Source code for botorch.sampling.pathwise.posterior_samplers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

.. [wilson2020sampling]
    J. Wilson, V. Borovitskiy, A. Terenin, P. Mostowsky, and M. Deisenroth. Efficiently
    sampling functions from Gaussian process posteriors. International Conference on
    Machine Learning (2020).

.. [wilson2021pathwise]
    J. Wilson, V. Borovitskiy, A. Terenin, P. Mostowsky, and M. Deisenroth. Pathwise
    Conditioning of Gaussian Processes. Journal of Machine Learning Research (2021).

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Union

import torch
from botorch.exceptions.errors import UnsupportedError
from botorch.models.approximate_gp import ApproximateGPyTorchModel
from botorch.models.deterministic import GenericDeterministicModel
from botorch.models.model import ModelList
from botorch.models.model_list_gp_regression import ModelListGP
from botorch.sampling.pathwise.paths import PathDict, PathList, SamplePath
from botorch.sampling.pathwise.prior_samplers import (
from botorch.sampling.pathwise.update_strategies import gaussian_update, TPathwiseUpdate
from botorch.sampling.pathwise.utils import (
from botorch.utils.context_managers import delattr_ctx
from botorch.utils.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from botorch.utils.transforms import is_ensemble
from gpytorch.models import ApproximateGP, ExactGP, GP
from torch import Size, Tensor

DrawMatheronPaths = Dispatcher("draw_matheron_paths")

[docs] class MatheronPath(PathDict): r"""Represents function draws from a GP posterior via Matheron's rule: .. code-block:: text "Prior path" v (f | y)(·) = f(·) + Cov(f(·), y) Cov(y, y)^{-1} (y - f(X) - ε), \_______________________________________/ v "Update path" where `=` denotes equality in distribution, :math:`f \sim GP(0, k)`, :math:`y \sim N(f(X), \Sigma)`, and :math:`\epsilon \sim N(0, \Sigma)`. For more information, see [wilson2020sampling]_ and [wilson2021pathwise]_. """ def __init__( self, prior_paths: SamplePath, update_paths: SamplePath, input_transform: Optional[TInputTransform] = None, output_transform: Optional[TOutputTransform] = None, ) -> None: r"""Initializes a MatheronPath instance. Args: prior_paths: Sample paths used to represent the prior. update_paths: Sample paths used to represent the data. input_transform: An optional input transform for the module. output_transform: An optional output transform for the module. """ super().__init__( join=sum, paths={"prior_paths": prior_paths, "update_paths": update_paths}, input_transform=input_transform, output_transform=output_transform, )
[docs] def get_matheron_path_model( model: GP, sample_shape: Optional[Size] = None ) -> GenericDeterministicModel: r"""Generates a deterministic model using a single Matheron path drawn from the model's posterior. The deterministic model evalutes the output of `draw_matheron_paths`, and reshapes it to mimic the output behavior of the model's posterior. Args: model: The model whose posterior is to be sampled. sample_shape: The shape of the sample paths to be drawn, if an ensemble of sample paths is desired. If this is specified, the resulting deterministic model will behave as if the `sample_shape` is prepended to the `batch_shape` of the model. The inputs used to evaluate the model must be adjusted to match. Returns: A deterministic model that evaluates the Matheron path. """ sample_shape = Size() if sample_shape is None else sample_shape path = draw_matheron_paths(model, sample_shape=sample_shape) num_outputs = model.num_outputs if isinstance(model, ModelList) and len(model.models) != num_outputs: raise UnsupportedError("A model-list of multi-output models is not supported.") def f(X: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Reshapes the path evaluations to bring the output dimension to the end. Args: X: The input tensor of shape `batch_shape x q x d`. If the model is batched, `batch_shape` must be broadcastable to the model batch shape. Returns: The output tensor of shape `batch_shape x q x m`. """ if num_outputs == 1: # For single-output, we lack the output dimension. Add one. res = path(X).unsqueeze(-1) elif isinstance(model, ModelList): # For model list, path evaluates to a list of tensors. Stack them. res = torch.stack(path(X), dim=-1) else: # For multi-output, path expects inputs broadcastable to # `model._aug_batch_shape x q x d` and returns outputs of shape # `model._aug_batch_shape x q`. Augmented batch shape includes the # `m` dimension, so we will unsqueeze that and transpose after. res = path(X.unsqueeze(-3)).transpose(-1, -2) return res path_model = GenericDeterministicModel(f=f, num_outputs=num_outputs) path_model._is_ensemble = is_ensemble(model) or len(sample_shape) > 0 return path_model
[docs] def draw_matheron_paths( model: GP, sample_shape: Size, prior_sampler: TPathwisePriorSampler = draw_kernel_feature_paths, update_strategy: TPathwiseUpdate = gaussian_update, ) -> MatheronPath: r"""Generates function draws from (an approximate) Gaussian process posterior. When evaluted, sample paths produced by this method return Tensors with dimensions `sample_dims x batch_dims x [joint_dim]`, where `joint_dim` denotes the penultimate dimension of the input tensor. For multioutput models, outputs are returned as the final batch dimension. Args: model: Gaussian process whose posterior is to be sampled. sample_shape: Sizes of sample dimensions. prior_sample: A callable that takes a model and a sample shape and returns a set of sample paths representing the prior. update_strategy: A callable that takes a model and a tensor of prior process values and returns a set of sample paths representing the data. """ return DrawMatheronPaths( model, sample_shape=sample_shape, prior_sampler=prior_sampler, update_strategy=update_strategy, )
@DrawMatheronPaths.register(ModelListGP) def _draw_matheron_paths_ModelListGP( model: ModelListGP, sample_shape: Size, *, prior_sampler: TPathwisePriorSampler = draw_kernel_feature_paths, update_strategy: TPathwiseUpdate = gaussian_update, ): return PathList( [ draw_matheron_paths( model=m, sample_shape=sample_shape, prior_sampler=prior_sampler, update_strategy=update_strategy, ) for m in model.models ] ) @DrawMatheronPaths.register(ExactGP) def _draw_matheron_paths_ExactGP( model: ExactGP, *, sample_shape: Size, prior_sampler: TPathwisePriorSampler, update_strategy: TPathwiseUpdate, ) -> MatheronPath: (train_X,) = get_train_inputs(model, transformed=True) train_Y = get_train_targets(model, transformed=True) with delattr_ctx(model, "outcome_transform"): # Generate draws from the prior prior_paths = prior_sampler(model=model, sample_shape=sample_shape) sample_values = prior_paths.forward(train_X) # Compute pathwise updates update_paths = update_strategy( model=model, sample_values=sample_values, target_values=train_Y, ) return MatheronPath( prior_paths=prior_paths, update_paths=update_paths, output_transform=get_output_transform(model), ) @DrawMatheronPaths.register((ApproximateGP, ApproximateGPyTorchModel)) def _draw_matheron_paths_ApproximateGP( model: Union[ApproximateGP, ApproximateGPyTorchModel], *, sample_shape: Size, prior_sampler: TPathwisePriorSampler, update_strategy: TPathwiseUpdate, ) -> MatheronPath: # Note: Inducing points are assumed to be pre-transformed Z = ( model.model.variational_strategy.inducing_points if isinstance(model, ApproximateGPyTorchModel) else model.variational_strategy.inducing_points ) with delattr_ctx(model, "outcome_transform"): # Generate draws from the prior prior_paths = prior_sampler(model=model, sample_shape=sample_shape) sample_values = prior_paths.forward(Z) # `forward` bypasses transforms # Compute pathwise updates update_paths = update_strategy(model=model, sample_values=sample_values) return MatheronPath( prior_paths=prior_paths, update_paths=update_paths, output_transform=get_output_transform(model), )