Acquisition function optimization with torch.optim
Optimize acquisition functions using torch.optim
In this tutorial, we show how to use PyTorch's optim
module for optimizing BoTorch MC
acquisition functions. This is useful if the acquisition function is stochastic in
nature (caused by re-sampling the base samples when using the reparameterization trick,
or if the model posterior itself is stochastic).
Note: A pre-packaged, more user-friendly version of the optimization loop we will
develop below is contained in the gen_candidates_torch
function in the botorch.gen
module. This tutorial should be quite useful if you would like to implement custom
optimizers beyond what is contained in gen_candidates_torch
As discussed in the CMA-ES tutorial, for deterministic acquisition functions BoTorch uses quasi-second order methods (such as L-BFGS-B or SLSQP) by default, which provide superior convergence speed in this situation.
Set up a toy model
We'll fit a SingleTaskGP
model on noisy observations of the function
in d=5
dimensions on the hypercube .
# Install dependencies if we are running in colab
import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
%pip install botorch
import torch
from import fit_gpytorch_mll
from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP
from gpytorch.mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood
d = 5
bounds = torch.stack([-torch.ones(d), torch.ones(d)])
train_X = bounds[0] + (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * torch.rand(50, d)
train_Y = 1 - torch.linalg.norm(train_X, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
model = SingleTaskGP(train_X, train_Y)
mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model)
Define acquisition function
We'll use qExpectedImprovement
with a StochasticSampler
that uses a small number of
MC samples. This results in a stochastic acquisition function that one should not
attempt to optimize with the quasi-second order methods that are used by default in
BoTorch's optimize_acqf
from botorch.acquisition import qExpectedImprovement
from botorch.sampling.stochastic_samplers import StochasticSampler
sampler = StochasticSampler(sample_shape=torch.Size([128]))
qEI = qExpectedImprovement(model, best_f=train_Y.max(), sampler=sampler)
Optimizing the acquisition function
We will perform optimization over N=5
random initial q
-batches with q=2
parallel. We use N
random restarts because the acquisition function is non-convex and
as a result we may get stuck in local minima.
N = 5
q = 2
Choosing initial conditions via a heuristic
Using random initial conditions in conjunction with gradient-based optimizers can be problematic because qEI values and their corresponding gradients are often zero in large parts of the feature space. To mitigate this issue, BoTorch provides a heuristic for generating promising initial conditions (this dirty and not-so-little secret of Bayesian Optimization is actually very important for overall closed-loop performance).
Given a set of q
-batches and associated acquisiton function values , the
samples promising initial conditions (without
replacement) from the multinomial distribution
and for all such that .
Fortunately, thanks to the high degree of parallelism in BoTorch, evaluating the acquisition function at a large number of randomly chosen points is quite cheap.
from botorch.optim.initializers import initialize_q_batch_nonneg
# generate a large number of random q-batches
Xraw = bounds[0] + (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * torch.rand(100 * N, q, d)
Yraw = qEI(Xraw) # evaluate the acquisition function on these q-batches
# apply the heuristic for sampling promising initial conditions
X, _ = initialize_q_batch_nonneg(Xraw, Yraw, N)
# we'll want gradients for the input
Optimizing the acquisition function
If you have used PyTorch, the basic optimization loop should be quite familiar. However, it is important to note that there is a key difference here compared to training ML models: When training ML models, one typically computes the gradient of an empirical loss function w.r.t. the model's parameters, while here we take the gradient of the acquisition function w.r.t. to the candidate set.
Thus, when setting the optimizer from torch.optim
, we do not add the acquisition
function's parameters as parameters to optimize (that would be quite bad!).
In this example, we use a vanilla Adam
optimizer with fixed learning rate for a fixed
number of iterations in order to keep things simple. But you can get as fancy as you
want with learning rate scheduling, early termination, etc.
A couple of things to note:
- Evaluating the acquisition function on the
N x q x d
-dim inputs means evaluatingN
-batches int
-batch mode. The result of this is anN
-dim tensor of acquisition function values, evaluated independently. To compute the gradient of the full inputX
via back-propagation, we can for convenience just compute the gradient of the sum of the losses. torch.optim
does not have good built in support for constraints (general constrained stochastic optimization is hard and still an open research area). Here we do something simple and project the value obtained after taking the gradient step to the feasible set - that is, we perform "projected stochastic gradient descent". Since the feasible set here is a hyperrectangle, this can be done by simple clamping. Another approach would be to transform the feasible interval for each dimension to the real line, e.g. by using a sigmoid function, and then optimizing in the unbounded transformed space.
# set up the optimizer, make sure to only pass in the candidate set here
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([X], lr=0.01)
X_traj = [] # we'll store the results
# run a basic optimization loop
for i in range(75):
# this performs batch evaluation, so this is an N-dim tensor
losses = -qEI(X) # torch.optim minimizes
loss = losses.sum()
loss.backward() # perform backward pass
optimizer.step() # take a step
# clamp values to the feasible set
for j, (lb, ub) in enumerate(zip(*bounds)):[..., j].clamp_(lb, ub) # need to do this on the data not X itself
# store the optimization trajecatory
if (i + 1) % 15 == 0:
print(f"Iteration {i+1:>3}/75 - Loss: {loss.item():>4.3f}")
# use your favorite convergence criterion here...