

Helpers for handling outcome constraints.


Create outcome constraint callables from outcome constraint tensors.


outcome_constraints (Optional[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]) – A tuple of (A, b). For k outcome constraints and m outputs at f(x)`, A is k x m and b is k x 1 such that A f(x) <= b.

Return type

Optional[List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]]


A list of callables, each mapping a Tensor of size b x q x m to a tensor of size b x q, where m is the number of outputs of the model. Negative values imply feasibility. The callables support broadcasting (e.g. for calling on a tensor of shape mc_samples x b x q x m).


>>> # constrain `f(x)[0] <= 0`
>>> A = torch.tensor([[1., 0.]])
>>> b = torch.tensor([[0.]])
>>> outcome_constraints = get_outcome_constraint_transforms((A, b))


Helpers for handling objectives.

botorch.utils.objective.apply_constraints(obj, constraints, samples, infeasible_cost, eta=0.001)[source]

Apply constraints using an infeasible_cost M for negative objectives.

This allows feasibility-weighting an objective for the case where the objective can be negative by usingthe following strategy: (1) add M to make obj nonnegative (2) apply constraints using the sigmoid approximation (3) shift by -M

  • obj (Tensor) – A n_samples x b x q Tensor of objective values.

  • constraints (List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]) – A list of callables, each mapping a Tensor of size b x q x m to a Tensor of size b x q, where negative values imply feasibility. This callable must support broadcasting. Only relevant for multi- output models (m > 1).

  • samples (Tensor) – A b x q x m Tensor of samples drawn from the posterior.

  • infeasible_cost (float) – The infeasible value.

  • eta (float) – The temperature parameter of the sigmoid function.

Return type



A n_samples x b x q-dim tensor of feasibility-weighted objectives.

botorch.utils.objective.apply_constraints_nonnegative_soft(obj, constraints, samples, eta)[source]

Applies constraints to a non-negative objective.

This function uses a sigmoid approximation to an indicator function for each constraint.

  • obj (Tensor) – A n_samples x b x q Tensor of objective values.

  • constraints (List[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]]) – A list of callables, each mapping a Tensor of size b x q x m to a Tensor of size b x q, where negative values imply feasibility. This callable must support broadcasting. Only relevant for multi- output models (m > 1).

  • samples (Tensor) – A b x q x m Tensor of samples drawn from the posterior.

  • eta (float) – The temperature parameter for the sigmoid function.

Return type



A n_samples x b x q-dim tensor of feasibility-weighted objectives.


Create a linear objective callable from a set of weights.

Create a callable mapping a Tensor of size b x q x m to a Tensor of size b x q, where m is the number of outputs of the model using scalarization via the objective weights. This callable supports broadcasting (e.g. for calling on a tensor of shape mc_samples x b x q x m). For m = 1, the objective weight is used to determine the optimization direction.


weights (Optional[Tensor]) – a 1-dimensional Tensor containing a weight for each task. If not provided, the identity mapping is used.

Return type

Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]


Transform function using the objective weights.


>>> weights = torch.tensor([0.75, 0.25])
>>> transform = get_objective_weights_transform(weights)
botorch.utils.objective.soft_eval_constraint(lhs, eta=0.001)[source]

Element-wise evaluation of a constraint in a ‘soft’ fashion

value(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(x / eta))

  • lhs (Tensor) – The left hand side of the constraint lhs <= 0.

  • eta (float) – The temperature parameter of the softmax function. As eta grows larger, this approximates the Heaviside step function.

Return type



Element-wise ‘soft’ feasibility indicator of the same shape as lhs. For each element x, value(x) -> 0 as x becomes positive, and value(x) -> 1 as x becomes negative.


Utilities for MC and qMC sampling.

botorch.utils.sampling.construct_base_samples(batch_shape, output_shape, sample_shape, qmc=True, seed=None, device=None, dtype=None)[source]

Construct base samples from a multi-variate standard normal N(0, I_qo).

  • batch_shape (Size) – The batch shape of the base samples to generate. Typically, this is used with each dimension of size 1, so as to eliminate sampling variance across batches.

  • output_shape (Size) – The output shape (q x m) of the base samples to generate.

  • sample_shape (Size) – The sample shape of the samples to draw.

  • qmc (bool) – If True, use quasi-MC sampling (instead of iid draws).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – If provided, use as a seed for the RNG.

Return type



A sample_shape x batch_shape x mutput_shape dimensional tensor of base samples, drawn from a N(0, I_qm) distribution (using QMC if qmc=True). Here output_shape = q x m.


>>> batch_shape = torch.Size([2])
>>> output_shape = torch.Size([3])
>>> sample_shape = torch.Size([10])
>>> samples = construct_base_samples(batch_shape, output_shape, sample_shape)
botorch.utils.sampling.construct_base_samples_from_posterior(posterior, sample_shape, qmc=True, collapse_batch_dims=True, seed=None)[source]

Construct a tensor of normally distributed base samples.

  • posterior (Posterior) – A Posterior object.

  • sample_shape (Size) – The sample shape of the samples to draw.

  • qmc (bool) – If True, use quasi-MC sampling (instead of iid draws).

  • seed (Optional[int]) – If provided, use as a seed for the RNG.

Return type



A num_samples x 1 x q x m dimensional Tensor of base samples, drawn from a N(0, I_qm) distribution (using QMC if qmc=True). Here q and m are the same as in the posterior’s event_shape b x q x m. Importantly, this only obtain a single t-batch of samples, so as to not introduce any sampling variance across t-batches.


>>> sample_shape = torch.Size([10])
>>> samples = construct_base_samples_from_posterior(posterior, sample_shape)
botorch.utils.sampling.draw_sobol_normal_samples(d, n, device=None, dtype=None, seed=None)[source]

Draw qMC samples from a multi-variate standard normal N(0, I_d)

A primary use-case for this functionality is to compute an QMC average of f(X) over X where each element of X is drawn N(0, 1).

  • d (int) – The dimension of the normal distribution

  • n (int) – The number of samples to return

  • device (Optional[device]) – The torch device

  • dtype (Optional[dtype]) – The torch dtype

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed used for initializing Owen scrambling. If None (default), use a random seed.

Return type



A tensor of qMC standard normal samples with dimension n x d with device and dtype specified by the input.


>>> samples = draw_sobol_normal_samples(2, 10)
botorch.utils.sampling.draw_sobol_samples(bounds, n, q, seed=None)[source]

Draw qMC samples from the box defined by bounds.

  • bounds (Tensor) – A 2 x d dimensional tensor specifying box constraints on a d-dimensional space, where bounds[0, :] and bounds[1, :] correspond to lower and upper bounds, respectively.

  • n (int) – The number of (q-batch) samples.

  • q (int) – The size of each q-batch.

  • seed (Optional[int]) – The seed used for initializing Owen scrambling. If None (default), use a random seed.

Return type



A n x q x d-dim tensor of qMC samples from the box defined by bounds.


>>> bounds = torch.stack([torch.zeros(3), torch.ones(3)])
>>> samples = draw_sobol_samples(bounds, 10, 2)

Contextmanager for manual setting the torch.random seed.


seed (Optional[int]) – The seed to set the random number generator to.

Return type

Generator[None, None, None]




>>> with manual_seed(1234):
>>>     X = torch.rand(3)


Some basic data transformation helpers.


Decorator concatenating X_pending into an acquisition function’s argument.

This decorator works on the forward method of acquisition functions taking a tensor X as the argument. If the acquisition function has an X_pending attribute (that is not None), this is concatenated into the input X, appropriately expanding the pending points to match the batch shape of X.


>>> class ExampleAcquisitionFunction:
>>>     @concatenate_pending_points
>>>     @t_batch_mode_transform()
>>>     def forward(self, X):
>>>         ...
Return type

Callable[[Any, Tensor], Any]

botorch.utils.transforms.convert_to_target_pre_hook(module, *args)[source]

Pre-hook for automatically calling .to(X) on module prior to forward

botorch.utils.transforms.match_batch_shape(X, Y)[source]

Matches the batch dimension of a tensor to that of another tensor.

  • X (Tensor) – A batch_shape_X x q x d tensor, whose batch dimensions that correspond to batch dimensions of Y are to be matched to those (if compatible).

  • Y (Tensor) – A batch_shape_Y x q’ x d tensor.

Return type



A batch_shape_Y x q x d tensor containing the data of X expanded to the batch dimensions of Y (if compatible). For instance, if X is b’’ x b’ x q x d and Y is b x q x d, then the returned tensor is b’’ x b x q x d.


>>> X = torch.rand(2, 1, 5, 3)
>>> Y = torch.rand(2, 6, 4, 3)
>>> X_matched = match_batch_shape(X, Y)
>>> X_matched.shape
torch.Size([2, 6, 5, 3])
botorch.utils.transforms.normalize(X, bounds)[source]

Min-max normalize X w.r.t. the provided bounds.

  • X (Tensor) – … x d tensor of data

  • bounds (Tensor) – 2 x d tensor of lower and upper bounds for each of the X’s d columns.

Return type



A … x d-dim tensor of normalized data, given by

(X - bounds[0]) / (bounds[1] - bounds[0]). If all elements of X are contained within bounds, the normalized values will be contained within [0, 1]^d.


>>> X = torch.rand(4, 3)
>>> bounds = torch.stack([torch.zeros(3), 0.5 * torch.ones(3)])
>>> X_normalized = normalize(X, bounds)

Squeeze the last dimension of a Tensor.


Y (Tensor) – A … x d-dim Tensor.

Return type



The input tensor with last dimension squeezed.


>>> Y = torch.rand(4, 3)
>>> Y_squeezed = squeeze_last_dim(Y)

Standardizes (zero mean, unit variance) a tensor by dim=-2.

If the tensor is single-dimensional, simply standardizes the tensor. If for some batch index all elements are equal (of if there is only a single data point), this function will return 0 for that batch index.


Y (Tensor) – A batch_shape x n x m-dim tensor.

Return type



The standardized Y.


>>> Y = torch.rand(4, 3)
>>> Y_standardized = standardize(Y)

Factory for decorators taking a t-batched X tensor.

This method creates decorators for instance methods to transform an input tensor X to t-batch mode (i.e. with at least 3 dimensions). This assumes the tensor has a q-batch dimension. The decorator also checks the q-batch size if expected_q is provided.


expected_q (Optional[int]) – The expected q-batch size of X. If specified, this will raise an AssertitionError if X’s q-batch size does not equal expected_q.

Return type

Callable[[Callable[[Any, Tensor], Any]], Callable[[Any, Tensor], Any]]


The decorated instance method.


>>> class ExampleClass:
>>>     @t_batch_mode_transform(expected_q=1)
>>>     def single_q_method(self, X):
>>>         ...
>>>     @t_batch_mode_transform()
>>>     def arbitrary_q_method(self, X):
>>>         ...
botorch.utils.transforms.unnormalize(X, bounds)[source]

Un-normalizes X w.r.t. the provided bounds.

  • X (Tensor) – … x d tensor of data

  • bounds (Tensor) – 2 x d tensor of lower and upper bounds for each of the X’s d columns.

Return type



A … x d-dim tensor of unnormalized data, given by

X * (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) + bounds[0]. If all elements of X are contained in [0, 1]^d, the un-normalized values will be contained within bounds.


>>> X_normalized = torch.rand(4, 3)
>>> bounds = torch.stack([torch.zeros(3), 0.5 * torch.ones(3)])
>>> X = unnormalize(X_normalized, bounds)