Source code for botorch.models.transforms.outcome
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from botorch.posteriors import GPyTorchPosterior, Posterior, TransformedPosterior
from gpytorch.lazy import CholLazyTensor, DiagLazyTensor
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module, ModuleDict
from ...utils.transforms import normalize_indices
from .utils import norm_to_lognorm_mean, norm_to_lognorm_variance
[docs]class OutcomeTransform(Module, ABC):
r"""Abstract base class for outcome transforms."""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def forward(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Transform the outcomes in a model's training targets
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of training targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of observation noises
associated with the training targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the transformed outcomes:
- The transformed outcome observations.
- The transformed observation noise (if applicable).
pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def untransform(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Un-transform previously transformed outcomes
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of transfomred training targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of transformed observation
noises associated with the training targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the un-transformed outcomes:
- The un-transformed outcome observations.
- The un-transformed observation noise (if applicable).
raise NotImplementedError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not implement the `untransform` method"
[docs] def untransform_posterior(self, posterior: Posterior) -> Posterior:
r"""Un-transform a posterior
posterior: A posterior in the transformed space.
The un-transformed posterior.
raise NotImplementedError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not implement the "
"`untransform_posterior` method"
[docs]class ChainedOutcomeTransform(OutcomeTransform, ModuleDict):
r"""An outcome transform representing the chaining of individual transforms"""
def __init__(self, **transforms: OutcomeTransform) -> None:
r"""Chaining of outcome transforms.
transforms: The transforms to chain. Internally, the names of the
kwargs are used as the keys for accessing the individual
transforms on the module.
[docs] def forward(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Transform the outcomes in a model's training targets
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of training targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of observation noises
associated with the training targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the transformed outcomes:
- The transformed outcome observations.
- The transformed observation noise (if applicable).
for tf in self.values():
Y, Yvar = tf.forward(Y, Yvar)
return Y, Yvar
[docs] def untransform(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Un-transform previously transformed outcomes
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of transfomred training targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of transformed observation
noises associated with the training targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the un-transformed outcomes:
- The un-transformed outcome observations.
- The un-transformed observation noise (if applicable).
for tf in reversed(self.values()):
Y, Yvar = tf.untransform(Y, Yvar)
return Y, Yvar
[docs] def untransform_posterior(self, posterior: Posterior) -> Posterior:
r"""Un-transform a posterior
posterior: A posterior in the transformed space.
The un-transformed posterior.
for tf in reversed(self.values()):
posterior = tf.untransform_posterior(posterior)
return posterior
[docs]class Standardize(OutcomeTransform):
r"""Standardize outcomes (zero mean, unit variance).
This module is stateful: If in train mode, calling forward updates the
module state (i.e. the mean/std normalizing constants). If in eval mode,
calling forward simply applies the standardization using the current module
def __init__(
m: int,
outputs: Optional[List[int]] = None,
batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size(), # noqa: B008
min_stdv: float = 1e-8,
) -> None:
r"""Standardize outcomes (zero mean, unit variance).
m: The output dimension.
outputs: Which of the outputs to standardize. If omitted, all
outputs will be standardized.
batch_shape: The batch_shape of the training targets.
min_stddv: The minimum standard deviation for which to perform
standardization (if lower, only de-mean the data).
self.register_buffer("means", torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, m))
self.register_buffer("stdvs", torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, m))
self._outputs = normalize_indices(outputs, d=m)
self._m = m
self._batch_shape = batch_shape
self._min_stdv = min_stdv
[docs] def forward(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Standardize outcomes.
If the module is in train mode, this updates the module state (i.e. the
mean/std normalizing constants). If the module is in eval mode, simply
applies the normalization using the module state.
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of training targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of observation noises
associated with the training targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the transformed outcomes:
- The transformed outcome observations.
- The transformed observation noise (if applicable).
if Y.shape[:-2] != self._batch_shape:
raise RuntimeError("wrong batch shape")
if Y.size(-1) != self._m:
raise RuntimeError("wrong output dimension")
stdvs = Y.std(dim=-2, keepdim=True)
stdvs = stdvs.where(stdvs >= self._min_stdv, torch.full_like(stdvs, 1.0))
means = Y.mean(dim=-2, keepdim=True)
if self._outputs is not None:
unused = [i for i in range(self._m) if i not in self._outputs]
means[..., unused] = 0.0
stdvs[..., unused] = 1.0
self.means = means
self.stdvs = stdvs
self._stdvs_sq = stdvs.pow(2)
Y_tf = (Y - self.means) / self.stdvs
Yvar_tf = Yvar / self._stdvs_sq if Yvar is not None else None
return Y_tf, Yvar_tf
[docs] def untransform(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Un-standardize outcomes.
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of standardized targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of standardized observation
noises associated with the targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the un-standardized outcomes:
- The un-standardized outcome observations.
- The un-standardized observation noise (if applicable).
Y_utf = self.means + self.stdvs * Y
Yvar_utf = self._stdvs_sq * Yvar if Yvar is not None else None
return Y_utf, Yvar_utf
[docs] def untransform_posterior(self, posterior: Posterior) -> Posterior:
r"""Un-standardize the posterior.
posterior: A posterior in the standardized space.
The un-standardized posterior. If the input posterior is a MVN,
the transformed posterior is again an MVN.
if self._outputs is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Standardize does not yet support output selection for "
if not self._m == posterior.event_shape[-1]:
raise RuntimeError(
"Incompatible output dimensions encountered for transform "
f"{self._m} and posterior {posterior.event_shape[-1]}"
if not isinstance(posterior, GPyTorchPosterior):
# fall back to TransformedPosterior
return TransformedPosterior(
sample_transform=lambda s: self.means + self.stdvs * s,
mean_transform=lambda m, v: self.means + self.stdvs * m,
variance_transform=lambda m, v: self._stdvs_sq * v,
# GPyTorchPosterior (TODO: Should we Lazy-evaluate the mean here as well?)
mvn = posterior.mvn
offset = self.means
scale_fac = self.stdvs
if not posterior._is_mt:
mean_tf = offset.squeeze(-1) + scale_fac.squeeze(-1) * mvn.mean
scale_fac = scale_fac.squeeze(-1).expand_as(mean_tf)
mean_tf = offset + scale_fac * mvn.mean
reps = mean_tf.shape[-2:].numel() // scale_fac.size(-1)
scale_fac = scale_fac.squeeze(-2)
if mvn._interleaved:
scale_fac = scale_fac.repeat(*[1 for _ in scale_fac.shape[:-1]], reps)
scale_fac = torch.repeat_interleave(scale_fac, reps, dim=-1)
if (
not mvn.islazy
# TODO: Figure out attribute namming weirdness here
or mvn._MultivariateNormal__unbroadcasted_scale_tril is not None
# if already computed, we can save a lot of time using scale_tril
covar_tf = CholLazyTensor(mvn.scale_tril * scale_fac.unsqueeze(-1))
lcv = mvn.lazy_covariance_matrix
# allow batch-evaluation of the model
scale_mat = DiagLazyTensor(scale_fac.expand(lcv.shape[:-1]))
covar_tf = scale_mat @ lcv @ scale_mat
kwargs = {"interleaved": mvn._interleaved} if posterior._is_mt else {}
mvn_tf = mvn.__class__(mean=mean_tf, covariance_matrix=covar_tf, **kwargs)
return GPyTorchPosterior(mvn_tf)
[docs]class Log(OutcomeTransform):
r"""Log-transform outcomes.
Useful if the targets are modeled using a (multivariate) log-Normal
distribution. This means that we can use a standard GP model on the
log-transformed outcomes and un-transform the model posterior of that GP.
def __init__(self, outputs: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None:
r"""Log-transform outcomes.
outputs: Which of the outputs to log-transform. If omitted, all
outputs will be standardized.
self._outputs = outputs
[docs] def forward(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Log-transform outcomes.
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of training targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of observation noises
associated with the training targets (if applicable).
A two-tuple with the transformed outcomes:
- The transformed outcome observations.
- The transformed observation noise (if applicable).
Y_tf = torch.log(Y)
outputs = normalize_indices(self._outputs, d=Y.size(-1))
if outputs is not None:
Y_tf = torch.stack(
Y_tf[..., i] if i in outputs else Y[..., i]
for i in range(Y.size(-1))
if Yvar is not None:
# TODO: Delta method, possibly issue warning
raise NotImplementedError(
"Log does not yet support transforming observation noise"
return Y_tf, Yvar
[docs] def untransform(
self, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]:
r"""Un-transform log-transformed outcomes
Y: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of log-transfomred targets.
Yvar: A `batch_shape x n x m`-dim tensor of log- transformed
observation noises associated with the training targets
(if applicable).
A two-tuple with the un-transformed outcomes:
- The exponentiated outcome observations.
- The exponentiated observation noise (if applicable).
Y_utf = torch.exp(Y)
outputs = normalize_indices(self._outputs, d=Y.size(-1))
if outputs is not None:
Y_utf = torch.stack(
Y_utf[..., i] if i in outputs else Y[..., i]
for i in range(Y.size(-1))
if Yvar is not None:
# TODO: Delta method, possibly issue warning
raise NotImplementedError(
"Log does not yet support transforming observation noise"
return Y_utf, Yvar
[docs] def untransform_posterior(self, posterior: Posterior) -> Posterior:
r"""Un-transform the log-transformed posterior.
posterior: A posterior in the log-transformed space.
The un-transformed posterior.
if self._outputs is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Log does not yet support output selection for untransform_posterior"
return TransformedPosterior(