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Fitting a model using torch.optim

Fitting models in BoTorch with a torch.optim.Optimizer

BoTorch provides a convenient function with sensible defaults that work on most basic models, including those that botorch ships with. Internally, this function uses L-BFGS-B to fit the parameters. However, in more advanced use cases you may need or want to implement your own model fitting logic.

This tutorial allows you to customize model fitting to your needs using the familiar PyTorch-style model fitting loop.

This tutorial is adapted from GPyTorch's Simple GP Regression Tutorial and has very few changes because the out-of-the box models that BoTorch provides are GPyTorch models; in fact, they are proper subclasses that add the botorch.models.Model API functions.

# Install dependencies if we are running in colab
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
%pip install botorch
import math

import torch

# use a GPU if available
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
dtype = torch.float

Set up function to model

In this tutorial we will model a simple sinusoidal function with i.i.d. Gaussian noise:

y=sin(2πx)+ϵ, ϵN(0,0.15)y = \sin(2\pi x) + \epsilon, ~\epsilon \sim \mathcal N(0, 0.15)

Initialize training data

# use regular spaced points on the interval [0, 1]
train_X = torch.linspace(0, 1, 15, dtype=dtype, device=device)
# training data needs to be explicitly multi-dimensional
train_X = train_X.unsqueeze(1)

# sample observed values and add some synthetic noise
train_Y = torch.sin(train_X * (2 * math.pi)) + 0.15 * torch.randn_like(train_X)

Initialize the model

We will model the function using a SingleTaskGP, which by default uses a GaussianLikelihood and infers the unknown noise level.

The default optimizer for the SingleTaskGP is L-BFGS-B, which takes as input explicit bounds on the noise parameter. However, the torch optimizers don't support parameter bounds as input. To use the torch optimizers, then, we'll need to manually register a constraint on the noise level. When registering a constraint, the softplus transform is applied by default, enabling us to enforce a lower bound on the noise.

Note: Without manual registration, the model itself does not apply any constraints, due to the interaction between constraints and transforms. Although the SingleTaskGP constructor does in fact define a constraint, the constructor sets transform=None, which means that the constraint is not enforced. See the GPyTorch constraints module for additional information.

from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP
from gpytorch.constraints import GreaterThan

model = SingleTaskGP(train_X=train_X, train_Y=train_Y)
model.likelihood.noise_covar.register_constraint("raw_noise", GreaterThan(1e-5))

Define marginal log likelihood

We will jointly optimize the kernel hyperparameters and the likelihood's noise parameter, by minimizing the negative gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood (our loss function).

from gpytorch.mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood

mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood=model.likelihood, model=model)
# set mll and all submodules to the specified dtype and device
mll =

Define optimizer and specify parameters to optimize

We will use stochastic gradient descent (torch.optim.SGD) to optimize the kernel hyperparameters and the noise level. In this example, we will use a simple fixed learning rate of 0.1, but in practice the learning rate may need to be adjusted.


  • As the GaussianLikelihood module is a of child (submodule) of the SingleTaskGP module, model.parameters() will also include the noise level of the GaussianLikelihood.
  • A subset of the parameters could be passed to the optimizer to tune those parameters, while leaving the other parameters fixed.
from torch.optim import SGD

optimizer = SGD([{"params": model.parameters()}], lr=0.025)

Fit model hyperparameters and noise level

Now we are ready to write our optimization loop. We will perform 150 epochs of stochastic gradient descent using our entire training set.



for epoch in range(NUM_EPOCHS):
# clear gradients
# forward pass through the model to obtain the output MultivariateNormal
output = model(train_X)
# Compute negative marginal log likelihood
loss = -mll(output, model.train_targets)
# back prop gradients
# print every 10 iterations
if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0:
f"Epoch {epoch+1:>3}/{NUM_EPOCHS} - Loss: {loss.item():>4.3f} "
f"lengthscale: {model.covar_module.lengthscale.item():>4.3f} "
f"noise: {model.likelihood.noise.item():>4.3f}"

Epoch 10/150 - Loss: 1.966 lengthscale: 0.645 noise: 2.005

Epoch 20/150 - Loss: 1.930 lengthscale: 0.599 noise: 1.868

Epoch 30/150 - Loss: 1.894 lengthscale: 0.560 noise: 1.730

Epoch 40/150 - Loss: 1.857 lengthscale: 0.527 noise: 1.590

Epoch 50/150 - Loss: 1.819 lengthscale: 0.497 noise: 1.449

Epoch 60/150 - Loss: 1.779 lengthscale: 0.471 noise: 1.310

Epoch 70/150 - Loss: 1.737 lengthscale: 0.448 noise: 1.172

Epoch 80/150 - Loss: 1.692 lengthscale: 0.427 noise: 1.038

Epoch 90/150 - Loss: 1.645 lengthscale: 0.407 noise: 0.908

Epoch 100/150 - Loss: 1.595 lengthscale: 0.389 noise: 0.785

Epoch 110/150 - Loss: 1.542 lengthscale: 0.372 noise: 0.671

Epoch 120/150 - Loss: 1.487 lengthscale: 0.355 noise: 0.566

Epoch 130/150 - Loss: 1.429 lengthscale: 0.341 noise: 0.471

Epoch 140/150 - Loss: 1.370 lengthscale: 0.328 noise: 0.389

Epoch 150/150 - Loss: 1.311 lengthscale: 0.317 noise: 0.318

Compute posterior over test points and plot fit

We plot the posterior mean and the 2 standard deviations from the mean.

Note: The posterior below is the posterior prediction for the underlying sinusoidal function, i.e., it does not include the observation noise. If we wanted to get the posterior prediction for the observations (including the predicted observation noise), we would instead use posterior = posterior = model.posterior(test_X, observation_noise=True).

# set model (and likelihood)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

# Initialize plot
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
# test model on 101 regular spaced points on the interval [0, 1]
test_X = torch.linspace(0, 1, 101, dtype=dtype, device=device)
# no need for gradients
with torch.no_grad():
# compute posterior
posterior = model.posterior(test_X)
# Get upper and lower confidence bounds (2 standard deviations from the mean)
lower, upper = posterior.mvn.confidence_region()
# Plot training points as black stars
ax.plot(train_X.cpu().numpy(), train_Y.cpu().numpy(), "k*")
# Plot posterior means as blue line
ax.plot(test_X.cpu().numpy(), posterior.mean.cpu().numpy(), "b")
# Shade between the lower and upper confidence bounds
test_X.cpu().numpy(), lower.cpu().numpy(), upper.cpu().numpy(), alpha=0.5
ax.legend(["Observed Data", "Mean", "Confidence"])

Interfacing with Ax

It is simple to package up a custom optimizer loop like the one above and use it within Ax. As described in the Using BoTorch with Ax tutorial, this requires defining a custom model_constructor callable that can then be passed to the get_botorch factory function.

def _get_and_fit_model(Xs, Ys, **kwargs):

train_X, train_Y = Xs[0], Ys[0]
model = SingleTaskGP(train_X=train_X, train_Y=train_Y)
mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model).to(train_X)

optimizer = SGD([{"params": model.parameters()}], lr=kwargs.get("lr"))
for epoch in range(kwargs.get("epochs")):
output = model(train_X)
loss = -mll(output, model.train_targets)

return model