
Monte-Carlo Samplers

Sampler modules to be used with MC-evaluated acquisition functions.

class botorch.sampling.samplers.IIDNormalSampler(num_samples, resample=False, seed=None, collapse_batch_dims=True, batch_range=(0, - 2))[source]

Bases: botorch.sampling.samplers.MCSampler

Sampler for MC base samples using iid N(0,1) samples.


>>> sampler = IIDNormalSampler(1000, seed=1234)
>>> posterior = model.posterior(test_X)
>>> samples = sampler(posterior)

Sampler for MC base samples using iid N(0,1) samples.

  • num_samples (int) – The number of samples to use.

  • resample (bool) – If True, re-draw samples in each forward evaluation - this results in stochastic acquisition functions (and thus should not be used with deterministic optimization algorithms).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed for the RNG. If omitted, use a random seed.

  • collapse_batch_dims (bool) – If True, collapse the t-batch dimensions to size 1. This is useful for preventing sampling variance across t-batches.

  • batch_range (Tuple[int, int]) – The range of t-batch dimensions in the base_sample_shape used by collapse_batch_dims. The t-batch dims are batch_range[0]:batch_range[1]. By default, this is (0, -2), for the case where the non-batch dimensions are -2 (q) and -1 (d) and all dims in the front are t-batch dims.

Return type


training: bool
class botorch.sampling.samplers.SobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples, resample=False, seed=None, collapse_batch_dims=True, batch_range=(0, - 2))[source]

Bases: botorch.sampling.samplers.MCSampler

Sampler for quasi-MC base samples using Sobol sequences.


>>> sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler(1024, seed=1234)
>>> posterior = model.posterior(test_X)
>>> samples = sampler(posterior)

Sampler for quasi-MC base samples using Sobol sequences.

  • num_samples (int) – The number of samples to use. As a best practice, use powers of 2.

  • resample (bool) – If True, re-draw samples in each forward evaluation - this results in stochastic acquisition functions (and thus should not be used with deterministic optimization algorithms).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed for the RNG. If omitted, use a random seed.

  • collapse_batch_dims (bool) – If True, collapse the t-batch dimensions to size 1. This is useful for preventing sampling variance across t-batches.

  • batch_range (Tuple[int, int]) – The range of t-batch dimensions in the base_sample_shape used by collapse_batch_dims. The t-batch dims are batch_range[0]:batch_range[1]. By default, this is (0, -2), for the case where the non-batch dimensions are -2 (q) and -1 (d) and all dims in the front are t-batch dims.

Return type


training: bool

Split a base sample shape into sample and base sample shapes.


base_sample_shape (torch.Size) – The base sample shape.


A tuple containing the sample and base sample shape.

Return type

Tuple[torch.Size, torch.Size]

Pairwise Monte-Carlo Samplers

class botorch.sampling.pairwise_samplers.PairwiseMCSampler(max_num_comparisons=None, seed=None)[source]

Bases: botorch.sampling.samplers.MCSampler

Abstract class for Pairwise MC Sampler.

This sampler will sample pairwise comparisons. It is to be used together with PairwiseGP and BoTorch acquisition functions (e.g., qKnowledgeGradient)

  • max_num_comparisons (int) – Max number of comparisons drawn within samples. If None, use all possible pairwise comparisons

  • seed (int) – The seed for np.random.seed. If omitted, use a random seed. May be overwritten by sibling classes or subclasses.

Return type



Draws MC samples from the posterior and make comparisons


posterior (botorch.posteriors.posterior.Posterior) – The Posterior to sample from. The returned samples are expected to have output dimension of 1.


Posterior sample pairwise comparisons.

Return type


training: bool
class botorch.sampling.pairwise_samplers.PairwiseIIDNormalSampler(num_samples, resample=False, seed=None, collapse_batch_dims=True, max_num_comparisons=None)[source]

Bases: botorch.sampling.pairwise_samplers.PairwiseMCSampler, botorch.sampling.samplers.IIDNormalSampler

  • num_samples (int) – The number of samples to use.

  • resample (bool) – If True, re-draw samples in each forward evaluation - this results in stochastic acquisition functions (and thus should not be used with deterministic optimization algorithms).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed for the RNG. If omitted, use a random seed.

  • collapse_batch_dims (bool) – If True, collapse the t-batch dimensions to size 1. This is useful for preventing sampling variance across t-batches.

  • max_num_comparisons (int) – Max number of comparisons drawn within samples. If None, use all possible pairwise comparisons.

Return type


training: bool
class botorch.sampling.pairwise_samplers.PairwiseSobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples, resample=False, seed=None, collapse_batch_dims=True, max_num_comparisons=None)[source]

Bases: botorch.sampling.pairwise_samplers.PairwiseMCSampler, botorch.sampling.samplers.SobolQMCNormalSampler

  • num_samples (int) – The number of samples to use.

  • resample (bool) – If True, re-draw samples in each forward evaluation - this results in stochastic acquisition functions (and thus should not be used with deterministic optimization algorithms).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed for the RNG. If omitted, use a random seed.

  • collapse_batch_dims (bool) – If True, collapse the t-batch dimensions to size 1. This is useful for preventing sampling variance across t-batches.

  • max_num_comparisons (int) – Max number of comparisons drawn within samples. If None, use all possible pairwise comparisons.

Return type


training: bool

QMC Base Functionality

Quasi Monte-Carlo sampling from Normal distributions.



G. Pages. Numerical Probability: An Introduction with Applications to Finance. Universitext. Springer International Publishing, 2018.

class botorch.sampling.qmc.NormalQMCEngine(d, seed=None, inv_transform=False)[source]

Bases: object

Engine for qMC sampling from a Multivariate Normal N(0, I_d).

By default, this implementation uses Box-Muller transformed Sobol samples following pg. 123 in [Pages2018numprob]. To use the inverse transform instead, set inv_transform=True.


>>> engine = NormalQMCEngine(3)
>>> samples = engine.draw(16)

Engine for drawing qMC samples from a multivariate normal N(0, I_d).

  • d (int) – The dimension of the samples.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed with which to seed the random number generator of the underlying SobolEngine.

  • inv_transform (bool) – If True, use inverse transform instead of Box-Muller.

Return type


draw(n=1, out=None, dtype=torch.float32)[source]

Draw n qMC samples from the standard Normal.

  • n (int) – The number of samples to draw. As a best practice, use powers of 2.

  • out (Optional[torch.Tensor]) – An option output tensor. If provided, draws are put into this tensor, and the function returns None.

  • dtype (torch.dtype) – The desired torch data type (ignored if out is provided).


A n x d tensor of samples if out=None and None otherwise.

Return type


class botorch.sampling.qmc.MultivariateNormalQMCEngine(mean, cov, seed=None, inv_transform=False)[source]

Bases: object

Engine for qMC sampling from a multivariate Normal N(mu, Sigma).

By default, this implementation uses Box-Muller transformed Sobol samples following pg. 123 in [Pages2018numprob]. To use the inverse transform instead, set inv_transform=True.


>>> mean = torch.tensor([1.0, 2.0])
>>> cov = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.25], [0.25, 2.0]])
>>> engine = MultivariateNormalQMCEngine(mean, cov)
>>> samples = engine.draw(16)

Engine for qMC sampling from a multivariate Normal N(mu, Sigma).

  • mean (Tensor) – The mean vector.

  • cov (Tensor) – The covariance matrix.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed with which to seed the random number generator of the underlying SobolEngine.

  • inv_transform (bool) – If True, use inverse transform instead of Box-Muller.

Return type


draw(n=1, out=None)[source]

Draw n qMC samples from the multivariate Normal.

  • n (int) – The number of samples to draw. As a best practice, use powers of 2.

  • out (Optional[torch.Tensor]) – An option output tensor. If provided, draws are put into this tensor, and the function returns None.


A n x d tensor of samples if out=None and None otherwise.

Return type
