Source code for botorch.models.kernels.linear_truncated_fidelity

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, List, Optional

import torch
from botorch.exceptions import UnsupportedError
from gpytorch.constraints import Interval, Positive
from gpytorch.kernels import Kernel
from gpytorch.kernels.matern_kernel import MaternKernel
from gpytorch.priors import Prior
from gpytorch.priors.torch_priors import GammaPrior
from torch import Tensor

[docs]class LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel(Kernel): r"""GPyTorch Linear Truncated Fidelity Kernel. Computes a covariance matrix based on the Linear truncated kernel between inputs `x_1` and `x_2` for up to two fidelity parmeters: K(x_1, x_2) = k_0 + c_1(x_1, x_2)k_1 + c_2(x_1,x_2)k_2 + c_3(x_1,x_2)k_3 where - `k_i(i=0,1,2,3)` are Matern kernels calculated between non-fidelity parameters of `x_1` and `x_2` with different priors. - `c_1=(1 - x_1[f_1])(1 - x_2[f_1]))(1 + x_1[f_1] x_2[f_1])^p` is the kernel of the the bias term, which can be decomposed into a determistic part and a polynomial kernel. Here `f_1` is the first fidelity dimension and `p` is the order of the polynomial kernel. - `c_3` is the same as `c_1` but is calculated for the second fidelity dimension `f_2`. - `c_2` is the interaction term with four deterministic terms and the polynomial kernel between `x_1[..., [f_1, f_2]]` and `x_2[..., [f_1, f_2]]`. Args: fidelity_dims: A list containing either one or two indices specifying the fidelity parameters of the input. dimension: The dimension of `x`. Unused if `active_dims` is specified. power_prior: Prior for the power parameter of the polynomial kernel. Default is `None`. power_constraint: Constraint on the power parameter of the polynomial kernel. Default is `Positive`. nu: The smoothness parameter for the Matern kernel: either 1/2, 3/2, or 5/2. Unused if both `covar_module_unbiased` and `covar_module_biased` are specified. lengthscale_prior_unbiased: Prior on the lengthscale parameter of Matern kernel `k_0`. Default is `Gamma(1.1, 1/20)`. lengthscale_constraint_unbiased: Constraint on the lengthscale parameter of the Matern kernel `k_0`. Default is `Positive`. lengthscale_prior_biased: Prior on the lengthscale parameter of Matern kernels `k_i(i>0)`. Default is `Gamma(5, 1/20)`. lengthscale_constraint_biased: Constraint on the lengthscale parameter of the Matern kernels `k_i(i>0)`. Default is `Positive`. covar_module_unbiased: Specify a custom kernel for `k_0`. If omitted, use a `MaternKernel`. covar_module_biased: Specify a custom kernel for the biased parts `k_i(i>0)`. If omitted, use a `MaternKernel`. batch_shape: If specified, use a separate lengthscale for each batch of input data. If `x1` is a `batch_shape x n x d` tensor, this should be `batch_shape`. active_dims: Compute the covariance of a subset of input dimensions. The numbers correspond to the indices of the dimensions. Example: >>> x = torch.randn(10, 5) >>> # Non-batch: Simple option >>> covar_module = LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel() >>> covar = covar_module(x) # Output: LazyVariable of size (10 x 10) >>> >>> batch_x = torch.randn(2, 10, 5) >>> # Batch: Simple option >>> covar_module = LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel(batch_shape = torch.Size([2])) >>> covar = covar_module(x) # Output: LazyVariable of size (2 x 10 x 10) """ def __init__( # noqa C901 self, fidelity_dims: List[int], dimension: Optional[int] = None, power_prior: Optional[Prior] = None, power_constraint: Optional[Interval] = None, nu: float = 2.5, lengthscale_prior_unbiased: Optional[Prior] = None, lengthscale_prior_biased: Optional[Prior] = None, lengthscale_constraint_unbiased: Optional[Interval] = None, lengthscale_constraint_biased: Optional[Interval] = None, covar_module_unbiased: Optional[Kernel] = None, covar_module_biased: Optional[Kernel] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if dimension is None and kwargs.get("active_dims") is None: raise UnsupportedError( "Must specify dimension when not specifying active_dims." ) n_fidelity = len(fidelity_dims) if len(set(fidelity_dims)) != n_fidelity: raise ValueError("fidelity_dims must not have repeated elements") if n_fidelity not in {1, 2}: raise UnsupportedError( "LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel accepts either one or two" "fidelity parameters." ) if nu not in {0.5, 1.5, 2.5}: raise ValueError("nu must be one of 0.5, 1.5, or 2.5") super().__init__(**kwargs) self.fidelity_dims = fidelity_dims if power_constraint is None: power_constraint = Positive() if lengthscale_prior_unbiased is None: lengthscale_prior_unbiased = GammaPrior(3, 6) if lengthscale_prior_biased is None: lengthscale_prior_biased = GammaPrior(6, 2) if lengthscale_constraint_unbiased is None: lengthscale_constraint_unbiased = Positive() if lengthscale_constraint_biased is None: lengthscale_constraint_biased = Positive() self.register_parameter( name="raw_power", parameter=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(*self.batch_shape, 1)), ) self.register_constraint("raw_power", power_constraint) if power_prior is not None: self.register_prior( "power_prior", power_prior, lambda: self.power, lambda v: self._set_power(v), ) if self.active_dims is not None: dimension = len(self.active_dims) if covar_module_unbiased is None: covar_module_unbiased = MaternKernel( nu=nu, batch_shape=self.batch_shape, lengthscale_prior=lengthscale_prior_unbiased, ard_num_dims=dimension - n_fidelity, lengthscale_constraint=lengthscale_constraint_unbiased, ) if covar_module_biased is None: covar_module_biased = MaternKernel( nu=nu, batch_shape=self.batch_shape, lengthscale_prior=lengthscale_prior_biased, ard_num_dims=dimension - n_fidelity, lengthscale_constraint=lengthscale_constraint_biased, ) self.covar_module_unbiased = covar_module_unbiased self.covar_module_biased = covar_module_biased @property def power(self) -> Tensor: return self.raw_power_constraint.transform(self.raw_power) @power.setter def power(self, value: Tensor) -> None: self._set_power(value) def _set_power(self, value: Tensor) -> None: if not torch.is_tensor(value): value = torch.as_tensor(value).to(self.raw_power) self.initialize(raw_power=self.raw_power_constraint.inverse_transform(value)) def forward(self, x1: Tensor, x2: Tensor, diag: bool = False, **params) -> Tensor: r"""""" if params.get("last_dim_is_batch", False): raise NotImplementedError( "last_dim_is_batch not yet supported by LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel" ) power = self.power.view(*self.batch_shape, 1, 1) active_dimsM = [i for i in range(x1.size(-1)) if i not in self.fidelity_dims] x1_ = x1[..., active_dimsM] x2_ = x2[..., active_dimsM] covar_unbiased = self.covar_module_unbiased(x1_, x2_, diag=diag) covar_biased = self.covar_module_biased(x1_, x2_, diag=diag) x11_ = x1[..., self.fidelity_dims[0]].unsqueeze(-1) x21t_ = x2[..., self.fidelity_dims[0]].unsqueeze(-1) if not diag: x21t_ = x21t_.transpose(-1, -2) cross_term_1 = (1 - x11_) * (1 - x21t_) bias_factor = cross_term_1 * (1 + x11_ * x21t_).pow(power) if len(self.fidelity_dims) > 1: x12_ = x1[..., self.fidelity_dims[1]].unsqueeze(-1) x22t_ = x2[..., self.fidelity_dims[1]].unsqueeze(-1) x1b_ =[x11_, x12_], dim=-1) if diag: x2bt_ =[x21t_, x22t_], dim=-1) k = (1 + (x1b_ * x2bt_).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)).pow(power) else: x22t_ = x22t_.transpose(-1, -2) x2bt_ =[x21t_, x22t_], dim=-2) k = (1 + x1b_ @ x2bt_).pow(power) cross_term_2 = (1 - x12_) * (1 - x22t_) bias_factor += cross_term_2 * (1 + x12_ * x22t_).pow(power) bias_factor += cross_term_2 * cross_term_1 * k if diag: bias_factor = bias_factor.view(covar_biased.shape) return covar_unbiased + bias_factor * covar_biased def __getitem__(self, index) -> "LinearTruncatedFidelityKernel": new_kernel = deepcopy(self) new_kernel.covar_module_unbiased = self.covar_module_unbiased[index] new_kernel.covar_module_biased = self.covar_module_biased[index] return new_kernel