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Bayesian optimization with large-scale Thompson sampling

Tutorial on large-scale Thompson sampling

This demo currently considers four approaches to discrete Thompson sampling on m candidates points:

  1. Exact sampling with Cholesky: Computing a Cholesky decomposition of the corresponding m x m covariance matrix which reuqires O(m^3) computational cost and O(m^2) space. This is the standard approach to sampling from a Gaussian process, but the quadratic memory usage and cubic compliexity limits the number of candidate points.

  2. Contour integral quadrature (CIQ): CIQ [1] is a Krylov subspace method combined with a rational approximation that can be used for computing matrix square roots of covariance matrices, which is the main bottleneck when sampling from a Gaussian process. CIQ relies on computing matrix vector multiplications with the exact kernel matrix which requires O(m^2) computational complexity and space. Note that the space complexity can be further lowered to O(m) by using KeOps, but this is not covered as part of the tutorial.

  3. Lanczos: Rather than using CIQ, we can solve the linear systems K^(1/2) v = b using Lanczos and the conjugate gradient (CG) method. This will be faster than CIQ, but will generally produce samples of worse quality. Similarly to CIQ, KeOps can be used to improve space complexity of Lanczos.

  4. Random Fourier features (RFFs): The RFF kernel was originally proposed in [2] and we use it as implemented in GPyTorch. RFFs are computationally cheap to work with as the computational cost and space are both O(km) where k is the number of Fourier features. Note that while Cholesky and CIQ are able to generate exact samples from the GP model, RFFs are an unbiased approximation and the resulting samples often aren't perfectly calibrated.

  5. Pathwise Sampling: Pathwise sampling [3] uses a decomposition of GP posteriors that decouples the posterior into a prior term and a pathwise data update following Matheron's rule. This approach avoids the need for computing the posterior covariance matrices, leading to a fast and accurate scheme for sampling form GP posteriors.

[1] Pleiss, Geoff, et al. "Fast matrix square roots with applications to Gaussian processes and Bayesian optimization.", Advances in neural information processing systems (2020)

[2] Rahimi, Ali, and Benjamin Recht. "Random features for large-scale kernel machines.", Advances in neural information processing systems (2007)

[3] J. Wilson, V. Borovitskiy, A. Terenin, P. Mostowsky, and M. Deisenroth. "Efficiently sampling functions from Gaussian process posteriors." International Conference on Machine Learning (2020).

# Install dependencies if we are running in colab
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
%pip install botorch
import os
import time
from contextlib import ExitStack

import gpytorch
import gpytorch.settings as gpts
import torch
from gpytorch.constraints import Interval
from gpytorch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
from gpytorch.kernels import RBFKernel, RFFKernel, ScaleKernel
from gpytorch.likelihoods import GaussianLikelihood
from gpytorch.mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
from torch.quasirandom import SobolEngine
from torch import Tensor

from import fit_gpytorch_mll
from botorch.generation import MaxPosteriorSampling
from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP
from botorch.models.transforms.outcome import Standardize
from botorch.test_functions import Hartmann
from botorch.utils.sampling import draw_sobol_samples
from botorch.sampling.pathwise.posterior_samplers import get_matheron_path_model

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
dtype = torch.double
SMOKE_TEST = os.environ.get("SMOKE_TEST")

[KeOps] Warning : omp.h header is not in the path, disabling OpenMP. To fix this, you can set the environment

variable OMP_PATH to the location of the header before importing keopscore or pykeops,

e.g. using os.environ: import os; os.environ['OMP_PATH'] = '/path/to/omp/header'

[KeOps] Warning : Cuda libraries were not detected on the system or could not be loaded ; using cpu only mode

We will use 6 dimensional Hartmann test function, which is typically evaluated on the unit hypercube.

hart6 = Hartmann(dim=6, negate=True).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
dim = hart6.dim
def generate_batch(
X: Tensor,
Y: Tensor,
batch_size: int,
n_candidates: int,
sampler: str, # "cholesky", "ciq", "rff", "lanczos"
seed: int,
) -> Tensor:
assert sampler in ("cholesky", "ciq", "rff", "lanczos", "pathwise")
assert X.min() >= 0.0 and X.max() <= 1.0 and torch.all(torch.isfinite(Y))

if sampler == "rff":
base_kernel = RFFKernel(ard_num_dims=X.shape[-1], num_samples=1024)
base_kernel = RBFKernel(ard_num_dims=X.shape[-1])
covar_module = ScaleKernel(base_kernel)

# Fit a GP model
model = SingleTaskGP(train_X=X, train_Y=Y, covar_module=covar_module, outcome_transform=Standardize(m=1))
mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model)

# Draw samples on a Sobol sequence
X_cand = draw_sobol_samples(bounds=hart6.bounds, n=n_candidates, q=1, seed=seed).squeeze(-2)

# Thompson sample
with ExitStack() as es:
if sampler == "cholesky":
elif sampler == "ciq":
) # Controls accuracy and runtime
elif sampler == "lanczos":
covar_root_decomposition=True, log_prob=True, solves=True
elif sampler == "rff":
elif sampler == "pathwise":
model = get_matheron_path_model(model=model)

thompson_sampling = MaxPosteriorSampling(model=model, replacement=False)
X_next = thompson_sampling(X_cand, num_samples=batch_size)

return X_next
def run_optimization(
sampler: str,
n_candidates: int,
n_init: int,
max_evals: int,
batch_size: int,
seed: int,
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
X = draw_sobol_samples(bounds=hart6.bounds, n=n_init, q=1, seed=seed).squeeze(-2)
Y = torch.tensor(
[hart6(x) for x in X], dtype=dtype, device=device
print(f"{len(X)}) Best value: {Y.max().item():.2e}")

inner_seed = seed
while len(X) < max_evals:
# Create a batch
start = time.monotonic()
inner_seed += 1
X_next = generate_batch(
batch_size=min(batch_size, max_evals - len(X)),
end = time.monotonic()
print(f"Generated batch in {end - start:.1f} seconds")
Y_next = torch.tensor(
[hart6(x) for x in X_next], dtype=dtype, device=device

# Append data
X =, X_next), dim=0)
Y =, Y_next), dim=0)

print(f"{len(X)}) Best value: {Y.max().item():.2e}")
return X, Y
batch_size = 5
n_init = 10
max_evals = 50
seed = 12345 # To get the same Sobol points
N_CAND = 10_000 if not SMOKE_TEST else 10

shared_args = {
"n_candidates": N_CAND,
"n_init": n_init,
"max_evals": max_evals,
"batch_size": batch_size,
"seed": seed,

Track memory footprint

%load_ext memory_profiler


%memit X_chol, Y_chol = run_optimization("cholesky", **shared_args)

10) Best value: 6.72e-01


/opt/anaconda3/envs/botorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/linear_operator/utils/ NumericalWarning: A not p.d., added jitter of 1.0e-08 to the diagonal



Generated batch in 18.3 seconds

15) Best value: 7.73e-01

Generated batch in 14.7 seconds

20) Best value: 7.73e-01


/opt/anaconda3/envs/botorch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/linear_operator/utils/ NumericalWarning: A not p.d., added jitter of 1.0e-08 to the diagonal



Generated batch in 16.4 seconds

25) Best value: 7.73e-01

Generated batch in 14.1 seconds

30) Best value: 1.10e+00

Generated batch in 14.2 seconds

35) Best value: 2.15e+00

Generated batch in 14.8 seconds

40) Best value: 2.83e+00

Generated batch in 14.6 seconds

45) Best value: 2.90e+00

Generated batch in 14.3 seconds

50) Best value: 2.94e+00

peak memory: 6144.33 MiB, increment: 5866.50 MiB


%memit X_rff, Y_rff = run_optimization("rff", **shared_args)

10) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.0 seconds

15) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.0 seconds

20) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.2 seconds

25) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.3 seconds

30) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.3 seconds

35) Best value: 7.68e-01

Generated batch in 2.6 seconds

40) Best value: 8.66e-01

Generated batch in 2.3 seconds

45) Best value: 1.29e+00

Generated batch in 2.4 seconds

50) Best value: 1.35e+00

peak memory: 1801.69 MiB, increment: 1522.14 MiB


%memit X_lanczos, Y_lanczos = run_optimization("lanczos", **shared_args)

10) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.2 seconds

15) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.4 seconds

20) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.6 seconds

25) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 2.6 seconds

30) Best value: 2.19e+00

Generated batch in 2.6 seconds

35) Best value: 2.48e+00

Generated batch in 2.9 seconds

40) Best value: 2.61e+00

Generated batch in 3.1 seconds

45) Best value: 2.98e+00

Generated batch in 3.2 seconds

50) Best value: 2.98e+00

peak memory: 3264.67 MiB, increment: 1462.98 MiB


%memit X_ciq, Y_ciq = run_optimization("ciq", **shared_args)

10) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 11.7 seconds

15) Best value: 1.06e+00

Generated batch in 14.7 seconds

20) Best value: 1.10e+00

Generated batch in 11.1 seconds

25) Best value: 1.10e+00

Generated batch in 14.0 seconds

30) Best value: 1.10e+00

Generated batch in 17.3 seconds

35) Best value: 1.10e+00

Generated batch in 14.6 seconds

40) Best value: 1.67e+00

Generated batch in 15.8 seconds

45) Best value: 2.66e+00

Generated batch in 16.7 seconds

50) Best value: 2.88e+00

peak memory: 1907.47 MiB, increment: 1150.44 MiB

Pathwise Sampling

%memit X_path, Y_path = run_optimization("pathwise", **shared_args)

10) Best value: 6.72e-01

Generated batch in 0.2 seconds

15) Best value: 8.23e-01

Generated batch in 0.3 seconds

20) Best value: 8.23e-01

Generated batch in 0.2 seconds

25) Best value: 8.23e-01

Generated batch in 0.3 seconds

30) Best value: 8.23e-01

Generated batch in 0.2 seconds

35) Best value: 2.01e+00

Generated batch in 0.3 seconds

40) Best value: 2.36e+00

Generated batch in 0.2 seconds

45) Best value: 2.36e+00

Generated batch in 0.2 seconds

50) Best value: 2.69e+00

peak memory: 821.92 MiB, increment: 283.30 MiB


Note: These plots are the result of one replication only, and should not be interpreted as one method being better than the others. There will be natural variation in the results if we re-run the notebook.

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": 20})

results = [
(Y_chol.cpu(), f"Cholesky-{N_CAND}", "b", "", 14, "--"),
(Y_rff.cpu(), f"RFF-{N_CAND}", "r", ".", 16, "-"),
(Y_lanczos.cpu(), f"Lanczos-{N_CAND}", "m", "^", 9, "-"),
(Y_ciq.cpu(), f"CIQ-{N_CAND}", "g", "*", 12, "-"),
(Y_path.cpu(), f"Pathwise-{N_CAND}", "y", ">", 12, "-."),

optimum = hart6.optimal_value

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
names = []
for res, name, c, m, ms, ls in results:
fx = res.cummax(dim=0)[0]
t = 1 + np.arange(len(fx))
plt.plot(t[0::2], fx[0::2], c=c, marker=m, linestyle=ls, markersize=ms)

plt.plot([0, max_evals], [hart6.optimal_value, hart6.optimal_value], "k--", lw=3)
plt.xlabel("Function value", fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel("Number of evaluations", fontsize=18)
plt.title("Hartmann6", fontsize=24)
plt.xlim([0, max_evals])
plt.ylim([0, 3.5])

names + ["Global optimal value"],
loc="lower right",