Source code for botorch.acquisition.input_constructors

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

A registry of helpers for generating inputs to acquisition function
constructors programmatically from a consistent input format.

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from typing import (

import torch
from botorch.acquisition.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.acquisition.analytic import (
from botorch.acquisition.cost_aware import InverseCostWeightedUtility
from botorch.acquisition.fixed_feature import FixedFeatureAcquisitionFunction
from botorch.acquisition.joint_entropy_search import qJointEntropySearch
from botorch.acquisition.knowledge_gradient import (
from botorch.acquisition.logei import (
from botorch.acquisition.max_value_entropy_search import (
from botorch.acquisition.monte_carlo import (
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective import (
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.logei import (
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.objective import IdentityMCMultiOutputObjective
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.parego import qLogNParEGO
from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.utils import get_default_partitioning_alpha
from botorch.acquisition.objective import (
from botorch.acquisition.preference import (
from botorch.acquisition.risk_measures import RiskMeasureMCObjective
from botorch.acquisition.utils import (
from botorch.exceptions.errors import UnsupportedError
from botorch.models.cost import AffineFidelityCostModel
from botorch.models.deterministic import FixedSingleSampleModel
from botorch.models.gpytorch import GPyTorchModel
from botorch.models.model import Model
from botorch.optim.optimize import optimize_acqf
from botorch.sampling.base import MCSampler
from botorch.sampling.normal import IIDNormalSampler, SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils.containers import BotorchContainer
from botorch.utils.datasets import SupervisedDataset
from botorch.utils.multi_objective.box_decompositions.non_dominated import (
from torch import Tensor


T = TypeVar("T")
MaybeDict = Union[T, Dict[Hashable, T]]
TOptimizeObjectiveKwargs = Union[
    Tuple[Tensor, Tensor],
    Dict[int, float],
    Dict[str, Any],
    Callable[[Tensor], Tensor],

def _field_is_shared(
    datasets: Union[Iterable[SupervisedDataset], Dict[Hashable, SupervisedDataset]],
    fieldname: str,
) -> bool:
    r"""Determines whether or not a given field is shared by all datasets."""
    if isinstance(datasets, dict):
        datasets = datasets.values()

    base = None
    for dataset in datasets:
        if not hasattr(dataset, fieldname):
            raise AttributeError(f"{type(dataset)} object has no field `{fieldname}`.")

        obj = getattr(dataset, fieldname)
        if base is None:
            base = obj
        elif isinstance(base, Tensor):
            if not torch.equal(base, obj):
                return False
        elif base != obj:  # pragma: no cover
            return False

    return True

def _get_dataset_field(
    dataset: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset],
    fieldname: str,
    transform: Optional[Callable[[BotorchContainer], Any]] = None,
    join_rule: Optional[Callable[[Sequence[Any]], Any]] = None,
    first_only: bool = False,
    assert_shared: bool = False,
) -> Any:
    r"""Convenience method for extracting a given field from one or more datasets."""
    if isinstance(dataset, dict):
        if assert_shared and not _field_is_shared(dataset, fieldname):
            raise ValueError(f"Field `{fieldname}` must be shared.")

        if not first_only:
            fields = (
                _get_dataset_field(d, fieldname, transform) for d in dataset.values()
            return join_rule(tuple(fields)) if join_rule else tuple(fields)

        dataset = next(iter(dataset.values()))

    field = getattr(dataset, fieldname)
    return transform(field) if transform else field

[docs] def get_acqf_input_constructor( acqf_cls: Type[AcquisitionFunction], ) -> Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]]: r"""Get acquisition function input constructor from registry. Args: acqf_cls: The AcquisitionFunction class (not instance) for which to retrieve the input constructor. Returns: The input constructor associated with `acqf_cls`. """ if acqf_cls not in ACQF_INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_REGISTRY: raise RuntimeError( f"Input constructor for acquisition class `{acqf_cls.__name__}` not " "registered. Use the `@acqf_input_constructor` decorator to register " "a new method." ) return ACQF_INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_REGISTRY[acqf_cls]
[docs] def allow_only_specific_variable_kwargs(f: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., T]: """ Decorator for allowing a function to accept keyword arguments that are not explicitly listed in the function signature, but only specific ones. This decorator is applied in `acqf_input_constructor` so that all constructors obtained with `acqf_input_constructor` allow keyword arguments such as `training_data` and `objective`, even if they do not appear in the signature of `f`. Any other keyword arguments will raise an error. """ allowed = { # `training_data` and/or `X_baseline` are needed to compute baselines # for some EI-type acquisition functions. "training_data", "X_baseline", # Objective thresholds are needed for defining hypervolumes in # multi-objective optimization. "objective_thresholds", # Used in input constructors for some lookahead acquisition functions # such as qKnowledgeGradient. "bounds", } def g(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> T: new_kwargs = {} accepted_kwargs = inspect.signature(f).parameters.keys() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in accepted_kwargs: new_kwargs[k] = v elif k not in allowed: raise TypeError( f"Unexpected keyword argument `{k}` when" f" constructing input arguments for {f.__name__}." ) return f(*args, **new_kwargs) return g
[docs] def acqf_input_constructor( *acqf_cls: Type[AcquisitionFunction], ) -> Callable[..., AcquisitionFunction]: r"""Decorator for registering acquisition function input constructors. Args: acqf_cls: The AcquisitionFunction classes (not instances) for which to register the input constructor. """ for acqf_cls_ in acqf_cls: if acqf_cls_ in ACQF_INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_REGISTRY: raise ValueError( "Cannot register duplicate arg constructor for acquisition " f"class `{acqf_cls_.__name__}`" ) def decorator(method): method_kwargs = allow_only_specific_variable_kwargs(method) for acqf_cls_ in acqf_cls: ACQF_INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_REGISTRY[acqf_cls_] = method_kwargs return method return decorator
def _register_acqf_input_constructor( acqf_cls: Type[AcquisitionFunction], input_constructor: Callable[..., Dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: ACQF_INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_REGISTRY[acqf_cls] = input_constructor # --------------------- Input argument constructors --------------------- #
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(PosteriorMean) def construct_inputs_posterior_mean( model: Model, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Union[Model, Optional[PosteriorTransform]]]: r"""Construct kwargs for PosteriorMean acquisition function. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ return {"model": model, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform}
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor( ExpectedImprovement, LogExpectedImprovement, ProbabilityOfImprovement, LogProbabilityOfImprovement, ) def construct_inputs_best_f( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, best_f: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None, maximize: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the acquisition functions requiring `best_f`. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. Used to determine default value for `best_f`. best_f: Threshold above (or below) which improvement is defined. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. maximize: If True, consider the problem a maximization problem. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if best_f is None: best_f = get_best_f_analytic( training_data=training_data, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, ) return { "model": model, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "best_f": best_f, "maximize": maximize, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(UpperConfidenceBound) def construct_inputs_ucb( model: Model, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, beta: Union[float, Tensor] = 0.2, maximize: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `UpperConfidenceBound`. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. beta: Either a scalar or a one-dim tensor with `b` elements (batch mode) representing the trade-off parameter between mean and covariance maximize: If True, consider the problem a maximization problem. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ return { "model": model, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "beta": beta, "maximize": maximize, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(NoisyExpectedImprovement, LogNoisyExpectedImprovement) def construct_inputs_noisy_ei( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], num_fantasies: int = 20, maximize: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `NoisyExpectedImprovement`. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. num_fantasies: The number of fantasies to generate. The higher this number the more accurate the model (at the expense of model complexity and performance). maximize: If True, consider the problem a maximization problem. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ # TODO: Add prune_baseline functionality as for qNEI X = _get_dataset_field(training_data, "X", first_only=True, assert_shared=True) return { "model": model, "X_observed": X, "num_fantasies": num_fantasies, "maximize": maximize, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qSimpleRegret) def construct_inputs_qSimpleRegret( model: Model, objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, X_baseline: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for qSimpleRegret. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `batch_shape, m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. X_baseline: A `batch_shape x r x d`-dim Tensor of `r` design points that have already been observed. These points are considered as the potential best design point. If omitted, checks that all training_data have the same input features and take the first `X`. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if constraints is not None: if X_baseline is None: raise ValueError("Constraints require an X_baseline.") objective = ConstrainedMCObjective( objective=objective, constraints=constraints, infeasible_cost=get_infeasible_cost( X=X_baseline, model=model, objective=objective ), ) return { "model": model, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, "sampler": sampler, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qExpectedImprovement) def construct_inputs_qEI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, best_f: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, eta: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-3, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `qExpectedImprovement` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. best_f: Threshold above (or below) which improvement is defined. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. eta: Temperature parameter(s) governing the smoothness of the sigmoid approximation to the constraint indicators. For more details, on this parameter, see the docs of `compute_smoothed_feasibility_indicator`. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if best_f is None: best_f = get_best_f_mc( training_data=training_data, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, constraints=constraints, model=model, ) return { "model": model, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, "sampler": sampler, "best_f": best_f, "constraints": constraints, "eta": eta, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qLogExpectedImprovement) def construct_inputs_qLogEI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, best_f: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, eta: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-3, fat: bool = True, tau_max: float = TAU_MAX, tau_relu: float = TAU_RELU, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `qExpectedImprovement` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. best_f: Threshold above (or below) which improvement is defined. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. eta: Temperature parameter(s) governing the smoothness of the sigmoid approximation to the constraint indicators. For more details, on this parameter, see the docs of `compute_smoothed_feasibility_indicator`. fat: Toggles the logarithmic / linear asymptotic behavior of the smooth approximation to the ReLU. tau_max: Temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the smooth approximations to max. tau_relu: Temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the smooth approximations to ReLU. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ return { **construct_inputs_qEI( model=model, training_data=training_data, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, X_pending=X_pending, sampler=sampler, best_f=best_f, constraints=constraints, eta=eta, ), "fat": fat, "tau_max": tau_max, "tau_relu": tau_relu, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qNoisyExpectedImprovement) def construct_inputs_qNEI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, X_baseline: Optional[Tensor] = None, prune_baseline: Optional[bool] = True, cache_root: Optional[bool] = True, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, eta: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-3, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `qNoisyExpectedImprovement` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. X_baseline: A `batch_shape x r x d`-dim Tensor of `r` design points that have already been observed. These points are considered as the potential best design point. If omitted, checks that all training_data have the same input features and take the first `X`. prune_baseline: If True, remove points in `X_baseline` that are highly unlikely to be the best point. This can significantly improve performance and is generally recommended. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. eta: Temperature parameter(s) governing the smoothness of the sigmoid approximation to the constraint indicators. For more details, on this parameter, see the docs of `compute_smoothed_feasibility_indicator`. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if X_baseline is None: X_baseline = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="X", assert_shared=True, first_only=True, ) return { "model": model, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, "sampler": sampler, "X_baseline": X_baseline, "prune_baseline": prune_baseline, "cache_root": cache_root, "constraints": constraints, "eta": eta, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qLogNoisyExpectedImprovement) def construct_inputs_qLogNEI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, X_baseline: Optional[Tensor] = None, prune_baseline: Optional[bool] = True, cache_root: Optional[bool] = True, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, eta: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-3, fat: bool = True, tau_max: float = TAU_MAX, tau_relu: float = TAU_RELU, ): r"""Construct kwargs for the `qLogNoisyExpectedImprovement` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. X_baseline: A `batch_shape x r x d`-dim Tensor of `r` design points that have already been observed. These points are considered as the potential best design point. If omitted, checks that all training_data have the same input features and take the first `X`. prune_baseline: If True, remove points in `X_baseline` that are highly unlikely to be the best point. This can significantly improve performance and is generally recommended. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. eta: Temperature parameter(s) governing the smoothness of the sigmoid approximation to the constraint indicators. For more details, on this parameter, see the docs of `compute_smoothed_feasibility_indicator`. fat: Toggles the use of the fat-tailed non-linearities to smoothly approximate the constraints indicator function. tau_max: Temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the smooth approximations to max. tau_relu: Temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the smooth approximations to ReLU. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ return { **construct_inputs_qNEI( model=model, training_data=training_data, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, X_pending=X_pending, sampler=sampler, X_baseline=X_baseline, prune_baseline=prune_baseline, cache_root=cache_root, constraints=constraints, eta=eta, ), "fat": fat, "tau_max": tau_max, "tau_relu": tau_relu, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qProbabilityOfImprovement) def construct_inputs_qPI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, tau: float = 1e-3, best_f: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, eta: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-3, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `qProbabilityOfImprovement` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. tau: The temperature parameter used in the sigmoid approximation of the step function. Smaller values yield more accurate approximations of the function, but result in gradients estimates with higher variance. best_f: The best objective value observed so far (assumed noiseless). Can be a `batch_shape`-shaped tensor, which in case of a batched model specifies potentially different values for each element of the batch. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. eta: Temperature parameter(s) governing the smoothness of the sigmoid approximation to the constraint indicators. For more details, on this parameter, see the docs of `compute_smoothed_feasibility_indicator`. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if best_f is None: best_f = get_best_f_mc( training_data=training_data, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, constraints=constraints, model=model, ) return { "model": model, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, "sampler": sampler, "tau": tau, "best_f": best_f, "constraints": constraints, "eta": eta, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qUpperConfidenceBound) def construct_inputs_qUCB( model: Model, objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, beta: float = 0.2, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `qUpperConfidenceBound` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. objective: The objective to be used in the acquisition function. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. beta: Controls tradeoff between mean and standard deviation in UCB. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ return { "model": model, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, "sampler": sampler, "beta": beta, }
def _get_sampler(mc_samples: int, qmc: bool) -> MCSampler: """Set up MC sampler for q(N)EHVI.""" # initialize the sampler shape = torch.Size([mc_samples]) if qmc: return SobolQMCNormalSampler(sample_shape=shape) return IIDNormalSampler(sample_shape=shape)
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(ExpectedHypervolumeImprovement) def construct_inputs_EHVI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective_thresholds: Tensor, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, Y_pmean: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `ExpectedHypervolumeImprovement` constructor.""" num_objectives = objective_thresholds.shape[0] if constraints is not None: raise NotImplementedError("EHVI does not yet support outcome constraints.") X = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="X", first_only=True, assert_shared=True, ) alpha = ( get_default_partitioning_alpha(num_objectives=num_objectives) if alpha is None else alpha ) # Compute posterior mean (for ref point computation ref pareto frontier) # if one is not provided among arguments. if Y_pmean is None: with torch.no_grad(): Y_pmean = model.posterior(X).mean if alpha > 0: partitioning = NondominatedPartitioning( ref_point=objective_thresholds, Y=Y_pmean, alpha=alpha, ) else: partitioning = FastNondominatedPartitioning( ref_point=objective_thresholds, Y=Y_pmean, ) kwargs = { "model": model, "ref_point": objective_thresholds, "partitioning": partitioning, } if posterior_transform is not None: kwargs["posterior_transform"] = posterior_transform return kwargs
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor( qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement, qLogExpectedHypervolumeImprovement ) def construct_inputs_qEHVI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective_thresholds: Tensor, objective: Optional[MCMultiOutputObjective] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, eta: float = 1e-3, mc_samples: int = 128, qmc: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r""" Construct kwargs for `qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement` and `qLogExpectedHypervolumeImprovement`. """ X = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="X", first_only=True, assert_shared=True, ) # compute posterior mean (for ref point computation ref pareto frontier) with torch.no_grad(): Y_pmean = model.posterior(X).mean # For HV-based acquisition functions we pass the constraint transform directly if constraints is not None: # Adjust `Y_pmean` to contain feasible points only. feas = torch.stack([c(Y_pmean) <= 0 for c in constraints], dim=-1).all(dim=-1) Y_pmean = Y_pmean[feas] num_objectives = objective_thresholds.shape[0] alpha = ( get_default_partitioning_alpha(num_objectives=num_objectives) if alpha is None else alpha ) if objective is None: ref_point = objective_thresholds Y = Y_pmean elif isinstance(objective, RiskMeasureMCObjective): ref_point = objective.preprocessing_function(objective_thresholds) Y = objective.preprocessing_function(Y_pmean) else: ref_point = objective(objective_thresholds) Y = objective(Y_pmean) if alpha > 0: partitioning = NondominatedPartitioning( ref_point=ref_point, Y=Y, alpha=alpha, ) else: partitioning = FastNondominatedPartitioning( ref_point=ref_point, Y=Y, ) if sampler is None and isinstance(model, GPyTorchModel): sampler = _get_sampler(mc_samples=mc_samples, qmc=qmc) return { "model": model, "ref_point": ref_point, "partitioning": partitioning, "sampler": sampler, "X_pending": X_pending, "constraints": constraints, "eta": eta, "objective": objective, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement) def construct_inputs_qNEHVI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective_thresholds: Tensor, objective: Optional[MCMultiOutputObjective] = None, X_baseline: Optional[Tensor] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, eta: float = 1e-3, fat: bool = False, mc_samples: int = 128, qmc: bool = True, prune_baseline: bool = True, cache_pending: bool = True, max_iep: int = 0, incremental_nehvi: bool = True, cache_root: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `qNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement`'s constructor.""" if X_baseline is None: X_baseline = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="X", first_only=True, assert_shared=True, ) # This selects the objectives (a subset of the outcomes) and set each # objective threshold to have the proper optimization direction. if objective is None: objective = IdentityMCMultiOutputObjective() if constraints is not None: if isinstance(objective, RiskMeasureMCObjective): raise UnsupportedError( "Outcome constraints are not supported with risk measures. " "Use a feasibility-weighted risk measure instead." ) if sampler is None and isinstance(model, GPyTorchModel): sampler = _get_sampler(mc_samples=mc_samples, qmc=qmc) if isinstance(objective, RiskMeasureMCObjective): ref_point = objective.preprocessing_function(objective_thresholds) else: ref_point = objective(objective_thresholds) num_objectives = objective_thresholds[~torch.isnan(objective_thresholds)].shape[0] if alpha is None: alpha = get_default_partitioning_alpha(num_objectives=num_objectives) return { "model": model, "ref_point": ref_point, "X_baseline": X_baseline, "sampler": sampler, "objective": objective, "constraints": constraints, "X_pending": X_pending, "eta": eta, "fat": fat, "prune_baseline": prune_baseline, "alpha": alpha, "cache_pending": cache_pending, "max_iep": max_iep, "incremental_nehvi": incremental_nehvi, "cache_root": cache_root, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qLogNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement) def construct_inputs_qLogNEHVI( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective_thresholds: Tensor, objective: Optional[MCMultiOutputObjective] = None, X_baseline: Optional[Tensor] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, eta: float = 1e-3, fat: bool = True, mc_samples: int = 128, qmc: bool = True, prune_baseline: bool = True, cache_pending: bool = True, max_iep: int = 0, incremental_nehvi: bool = True, cache_root: bool = True, tau_relu: float = TAU_RELU, tau_max: float = TAU_MAX, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Construct kwargs for `qLogNoisyExpectedHypervolumeImprovement`'s constructor." """ return { **construct_inputs_qNEHVI( model=model, training_data=training_data, objective_thresholds=objective_thresholds, objective=objective, X_baseline=X_baseline, constraints=constraints, alpha=alpha, sampler=sampler, X_pending=X_pending, eta=eta, fat=fat, mc_samples=mc_samples, qmc=qmc, prune_baseline=prune_baseline, cache_pending=cache_pending, max_iep=max_iep, incremental_nehvi=incremental_nehvi, cache_root=cache_root, ), "tau_relu": tau_relu, "tau_max": tau_max, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qLogNParEGO) def construct_inputs_qLogNParEGO( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], scalarization_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None, objective: Optional[MCMultiOutputObjective] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, X_baseline: Optional[Tensor] = None, prune_baseline: Optional[bool] = True, cache_root: Optional[bool] = True, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, eta: Union[Tensor, float] = 1e-3, fat: bool = True, tau_max: float = TAU_MAX, tau_relu: float = TAU_RELU, ): r"""Construct kwargs for the `qLogNoisyExpectedImprovement` constructor. Args: model: The model to be used in the acquisition function. training_data: Dataset(s) used to train the model. scalarization_weights: A `m`-dim Tensor of weights to be used in the Chebyshev scalarization. If omitted, samples from the unit simplex. objective: The MultiOutputMCAcquisitionObjective under which the samples are evaluated before applying Chebyshev scalarization. Defaults to `IdentityMultiOutputObjective()`. X_pending: A `m x d`-dim Tensor of `m` design points that have been submitted for function evaluation but have not yet been evaluated. Concatenated into X upon forward call. sampler: The sampler used to draw base samples. If omitted, uses the acquisition functions's default sampler. X_baseline: A `batch_shape x r x d`-dim Tensor of `r` design points that have already been observed. These points are considered as the potential best design point. If omitted, checks that all training_data have the same input features and take the first `X`. prune_baseline: If True, remove points in `X_baseline` that are highly unlikely to be the best point. This can significantly improve performance and is generally recommended. constraints: A list of constraint callables which map a Tensor of posterior samples of dimension `sample_shape x batch-shape x q x m`-dim to a `sample_shape x batch-shape x q`-dim Tensor. The associated constraints are considered satisfied if the output is less than zero. eta: Temperature parameter(s) governing the smoothness of the sigmoid approximation to the constraint indicators. For more details, on this parameter, see the docs of `compute_smoothed_feasibility_indicator`. fat: Toggles the use of the fat-tailed non-linearities to smoothly approximate the constraints indicator function. tau_max: Temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the smooth approximations to max. tau_relu: Temperature parameter controlling the sharpness of the smooth approximations to ReLU. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ base_inputs = construct_inputs_qLogNEI( model=model, training_data=training_data, objective=objective, X_pending=X_pending, sampler=sampler, X_baseline=X_baseline, prune_baseline=prune_baseline, cache_root=cache_root, constraints=constraints, eta=eta, fat=fat, tau_max=tau_max, tau_relu=tau_relu, ) base_inputs.pop("posterior_transform", None) return { **base_inputs, "scalarization_weights": scalarization_weights, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qMaxValueEntropy) def construct_inputs_qMES( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, candidate_size: int = 1000, maximize: bool = True, # TODO: qMES also supports other inputs, such as num_fantasies ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `qMaxValueEntropy` constructor.""" X = _get_dataset_field(training_data, "X", first_only=True) _kw = {"device": X.device, "dtype": X.dtype} _rvs = torch.rand(candidate_size, len(bounds), **_kw) _bounds = torch.as_tensor(bounds, **_kw).transpose(0, 1) return { "model": model, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "candidate_set": _bounds[0] + (_bounds[1] - _bounds[0]) * _rvs, "maximize": maximize, }
[docs] def construct_inputs_mf_base( target_fidelities: Dict[int, Union[int, float]], fidelity_weights: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, cost_intercept: float = 1.0, num_trace_observations: int = 0, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for a multifidelity acquisition function's constructor.""" if fidelity_weights is None: fidelity_weights = {f: 1.0 for f in target_fidelities} if set(target_fidelities) != set(fidelity_weights): raise RuntimeError( "Must provide the same indices for target_fidelities " f"({set(target_fidelities)}) and fidelity_weights " f" ({set(fidelity_weights)})." ) cost_aware_utility = InverseCostWeightedUtility( cost_model=AffineFidelityCostModel( fidelity_weights=fidelity_weights, fixed_cost=cost_intercept ) ) return { "cost_aware_utility": cost_aware_utility, "expand": lambda X: expand_trace_observations( X=X, fidelity_dims=sorted(target_fidelities), num_trace_obs=num_trace_observations, ), "project": lambda X: project_to_target_fidelity( X=X, target_fidelities=target_fidelities ), }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qKnowledgeGradient) def construct_inputs_qKG( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, num_fantasies: int = 64, **optimize_objective_kwargs: TOptimizeObjectiveKwargs, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `qKnowledgeGradient` constructor.""" X = _get_dataset_field(training_data, "X", first_only=True) _bounds = torch.as_tensor(bounds, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device) _, current_value = optimize_objective( model=model, bounds=_bounds.t(), q=1, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, **optimize_objective_kwargs, ) return { "model": model, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "num_fantasies": num_fantasies, "current_value": current_value.detach().cpu().max(), }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qMultiFidelityKnowledgeGradient) def construct_inputs_qMFKG( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], target_fidelities: Dict[int, Union[int, float]], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, fidelity_weights: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, cost_intercept: float = 1.0, num_trace_observations: int = 0, num_fantasies: int = 64, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `qMultiFidelityKnowledgeGradient` constructor.""" inputs_mf = construct_inputs_mf_base( target_fidelities=target_fidelities, fidelity_weights=fidelity_weights, cost_intercept=cost_intercept, num_trace_observations=num_trace_observations, ) inputs_kg = construct_inputs_qKG( model=model, training_data=training_data, bounds=bounds, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, num_fantasies=num_fantasies, ) return {**inputs_mf, **inputs_kg}
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qMultiFidelityMaxValueEntropy) def construct_inputs_qMFMES( model: Model, training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], target_fidelities: Dict[int, Union[int, float]], num_fantasies: int = 64, fidelity_weights: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, cost_intercept: float = 1.0, num_trace_observations: int = 0, candidate_size: int = 1000, maximize: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for `qMultiFidelityMaxValueEntropy` constructor.""" inputs_mf = construct_inputs_mf_base( target_fidelities=target_fidelities, fidelity_weights=fidelity_weights, cost_intercept=cost_intercept, num_trace_observations=num_trace_observations, ) inputs_qmes = construct_inputs_qMES( model=model, training_data=training_data, bounds=bounds, candidate_size=candidate_size, maximize=maximize, ) return {**inputs_mf, **inputs_qmes, "num_fantasies": num_fantasies}
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(AnalyticExpectedUtilityOfBestOption) def construct_inputs_analytic_eubo( model: Model, pref_model: Optional[Model] = None, previous_winner: Optional[Tensor] = None, sample_multiplier: Optional[float] = 1.0, objective: Optional[LearnedObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `AnalyticExpectedUtilityOfBestOption` constructor. `model` is the primary model defined over the parameter space. It can be the outcome model in BOPE or the preference model in PBO. `pref_model` is the model defined over the outcome/metric space, which is typically the preference model in BOPE. If both model and pref_model exist, we are performing Bayesian Optimization with Preference Exploration (BOPE). When only pref_model is None, we are performing preferential BO (PBO). Args: model: The outcome model to be used in the acquisition function in BOPE when pref_model exists; otherwise, model is the preference model and we are doing Preferential BO pref_model: The preference model to be used in preference exploration as in BOPE; if None, we are doing PBO and model is the preference model. previous_winner: The previous winner of the best option. sample_multiplier: The scale factor for the single-sample model. objective: Ignored. This argument is allowed to be passed then ignored because of the way that EUBO is typically used in a BOPE loop. posterior_transform: Ignored. This argument is allowed to be passed then ignored because of the way that EUBO is typically used in a BOPE loop. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if pref_model is None: return { "pref_model": model, "outcome_model": None, "previous_winner": previous_winner, } else: # construct a deterministic fixed single sample model from `model` # i.e., performing EUBO-zeta by default as described # in # using pref_model.dim instead of model.num_outputs here as MTGP's # num_outputs could be tied to the number of tasks w = torch.randn(pref_model.dim) * sample_multiplier one_sample_outcome_model = FixedSingleSampleModel(model=model, w=w) return { "pref_model": pref_model, "outcome_model": one_sample_outcome_model, "previous_winner": previous_winner, }
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qExpectedUtilityOfBestOption) def construct_inputs_qeubo( model: Model, pref_model: Optional[Model] = None, sample_multiplier: Optional[float] = 1.0, sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None, objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Construct kwargs for the `qExpectedUtilityOfBestOption` (qEUBO) constructor. `model` is the primary model defined over the parameter space. It can be the outcomde model in BOPE or the preference model in PBO. `pref_model` is the model defined over the outcome/metric space, which is typically the preference model in BOPE. If both model and pref_model exist, we are performing Bayesian Optimization with Preference Exploration (BOPE). When only pref_model is None, we are performing preferential BO (PBO). Args: model: The outcome model to be used in the acquisition function in BOPE when pref_model exists; otherwise, model is the preference model and we are doing Preferential BO pref_model: The preference model to be used in preference exploration as in BOPE; if None, we are doing PBO and model is the preference model. sample_multiplier: The scale factor for the single-sample model. Returns: A dict mapping kwarg names of the constructor to values. """ if pref_model is None: return { "pref_model": model, "outcome_model": None, "sampler": sampler, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, } else: # construct a deterministic fixed single sample model from `model` # i.e., performing EUBO-zeta by default as described # in # using pref_model.dim instead of model.num_outputs here as MTGP's # num_outputs could be tied to the number of tasks w = torch.randn(pref_model.dim) * sample_multiplier one_sample_outcome_model = FixedSingleSampleModel(model=model, w=w) return { "pref_model": pref_model, "outcome_model": one_sample_outcome_model, "sampler": sampler, "objective": objective, "posterior_transform": posterior_transform, "X_pending": X_pending, }
[docs] def get_best_f_analytic( training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, ) -> Tensor: if isinstance(training_data, dict) and not _field_is_shared( training_data, fieldname="X" ): raise NotImplementedError("Currently only block designs are supported.") Y = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="Y", join_rule=lambda field_tensors:, dim=-1), ) if posterior_transform is not None: return posterior_transform.evaluate(Y).max(-1).values if Y.shape[-1] > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Analytic acquisition functions currently only work with " "multi-output models if provided with a `ScalarizedObjective`." ) return Y.max(-2).values.squeeze(-1)
[docs] def get_best_f_mc( training_data: MaybeDict[SupervisedDataset], objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, constraints: Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]] = None, model: Optional[Model] = None, ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the maximum value of the objective over the training data. Args: training_data: Has fields Y, which is evaluated by `objective`, and X, which is used as `X_baseline`. `Y` is of shape `batch_shape x q x m`. objective: The objective under which to evaluate the training data. If omitted, uses `IdentityMCObjective`. posterior_transform: An optional PosteriorTransform to apply to `Y` before computing the objective. constraints: For assessing feasibility. model: Used by `compute_best_feasible_objective` when there are no feasible observations. Returns: A Tensor of shape `batch_shape`. """ if isinstance(training_data, dict) and not _field_is_shared( training_data, fieldname="X" ): raise NotImplementedError("Currently only block designs are supported.") X_baseline = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="X", assert_shared=True, first_only=True, ) Y = _get_dataset_field( training_data, fieldname="Y", join_rule=lambda field_tensors:, dim=-1), ) # batch_shape x q x m if posterior_transform is not None: # retain the original tensor dimension since objective expects explicit # output dimension. Y_dim = Y.dim() Y = posterior_transform.evaluate(Y) if Y.dim() < Y_dim: Y = Y.unsqueeze(-1) if objective is None: if Y.shape[-1] > 1: raise UnsupportedError( "Acquisition functions require an objective when " "used with multi-output models (except for multi-objective" "acquisition functions)." ) objective = IdentityMCObjective() # `Y` is of shape `(batch_shape) x q x m`; `MCAcquisitionObjective`s expect # inputs `sample_shape x (batch_shape) x q x m`. # For most objectives, `obj` will have shape `1 x (batch_shape) x q`, but # with a `LearnedObjective` it can be `num_samples x (batch_shape) x q`. obj = objective(Y.unsqueeze(0), X=X_baseline) obj = obj.mean(dim=0) # taking mean over monte carlo samples return compute_best_feasible_objective( samples=Y, obj=obj, constraints=constraints, model=model, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, X_baseline=X_baseline, )
[docs] def optimize_objective( model: Model, bounds: Tensor, q: int, objective: Optional[MCAcquisitionObjective] = None, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, linear_constraints: Optional[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]] = None, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, qmc: bool = True, mc_samples: int = 512, seed_inner: Optional[int] = None, optimizer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, post_processing_func: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] = None, batch_initial_conditions: Optional[Tensor] = None, sequential: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: r"""Optimize an objective under the given model. Args: model: The model to be used in the objective. bounds: A `2 x d` tensor of lower and upper bounds for each column of `X`. q: The cardinality of input sets on which the objective is to be evaluated. objective: The objective to optimize. posterior_transform: The posterior transform to be used in the acquisition function. linear_constraints: A tuple of (A, b). Given `k` linear constraints on a `d`-dimensional space, `A` is `k x d` and `b` is `k x 1` such that `A x <= b`. (Not used by single task models). fixed_features: A dictionary of feature assignments `{feature_index: value}` to hold fixed during generation. qmc: Toggle for enabling (qmc=1) or disabling (qmc=0) use of Quasi Monte Carlo. mc_samples: Integer number of samples used to estimate Monte Carlo objectives. seed_inner: Integer seed used to initialize the sampler passed to MCObjective. optimizer_options: Table used to lookup keyword arguments for the optimizer. post_processing_func: A function that post-processes an optimization result appropriately (i.e. according to `round-trip` transformations). batch_initial_conditions: A Tensor of initial values for the optimizer. sequential: If False, uses joint optimization, otherwise uses sequential optimization. Returns: A tuple containing the best input locations and corresponding objective values. """ if optimizer_options is None: optimizer_options = {} if objective is not None: sampler_cls = SobolQMCNormalSampler if qmc else IIDNormalSampler acq_function = qSimpleRegret( model=model, objective=objective, posterior_transform=posterior_transform, sampler=sampler_cls(sample_shape=torch.Size([mc_samples]), seed=seed_inner), ) else: acq_function = PosteriorMean( model=model, posterior_transform=posterior_transform ) if fixed_features: acq_function = FixedFeatureAcquisitionFunction( acq_function=acq_function, d=bounds.shape[-1], columns=list(fixed_features.keys()), values=list(fixed_features.values()), ) free_feature_dims = list(range(len(bounds)) - fixed_features.keys()) free_feature_bounds = bounds[:, free_feature_dims] # (2, d' <= d) else: free_feature_bounds = bounds if linear_constraints is None: inequality_constraints = None else: A, b = linear_constraints inequality_constraints = [] k, d = A.shape for i in range(k): indices = A[i, :].nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze() coefficients = -A[i, indices] rhs = -b[i, 0] inequality_constraints.append((indices, coefficients, rhs)) return optimize_acqf( acq_function=acq_function, bounds=free_feature_bounds, q=q, num_restarts=optimizer_options.get("num_restarts", 60), raw_samples=optimizer_options.get("raw_samples", 1024), options={ "batch_limit": optimizer_options.get("batch_limit", 8), "maxiter": optimizer_options.get("maxiter", 200), "nonnegative": optimizer_options.get("nonnegative", False), "method": optimizer_options.get("method", "L-BFGS-B"), }, inequality_constraints=inequality_constraints, fixed_features=None, # handled inside the acquisition function post_processing_func=post_processing_func, batch_initial_conditions=batch_initial_conditions, return_best_only=True, sequential=sequential, )
[docs] @acqf_input_constructor(qJointEntropySearch) def construct_inputs_qJES( model: Model, bounds: List[Tuple[float, float]], num_optima: int = 64, maximize: bool = True, condition_noiseless: bool = True, X_pending: Optional[Tensor] = None, estimation_type: str = "LB", num_samples: int = 64, ): dtype = model.train_targets.dtype optimal_inputs, optimal_outputs = get_optimal_samples( model=model, bounds=torch.as_tensor(bounds, dtype=dtype).T, num_optima=num_optima, maximize=maximize, ) inputs = { "model": model, "optimal_inputs": optimal_inputs, "optimal_outputs": optimal_outputs, "condition_noiseless": condition_noiseless, "maximize": maximize, "X_pending": X_pending, "estimation_type": estimation_type, "num_samples": num_samples, } return inputs