is not MISSING: value = field.default elif field.default_factory is not MISSING: value = field.default_factory() else: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing required field `{}`.") if issubclass(hints[], BotorchContainer): if isinstance(value, Tensor): value = DenseContainer(value, event_shape=value.shape[-1:]) elif not isinstance(value, BotorchContainer): raise TypeError( "Expected <BotorchContainer | Tensor> for field " f"`{}` but was {type(value)}." ) f_dict[] = value return super().__call__(**f_dict, **kwargs)
[docs]@dataclass class SupervisedDataset(BotorchDataset, metaclass=SupervisedDatasetMeta): r"""Base class for datasets consisting of labelled pairs `(x, y)`. This class object's `__call__` method converts Tensors `src` to DenseContainers under the assumption that `event_shape=src.shape[-1:]`. Example: .. code-block:: python X = torch.rand(16, 2) Y = torch.rand(16, 1) A = SupervisedDataset(X, Y) B = SupervisedDataset( DenseContainer(X, event_shape=X.shape[-1:]), DenseContainer(Y, event_shape=Y.shape[-1:]), ) assert A == B """ X: BotorchContainer Y: BotorchContainer def _validate(self) -> None: shape_X = self.X.shape shape_X = shape_X[: len(shape_X) - len(self.X.event_shape)] shape_Y = self.Y.shape shape_Y = shape_Y[: len(shape_Y) - len(self.Y.event_shape)] if shape_X != shape_Y: raise ValueError("Batch dimensions of `X` and `Y` are incompatible.")
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_iter( cls, X: MaybeIterable[ContainerLike], Y: MaybeIterable[ContainerLike], *, keys: Optional[Iterable[Hashable]] = None, ) -> Dict[Hashable, SupervisedDataset]: r"""Returns a dictionary of `SupervisedDataset` from iterables.""" single_X = isinstance(X, (Tensor, BotorchContainer)) single_Y = isinstance(Y, (Tensor, BotorchContainer)) if single_X: X = (X,) if single_Y else repeat(X) if single_Y: Y = (Y,) if single_X else repeat(Y) return {key: cls(x, y) for key, x, y in zip(keys or count(), X, Y)}
[docs]@dataclass class FixedNoiseDataset(SupervisedDataset): r"""A SupervisedDataset with an additional field `Yvar` that stipulates observations variances so that `Y[i] ~ N(f(X[i]), Yvar[i])`.""" X: BotorchContainer Y: BotorchContainer Yvar: BotorchContainer
[docs] @classmethod def dict_from_iter( cls, X: MaybeIterable[ContainerLike], Y: MaybeIterable[ContainerLike], Yvar: Optional[MaybeIterable[ContainerLike]] = None, *, keys: Optional[Iterable[Hashable]] = None, ) -> Dict[Hashable, SupervisedDataset]: r"""Returns a dictionary of `FixedNoiseDataset` from iterables.""" single_X = isinstance(X, (Tensor, BotorchContainer)) single_Y = isinstance(Y, (Tensor, BotorchContainer)) if single_X: X = (X,) if single_Y else repeat(X) if single_Y: Y = (Y,) if single_X else repeat(Y) Yvar = repeat(Yvar) if isinstance(Yvar, (Tensor, BotorchContainer)) else Yvar return {key: cls(x, y, c) for key, x, y, c in zip(keys or count(), X, Y, Yvar)}
[docs]@dataclass class RankingDataset(SupervisedDataset): r"""A SupervisedDataset whose labelled pairs `(x, y)` consist of m-ary combinations `x ∈ Z^{m}` of elements from a ground set `Z = (z_1, ...)` and ranking vectors `y {0, ..., m - 1}^{m}` with properties: a) Ranks start at zero, i.e. min(y) = 0. b) Sorted ranks are contiguous unless one or more ties are present. c) `k` ranks are skipped after a `k`-way tie. Example: .. code-block:: python X = SliceContainer( values=torch.rand(16, 2), indices=torch.stack([torch.randperm(16)[:3] for _ in range(8)]), event_shape=torch.Size([3 * 2]), ) Y = DenseContainer( torch.stack([torch.randperm(3) for _ in range(8)]), event_shape=torch.Size([3]) ) dataset = RankingDataset(X, Y) """ X: SliceContainer Y: BotorchContainer def _validate(self) -> None: super()._validate() Y = self.Y() arity = self.X.indices.shape[-1] if Y.min() < 0 or Y.max() >= arity: raise ValueError("Invalid ranking(s): out-of-bounds ranks detected.") # Ensure that rankings are well-defined Y_sort = Y.sort(descending=False, dim=-1).values y_incr = ones([], dtype=long) y_prev = None for i, y in enumerate(Y_sort.unbind(dim=-1)): if i == 0: if (y != 0).any(): raise ValueError("Invalid ranking(s): missing zero-th rank.") y_prev = y continue y_diff = y - y_prev y_prev = y # Either a tie or next ranking when accounting for previous ties if not ((y_diff == 0) | (y_diff == y_incr)).all(): raise ValueError("Invalid ranking(s): ranks not skipped after ties.") # Same as: torch.where(y_diff == 0, y_incr + 1, 1) y_incr = y_incr - y_diff + 1