Source code for botorch.acquisition.joint_entropy_search

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

Acquisition function for joint entropy search (JES).

.. [Hvarfner2022joint]
    C. Hvarfner, F. Hutter, L. Nardi,
    Joint Entropy Search for Maximally-informed Bayesian Optimization.
    In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Neural Information
    Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.

.. [Tu2022joint]
    B. Tu, A. Gandy, N. Kantas, B. Shafei,
    Joint Entropy Search for Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization.
    In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Neural Information
    Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from math import log, pi

from typing import Any, Optional

import torch
from botorch import settings
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction, MCSamplerMixin
from botorch.acquisition.objective import PosteriorTransform

from botorch.models.fully_bayesian import SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP
from botorch.models.gp_regression import MIN_INFERRED_NOISE_LEVEL
from botorch.models.model import Model

from botorch.models.utils import check_no_nans, fantasize as fantasize_flag
from botorch.sampling.normal import SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils.transforms import concatenate_pending_points, t_batch_mode_transform
from torch import Tensor

from torch.distributions import Normal

MCMC_DIM = -3  # Only relevant if you do Fully Bayesian GPs.
MC_ADD_TERM = 0.5 * (1 + log(2 * pi))

# The CDF query cannot be strictly zero in the division
# and this clamping helps assure that it is always positive.
CLAMP_LB = torch.finfo(torch.float32).eps
    "JES is not yet available with Fully Bayesian GPs. Track the issue, "
    "which regards conditioning on a number of optima on a collection "
    "of models, in detail at"

[docs]class qJointEntropySearch(AcquisitionFunction, MCSamplerMixin): r"""The acquisition function for the Joint Entropy Search, where the batches `q > 1` are supported through the lower bound formulation. This acquisition function computes the mutual information between the observation at a candidate point `X` and the optimal input-output pair. See [Tu2022joint]_ for a discussion on the estimation procedure. """ def __init__( self, model: Model, optimal_inputs: Tensor, optimal_outputs: Tensor, condition_noiseless: bool = True, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, estimation_type: str = "LB", maximize: bool = True, num_samples: int = 64, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: r"""Joint entropy search acquisition function. Args: model: A fitted single-outcome model. optimal_inputs: A `num_samples x d`-dim tensor containing the sampled optimal inputs of dimension `d`. We assume for simplicity that each sample only contains one optimal set of inputs. optimal_outputs: A `num_samples x 1`-dim Tensor containing the optimal set of objectives of dimension `1`. condition_noiseless: Whether to condition on noiseless optimal observations `f*` [Hvarfner2022joint]_ or noisy optimal observations `y*` [Tu2022joint]_. These are sampled identically, so this only controls the fashion in which the GP is reshaped as a result of conditioning on the optimum. estimation_type: estimation_type: A string to determine which entropy estimate is computed: Lower bound" ("LB") or "Monte Carlo" ("MC"). Lower Bound is recommended due to the relatively high variance of the MC estimator. maximize: If true, we consider a maximization problem. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation, but have not yet been evaluated. num_samples: The number of Monte Carlo samples used for the Monte Carlo estimate. """ super().__init__(model=model) sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler(sample_shape=torch.Size([num_samples])) MCSamplerMixin.__init__(self, sampler=sampler) # To enable fully bayesian GP conditioning, we need to unsqueeze # to get num_optima x num_gps unique GPs # inputs come as num_optima_per_model x (num_models) x d # but we want it four-dimensional in the Fully bayesian case, # and three-dimensional otherwise. self.optimal_inputs = optimal_inputs.unsqueeze(-2) self.optimal_outputs = optimal_outputs.unsqueeze(-2) self.posterior_transform = posterior_transform self.maximize = maximize # The optima (can be maxima, can be minima) come in as the largest # values if we optimize, or the smallest (likely substantially negative) # if we minimize. Inside the acquisition function, however, we always # want to consider MAX-values. As such, we need to flip them if # we want to minimize. if not self.maximize: optimal_outputs = -optimal_outputs self.num_samples = optimal_inputs.shape[0] self.condition_noiseless = condition_noiseless self.initial_model = model # Here, the optimal inputs have shapes num_optima x [num_models if FB] x 1 x D # and the optimal outputs have shapes num_optima x [num_models if FB] x 1 x 1 # The third dimension equaling 1 is required to get one optimum per model, # which raises a BotorchTensorDimensionWarning. if isinstance(model, SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP): raise NotImplementedError(FULLY_BAYESIAN_ERROR_MSG) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") with fantasize_flag(): with settings.propagate_grads(False): # We must do a forward pass one before conditioning. self.initial_model.posterior( self.optimal_inputs[:1], observation_noise=False ) # This equates to the JES version proposed by Hvarfner et. al. if self.condition_noiseless: opt_noise = torch.full_like( self.optimal_outputs, MIN_INFERRED_NOISE_LEVEL ) # conditional (batch) model of shape (num_models) # x num_optima_per_model self.conditional_model = ( self.initial_model.condition_on_observations( X=self.initial_model.transform_inputs(self.optimal_inputs), Y=self.optimal_outputs, noise=opt_noise, ) ) else: self.conditional_model = ( self.initial_model.condition_on_observations( X=self.initial_model.transform_inputs(self.optimal_inputs), Y=self.optimal_outputs, ) ) self.estimation_type = estimation_type self.set_X_pending(X_pending)
[docs] @concatenate_pending_points @t_batch_mode_transform() def forward(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Evaluates qJointEntropySearch at the design points `X`. Args: X: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor of `batch_shape` t-batches with `q` `d`-dim design points each. Returns: A `batch_shape`-dim Tensor of acquisition values at the given design points `X`. """ if self.estimation_type == "LB": res = self._compute_lower_bound_information_gain(X) elif self.estimation_type == "MC": res = self._compute_monte_carlo_information_gain(X) else: raise ValueError( f"Estimation type {self.estimation_type} is not valid. " f"Please specify any of {ESTIMATION_TYPES}" ) return res
def _compute_lower_bound_information_gain( self, X: Tensor, return_parts: bool = False ) -> Tensor: r"""Evaluates the lower bound information gain at the design points `X`. Args: X: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor of `batch_shape` t-batches with `q` `d`-dim design points each. Returns: A `batch_shape`-dim Tensor of acquisition values at the given design points `X`. """ initial_posterior = self.initial_model.posterior(X, observation_noise=True) # need to check if there is a two-dimensional batch shape - # the sampled optima appear in the dimension right after batch_shape = X.shape[:-2] sample_dim = len(batch_shape) # We DISREGARD the additional constant term. initial_entropy = 0.5 * torch.logdet( initial_posterior.mvn.lazy_covariance_matrix ) # initial_entropy of shape batch_size or batch_size x num_models if FBGP # first need to unsqueeze the sample dim (after batch dim) and then the two last initial_entropy = ( initial_entropy.unsqueeze(sample_dim).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) ) # Compute the mixture mean and variance posterior_m = self.conditional_model.posterior( X.unsqueeze(MCMC_DIM), observation_noise=True ) noiseless_var = self.conditional_model.posterior( X.unsqueeze(MCMC_DIM), observation_noise=False ).variance mean_m = posterior_m.mean if not self.maximize: mean_m = -mean_m variance_m = posterior_m.variance check_no_nans(variance_m) # get stdv of noiseless variance stdv = noiseless_var.sqrt() # batch_shape x 1 normal = Normal( torch.zeros(1, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype), torch.ones(1, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype), ) normalized_mvs = (self.optimal_outputs - mean_m) / stdv cdf_mvs = normal.cdf(normalized_mvs).clamp_min(CLAMP_LB) pdf_mvs = torch.exp(normal.log_prob(normalized_mvs)) ratio = pdf_mvs / cdf_mvs var_truncated = noiseless_var * ( 1 - (normalized_mvs + ratio) * ratio ).clamp_min(CLAMP_LB) var_truncated = var_truncated + (variance_m - noiseless_var) conditional_entropy = 0.5 * torch.log(var_truncated) # Shape batch_size x num_optima x [num_models if FB] x q x num_outputs # squeeze the num_outputs dim (since it's 1) entropy_reduction = ( initial_entropy - conditional_entropy.sum(dim=-2, keepdim=True) ).squeeze(-1) # average over the number of optima and squeeze the q-batch entropy_reduction = entropy_reduction.mean(dim=sample_dim).squeeze(-1) return entropy_reduction def _compute_monte_carlo_variables(self, posterior): """Retrieves monte carlo samples and their log probabilities from the posterior. Args: posterior: The posterior distribution. Returns: A two-element tuple containing: - samples: a num_optima x batch_shape x num_mc_samples x q x 1 tensor of samples drawn from the posterior. - samples_log_prob: a num_optima x batch_shape x num_mc_samples x q x 1 tensor of associated probabilities. """ samples = self.get_posterior_samples(posterior) samples_log_prob = ( posterior.mvn.log_prob(samples.squeeze(-1)).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) ) return samples, samples_log_prob def _compute_monte_carlo_information_gain( self, X: Tensor, return_parts: bool = False ) -> Tensor: r"""Evaluates the lower bound information gain at the design points `X`. Args: X: A `batch_shape x q x d`-dim Tensor of `batch_shape` t-batches with `q` `d`-dim design points each. Returns: A `batch_shape`-dim Tensor of acquisition values at the given design points `X`. """ initial_posterior = self.initial_model.posterior(X, observation_noise=True) batch_shape = X.shape[:-2] sample_dim = len(batch_shape) # We DISREGARD the additional constant term. initial_entropy = MC_ADD_TERM + 0.5 * torch.logdet( initial_posterior.mvn.lazy_covariance_matrix ) # initial_entropy of shape batch_size or batch_size x num_models if FBGP # first need to unsqueeze the sample dim (after batch dim), then the two last initial_entropy = ( initial_entropy.unsqueeze(sample_dim).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) ) # Compute the mixture mean and variance posterior_m = self.conditional_model.posterior( X.unsqueeze(MCMC_DIM), observation_noise=True ) noiseless_var = self.conditional_model.posterior( X.unsqueeze(MCMC_DIM), observation_noise=False ).variance mean_m = posterior_m.mean if not self.maximize: mean_m = -mean_m variance_m = posterior_m.variance.clamp_min(CLAMP_LB) conditional_samples, conditional_logprobs = self._compute_monte_carlo_variables( posterior_m ) normalized_samples = (conditional_samples - mean_m) / variance_m.sqrt() # Correlation between noisy observations and noiseless values f rho = (noiseless_var / variance_m).sqrt() normal = Normal( torch.zeros(1, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype), torch.ones(1, device=X.device, dtype=X.dtype), ) # prepare max value quantities and re-scale as required normalized_mvs = (self.optimal_outputs - mean_m) / noiseless_var.sqrt() mvs_rescaled_mc = (normalized_mvs - rho * normalized_samples) / (1 - rho**2) cdf_mvs = normal.cdf(normalized_mvs).clamp_min(CLAMP_LB) cdf_rescaled_mvs = normal.cdf(mvs_rescaled_mc).clamp_min(CLAMP_LB) mv_ratio = cdf_rescaled_mvs / cdf_mvs log_term = torch.log(mv_ratio) + conditional_logprobs conditional_entropy = -(mv_ratio * log_term).mean(0) entropy_reduction = ( initial_entropy - conditional_entropy.sum(dim=-2, keepdim=True) ).squeeze(-1) # average over the number of optima and squeeze the q-batch entropy_reduction = entropy_reduction.mean(dim=sample_dim).squeeze(-1) return entropy_reduction