#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
r"""Model fitting routines."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from contextlib import nullcontext
from functools import partial
from itertools import filterfalse
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter, warn, warn_explicit, WarningMessage
from botorch.exceptions.errors import ModelFittingError, UnsupportedError
from botorch.exceptions.warnings import OptimizationWarning
from botorch.models.approximate_gp import ApproximateGPyTorchModel
from botorch.models.fully_bayesian import SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP
from botorch.models.fully_bayesian_multitask import SaasFullyBayesianMultiTaskGP
from botorch.models.model_list_gp_regression import ModelListGP
from botorch.optim.closures import get_loss_closure_with_grads
from botorch.optim.core import _LBFGSB_MAXITER_MAXFUN_REGEX
from botorch.optim.fit import fit_gpytorch_mll_scipy, fit_gpytorch_mll_torch
from botorch.optim.utils import (
from botorch.settings import debug
from botorch.utils.context_managers import (
from botorch.utils.dispatcher import Dispatcher, type_bypassing_encoder
from gpytorch.likelihoods import Likelihood
from gpytorch.mlls._approximate_mll import _ApproximateMarginalLogLikelihood
from gpytorch.mlls.marginal_log_likelihood import MarginalLogLikelihood
from gpytorch.mlls.sum_marginal_log_likelihood import SumMarginalLogLikelihood
from linear_operator.utils.errors import NotPSDError
from pyro.infer.mcmc import MCMC, NUTS
from torch import device, Tensor
from torch.nn import Parameter
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
def _debug_warn(w: WarningMessage) -> bool:
if _LBFGSB_MAXITER_MAXFUN_REGEX.search(str(w.message)):
return True
# TODO: Better handle cases where warning handling logic
# affects both debug and rethrow functions.
return False
def _rethrow_warn(w: WarningMessage) -> bool:
if not issubclass(w.category, OptimizationWarning):
return True
if "Optimization timed out after" in str(w.message):
return True
return False
FitGPyTorchMLL = Dispatcher("fit_gpytorch_mll", encoder=type_bypassing_encoder)
def fit_gpytorch_mll(
mll: MarginalLogLikelihood,
closure: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[Tensor, Sequence[Optional[Tensor]]]]] = None,
optimizer: Optional[Callable] = None,
closure_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> MarginalLogLikelihood:
r"""Clearing house for fitting models passed as GPyTorch MarginalLogLikelihoods.
mll: A GPyTorch MarginalLogLikelihood instance.
closure: Forward-backward closure for obtaining objective values and gradients.
Responsible for setting parameters' `grad` attributes. If no closure is
provided, one will be obtained by calling `get_loss_closure_with_grads`.
optimizer: User specified optimization algorithm. When `optimizer is None`,
this keyword argument is omitted when calling the dispatcher.
closure_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed when calling `closure`.
optimizer_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments passed when
calling `optimizer`.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments passed down through the dispatcher to
fit subroutines. Unexpected keywords are ignored.
The `mll` instance. If fitting succeeded, then `mll` will be in evaluation mode,
i.e. `mll.training == False`. Otherwise, `mll` will be in training mode.
if optimizer is not None: # defer to per-method defaults
kwargs["optimizer"] = optimizer
return FitGPyTorchMLL(
def fit_gpytorch_model(
mll: MarginalLogLikelihood,
optimizer: Optional[Callable] = None,
optimizer_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
max_retries: Optional[int] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> MarginalLogLikelihood:
r"""Convenience method for fitting GPyTorch models using legacy API. For more
details, see `fit_gpytorch_mll`.
mll: A GPyTorch MarginalLogLikelihood instance.
optimizer: User specified optimization algorithm. When `optimizer is None`,
this keyword argument is omitted when calling the dispatcher from inside
optimizer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `optimizer`.
exclude: Legacy argument for specifying parameters `x` that should be held fixed
during optimization. Internally, used to temporarily set `x.requires_grad`
to False.
max_retries: Legacy name for `max_attempts`. When `max_retries is None`,
this keyword argument is omitted when calling `fit_gpytorch_mll`.
"`fit_gpytorch_model` is marked for deprecation, consider using "
"`fit_gpytorch_mll` instead.",
if max_retries is not None:
kwargs["max_attempts"] = max_retries
optimizer_kwargs = {} if optimizer_kwargs is None else optimizer_kwargs
for key in ("bounds", "options"):
if key not in kwargs:
val = kwargs.pop(key)
if key in optimizer_kwargs and val is not optimizer_kwargs[key]:
raise SyntaxError(f"keyword argument repeated: {key}")
optimizer_kwargs[key] = val
with (
if exclude is None
else requires_grad_ctx(mll, assignments={name: False for name in exclude})
mll = fit_gpytorch_mll(
except ModelFittingError as err:
warn(str(err), RuntimeWarning)
return mll
@FitGPyTorchMLL.register(MarginalLogLikelihood, object, object)
def _fit_fallback(
mll: MarginalLogLikelihood,
_: Type[object],
__: Type[object],
closure: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[Tensor, Sequence[Optional[Tensor]]]]] = None,
optimizer: Optional[Callable] = fit_gpytorch_mll_scipy,
closure_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
max_attempts: int = 5,
warning_handler: Callable[[WarningMessage], bool] = DEFAULT_WARNING_HANDLER,
caught_exception_types: Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...] = (NotPSDError,),
**ignore: Any,
) -> MarginalLogLikelihood:
r"""Generic fallback method for fitting Gaussian processes.
Attempts to fit a model using the provided optimizer, then determines whether or
not to retry by evaluating a given policy on emitted warning messages. The first
attempt is run using the initialized parameter values; subsequent attempts begin
by resampling tunable parameters.
closure: Forward-backward closure for obtaining objective values and gradients.
Responsible for setting parameters' `grad` attributes. If no closure is
provided, one will be obtained by calling `get_loss_closure_with_grads`.
optimizer: The underlying optimization algorithm to run.
closure_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `closure`.
optimizer_kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `optimizer`.
max_attempts: The maximum number of fit attempts allowed. The attempt budget
is NOT shared between calls to this method.
warning_handler: A function used to filter warnings produced when calling
`optimizer`. Any unfiltered warnings (those for which `warning_handler`
returns `False`) will be rethrown and trigger a model fitting retry.
caught_exception_types: A tuple of exception types whose instances should
be redirected to `logging.DEBUG`.
**ignore: This function ignores unrecognized keyword arguments.
The `mll` instance. If fitting succeeded, then `mll` will be in evaluation mode,
i.e. `mll.training == False`. Otherwise, `mll` will be in training mode.
# Setup
optimizer_kwargs = {} if optimizer_kwargs is None else optimizer_kwargs
params_nograd: Dict[str, Parameter] = None # pyre-ignore [9]
ckpt_nograd: Dict[str, TensorCheckpoint] = None # pyre-ignore [9]
ckpt: Dict[str, TensorCheckpoint] = None # pyre-ignore [9]
# Build closure
if closure is None:
closure = get_loss_closure_with_grads(
mll, parameters=get_parameters(mll, requires_grad=True)
if closure_kwargs is not None:
closure = partial(closure, **closure_kwargs)
# Attempt to fit the model
for attempt in range(1, 1 + max_attempts):
# Wrap with rollback contextmanager so that each loop iteration reloads the
# original state_dict upon exiting (unless we clear `ckpt`).
with module_rollback_ctx(mll, checkpoint=ckpt, device=device("cpu")) as ckpt:
if attempt > 1: # resample free parameters
if params_nograd is None:
params_nograd = get_parameters(mll, requires_grad=False)
if ckpt_nograd is None: # reuse primary checkpoint
ckpt_nograd = {name: ckpt[name] for name in params_nograd}
with parameter_rollback_ctx(params_nograd, checkpoint=ckpt_nograd):
# Fit the model
with catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_list, debug(True):
simplefilter("always", category=OptimizationWarning)
optimizer(mll, closure=closure, **optimizer_kwargs)
# Resolved warnings and determine whether or not to retry
done = True
for w in filterfalse(warning_handler, warning_list):
warn_explicit(str(w.message), w.category, w.filename, w.lineno)
done = False
if done:
ckpt.clear() # do not rollback upon exiting
return mll.eval()
# Ensure mll is in the right mode if fitting failed
mll = mll if mll.training else mll.train()
f"Fit attempt #{attempt} of {max_attempts} triggered retry policy"
f"{'.' if attempt == max_attempts else '; retrying...'}",
except caught_exception_types as err:
f"Fit attempt #{attempt} of {max_attempts} failed with exception: "
msg = "All attempts to fit the model have failed."
if debug.off():
msg = msg + " For more information, try enabling botorch.settings.debug mode."
raise ModelFittingError(msg)
@FitGPyTorchMLL.register(SumMarginalLogLikelihood, object, ModelListGP)
def _fit_list(
mll: SumMarginalLogLikelihood,
_: Type[Likelihood],
__: Type[ModelListGP],
**kwargs: Any,
) -> SumMarginalLogLikelihood:
r"""Fitting routine for lists of independent Gaussian processes.
**kwargs: Passed to each of `mll.mlls`.
The `mll` instance. If fitting succeeded for all of `mll.mlls`, then `mll` will
be in evaluation mode, i.e. `mll.training == False`. Otherwise, `mll` will be in
training mode.
for sub_mll in mll.mlls:
fit_gpytorch_mll(sub_mll, **kwargs)
return mll.eval() if not any(sub_mll.training for sub_mll in mll.mlls) else mll
@FitGPyTorchMLL.register(_ApproximateMarginalLogLikelihood, object, object)
def _fit_fallback_approximate(
mll: _ApproximateMarginalLogLikelihood,
_: Type[Likelihood],
__: Type[ApproximateGPyTorchModel],
closure: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[Tensor, Sequence[Optional[Tensor]]]]] = None,
data_loader: Optional[DataLoader] = None,
optimizer: Optional[Callable] = None,
full_batch_limit: int = 1024,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> _ApproximateMarginalLogLikelihood:
r"""Fallback method for fitting approximate Gaussian processes.
closure: Forward-backward closure for obtaining objective values and gradients.
Responsible for setting parameters' `grad` attributes. If no closure is
provided, one will be obtained by calling `get_loss_closure_with_grads`.
optimizer: The underlying optimization algorithm to run. Default to
`fit_gpytorch_mll_scipy` when `closure=None` and the model's internal
training set has no more than `full_batch_cutoff` observations; otherwise,
defaults to `fit_gpytorch_mll_torch`.
data_loader: An optional DataLoader to pass to `get_loss_closure_with_grads`.
May only be provided when `closure=None`.
full_batch_limit: Threshold for determining the default choice of `optimizer`
when `closure=None`.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to `_fit_fallback`.
if data_loader is not None:
if closure is not None:
raise UnsupportedError(
"Only one of `data_loader` or `closure` may be passed."
closure = get_loss_closure_with_grads(
parameters=get_parameters(mll, requires_grad=True),
if optimizer is None:
optimizer = (
if closure is None and len(mll.model.train_targets) <= full_batch_limit
else fit_gpytorch_mll_torch
return _fit_fallback(mll, _, __, closure=closure, optimizer=optimizer, **kwargs)
def fit_fully_bayesian_model_nuts(
model: Union[SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP, SaasFullyBayesianMultiTaskGP],
max_tree_depth: int = 6,
warmup_steps: int = 512,
num_samples: int = 256,
thinning: int = 16,
disable_progbar: bool = False,
jit_compile: bool = False,
) -> None:
r"""Fit a fully Bayesian model using the No-U-Turn-Sampler (NUTS)
model: SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP to be fitted.
max_tree_depth: Maximum tree depth for NUTS
warmup_steps: The number of burn-in steps for NUTS.
num_samples: The number of MCMC samples. Note that with thinning,
num_samples / thinning samples are retained.
thinning: The amount of thinning. Every nth sample is retained.
disable_progbar: A boolean indicating whether to print the progress
bar and diagnostics during MCMC.
jit_compile: Whether to use jit. Using jit may be ~2X faster (rough estimate),
but it will also increase the memory usage and sometimes result in runtime
errors, e.g., https://github.com/pyro-ppl/pyro/issues/3136.
>>> gp = SaasFullyBayesianSingleTaskGP(train_X, train_Y)
>>> fit_fully_bayesian_model_nuts(gp)
# Do inference with NUTS
nuts = NUTS(
mcmc = MCMC(
# Get final MCMC samples from the Pyro model
mcmc_samples = model.pyro_model.postprocess_mcmc_samples(
for k, v in mcmc_samples.items():
mcmc_samples[k] = v[::thinning]
# Load the MCMC samples back into the BoTorch model