Source code for botorch.optim.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Utilities for optimization.

from inspect import signature
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import torch
from gpytorch.mlls.exact_marginal_log_likelihood import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
from gpytorch.mlls.marginal_log_likelihood import MarginalLogLikelihood
from gpytorch.mlls.sum_marginal_log_likelihood import SumMarginalLogLikelihood
from gpytorch.mlls.variational_elbo import VariationalELBO
from torch import Tensor

[docs]def check_convergence( loss_trajectory: List[float], param_trajectory: Dict[str, List[Tensor]], options: Dict[str, Union[float, str]], ) -> bool: r"""Check convergence of optimization for pytorch optimizers. Right now this is just a dummy function and only checks for maxiter. Args: loss_trajectory: A list containing the loss value at each iteration. param_trajectory: A dictionary mapping each parameter name to a list of Tensors where the `i`th Tensor is the parameter value at iteration `i`. options: dictionary of options. Currently only "maxiter" is supported. Returns: A boolean indicating whether optimization has converged. """ maxiter: int = options.get("maxiter", 50) # TODO: Be A LOT smarter about this # TODO: Make this work in batch mode (see parallel L-BFGS-P) if len(loss_trajectory) >= maxiter: return True else: return False
[docs]def columnwise_clamp( X: Tensor, lower: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None, upper: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]] = None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Clamp values of a Tensor in column-wise fashion (with support for t-batches). This function is useful in conjunction with optimizers from the torch.optim package, which don't natively handle constraints. If you apply this after a gradient step you can be fancy and call it "projected gradient descent". Args: X: The `b x n x d` input tensor. If 2-dimensional, `b` is assumed to be 1. lower: The column-wise lower bounds. If scalar, apply bound to all columns. upper: The column-wise upper bounds. If scalar, apply bound to all columns. Returns: The clamped tensor. """ min_bounds = _expand_bounds(lower, X) max_bounds = _expand_bounds(upper, X) if min_bounds is not None and max_bounds is not None: if torch.any(min_bounds > max_bounds): raise ValueError("Minimum values must be <= maximum values") Xout = X if min_bounds is not None: Xout = Xout.max(min_bounds) if max_bounds is not None: Xout = Xout.min(max_bounds) return Xout
[docs]def fix_features( X: Tensor, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, Optional[float]]] = None ) -> Tensor: r"""Fix feature values in a Tensor. The fixed features will have zero gradient in downstream calculations. Args: X: input Tensor with shape `... x p`, where `p` is the number of features fixed_features: A dictionary with keys as column indices and values equal to what the feature should be set to in `X`. If the value is None, that column is just considered fixed. Keys should be in the range `[0, p - 1]`. Returns: The tensor X with fixed features. """ if fixed_features is None: return X else: return [ X[..., i].unsqueeze(-1) if i not in fixed_features else _fix_feature(X[..., i].unsqueeze(-1), fixed_features[i]) for i in range(X.shape[-1]) ], dim=-1, )
def _fix_feature(Z: Tensor, value: Optional[float]) -> Tensor: r"""Helper function returns a Tensor like `Z` filled with `value` if provided.""" if value is None: return Z.detach() return torch.full_like(Z, value) def _expand_bounds( bounds: Optional[Union[float, Tensor]], X: Tensor ) -> Optional[Tensor]: r"""Expands a tensor representing bounds. Expand the dimension of bounds if necessary such that the last dimension of bounds is the same as the last dimension of `X`. Args: bounds: a bound (either upper or lower) of each column (last dimension) of `X`. If this is a single float, then all columns have the same bound. X: `... x d` tensor Returns: A tensor of bounds expanded to be compatible with the size of `X` if bounds is not None, and None if bounds is None """ if bounds is not None: if not torch.is_tensor(bounds): bounds = torch.tensor(bounds) if len(bounds.shape) == 0: ebounds = bounds.expand(1, X.shape[-1]) elif len(bounds.shape) == 1: ebounds = bounds.view(1, -1) else: ebounds = bounds if ebounds.shape[1] != X.shape[-1]: raise RuntimeError( "Bounds must either be a single value or the same dimension as X" ) return, device=X.device) else: return None def _get_extra_mll_args( mll: MarginalLogLikelihood ) -> Union[List[Tensor], List[List[Tensor]]]: r"""Obtain extra arguments for MarginalLogLikelihood objects. Get extra arguments (beyond the model output and training targets) required for the particular type of MarginalLogLikelihood for a forward pass. Args: mll: The MarginalLogLikelihood module. Returns: Extra arguments for the MarginalLogLikelihood. """ if isinstance(mll, ExactMarginalLogLikelihood): return list(mll.model.train_inputs) elif isinstance(mll, SumMarginalLogLikelihood): return [list(x) for x in mll.model.train_inputs] elif isinstance(mll, VariationalELBO): return [] else: raise ValueError("Do not know how to optimize MLL type.") def _filter_kwargs(function: Callable, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: r"""Filter out kwargs that are not applicable for a given function. Return a copy of given kwargs dict with only the required kwargs.""" return {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in signature(function).parameters}