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Writing a custom acquisition function

Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)

The Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) acquisition function balances exploration and exploitation by assigning a score of μ+βσ\mu + \sqrt{\beta} \cdot \sigma if the posterior distribution is normal with mean μ\mu and variance σ2\sigma^2. This "analytic" version is implemented in the UpperConfidenceBound class. The Monte Carlo version of UCB is implemented in the qUpperConfidenceBound class, which also allows for q-batches of size greater than one. (The derivation of q-UCB is given in Appendix A of Wilson et. al., 2017).

A scalarized version of q-UCB

Suppose now that we are in a multi-output setting, where, e.g., we model the effects of a design on multiple metrics. We first show a simple extension of the q-UCB acquisition function that accepts a multi-output model and performs q-UCB on a scalarized version of the multiple outputs, achieved via a vector of weights. Implementing a new acquisition function in botorch is easy; one simply needs to implement the constructor and a forward method.

# Install dependencies if we are running in colab
import sys
import as pio
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
pio.renderers.default = "colab"
%pip install botorch ax
# Ax uses Plotly to produce interactive plots. These are great for viewing and analysis,
# though they also lead to large file sizes, which is not ideal for files living in GH.
# Changing the default to `png` strips the interactive components to get around this.
pio.renderers.default = "png"
import math
from typing import Optional

from botorch.acquisition.monte_carlo import MCAcquisitionFunction
from botorch.models.model import Model
from botorch.sampling.base import MCSampler
from botorch.sampling.normal import SobolQMCNormalSampler
from botorch.utils import t_batch_mode_transform
from torch import Tensor

class qScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound(MCAcquisitionFunction):
def __init__(
model: Model,
beta: Tensor,
weights: Tensor,
sampler: Optional[MCSampler] = None,
) -> None:
# we use the AcquisitionFunction constructor, since that of
# MCAcquisitionFunction performs some validity checks that we don't want here
super(MCAcquisitionFunction, self).__init__(model=model)
if sampler is None:
sampler = SobolQMCNormalSampler(sample_shape=torch.Size([512]))
self.sampler = sampler
self.register_buffer("beta", torch.as_tensor(beta))
self.register_buffer("weights", torch.as_tensor(weights))

def forward(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Evaluate scalarized qUCB on the candidate set `X`.

X: A `(b) x q x d`-dim Tensor of `(b)` t-batches with `q` `d`-dim
design points each.

Tensor: A `(b)`-dim Tensor of Upper Confidence Bound values at the
given design points `X`.
posterior = self.model.posterior(X)
samples = self.get_posterior_samples(posterior) # n x b x q x o
scalarized_samples = samples.matmul(self.weights) # n x b x q
mean = posterior.mean # b x q x o
scalarized_mean = mean.matmul(self.weights) # b x q
ucb_samples = (
+ math.sqrt(self.beta * math.pi / 2)
* (scalarized_samples - scalarized_mean).abs()
return ucb_samples.max(dim=-1)[0].mean(dim=0)

I1116 181426.999] NCCL_DEBUG env var is set to None


I1116 181427.000] NCCL_DEBUG is INFO from /etc/nccl.conf


/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/mpmath/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?

/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/mpmath/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?


/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/sympy/solvers/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?


/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/sympy/plotting/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?

/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/sympy/plotting/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?

/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/sympy/plotting/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?

/data/sandcastle/boxes/fbsource/buck-out/v2/gen/fbcode/f3b9a99e517e0a13/bento/kernels/__bento_kernel_axoptics__/bento_kernel_axoptics#link-tree/sympy/plotting/ SyntaxWarning:

"is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?

Note that qScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound is very similar to qUpperConfidenceBound and only requires a few lines of new code to accomodate scalarization of multiple outputs. The @t_batch_mode_transform decorator ensures that the input X has an explicit t-batch dimension (code comments are added with shapes for clarity).

See the end of this tutorial for a quick and easy way of achieving the same scalarization effect using ScalarizedPosteriorTransform.

Ad-hoc testing q-Scalarized-UCB

Before hooking the newly defined acquisition function into a Bayesian Optimization loop, we should test it. For this we'll just make sure that it properly evaluates on a compatible multi-output model. Here we just define a basic multi-output SingleTaskGP model trained on synthetic data.

import torch

from import fit_gpytorch_mll
from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP
from botorch.utils import standardize
from gpytorch.mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood

# generate synthetic data
X = torch.rand(20, 2)
Y = torch.stack([torch.sin(X[:, 0]), torch.cos(X[:, 1])], -1)
Y = standardize(Y) # standardize to zero mean unit variance

# construct and fit the multi-output model
gp = SingleTaskGP(X, Y)
mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(gp.likelihood, gp)

# construct the acquisition function
qSUCB = qScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound(gp, beta=0.1, weights=torch.tensor([0.1, 0.5]))
# evaluate on single q-batch with q=3
qSUCB(torch.rand(3, 2))

tensor([0.4412], grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)

# batch-evaluate on two q-batches with q=3
qSUCB(torch.rand(2, 3, 2))

tensor([0.5129, 0.5216], grad_fn=<MeanBackward1>)

A scalarized version of analytic UCB (q=1 only)

We can also write an analytic version of UCB for a multi-output model, assuming a multivariate normal posterior and q=1. The new class ScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound subclasses AnalyticAcquisitionFunction instead of MCAcquisitionFunction. In contrast to the MC version, instead of using the weights on the MC samples, we directly scalarize the mean vector μ\mu and covariance matrix Σ\Sigma and apply standard UCB on the univariate normal distribution, which has mean wTμw^T \mu and variance wTΣww^T \Sigma w. In addition to the @t_batch_transform decorator, here we are also using expected_q=1 to ensure the input X has a q=1.

Note: BoTorch also provides a ScalarizedPosteriorTransform abstraction that can be used with any existing analytic acqusition functions and automatically performs the scalarization we implement manually below. See the end of this tutorial for a usage example.

from botorch.acquisition import AnalyticAcquisitionFunction

class ScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound(AnalyticAcquisitionFunction):
def __init__(
model: Model,
beta: Tensor,
weights: Tensor,
maximize: bool = True,
) -> None:
# we use the AcquisitionFunction constructor, since that of
# AnalyticAcquisitionFunction performs some validity checks that we don't want here
super(AnalyticAcquisitionFunction, self).__init__(model)
self.maximize = maximize
self.register_buffer("beta", torch.as_tensor(beta))
self.register_buffer("weights", torch.as_tensor(weights))

def forward(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Evaluate the Upper Confidence Bound on the candidate set X using scalarization

X: A `(b) x d`-dim Tensor of `(b)` t-batches of `d`-dim design
points each.

A `(b)`-dim Tensor of Upper Confidence Bound values at the given
design points `X`.
self.beta =
batch_shape = X.shape[:-2]
posterior = self.model.posterior(X)
means = posterior.mean.squeeze(dim=-2) # b x o
scalarized_mean = means.matmul(self.weights) # b
covs = posterior.mvn.covariance_matrix # b x o x o
weights = self.weights.view(
1, -1, 1
) # 1 x o x 1 (assume single batch dimension)
weights = weights.expand(batch_shape + weights.shape[1:]) # b x o x 1
weights_transpose = weights.permute(0, 2, 1) # b x 1 x o
scalarized_variance = torch.bmm(
weights_transpose, torch.bmm(covs, weights)
) # b
delta = (self.beta.expand_as(scalarized_mean) * scalarized_variance).sqrt()
if self.maximize:
return scalarized_mean + delta
return scalarized_mean - delta

Ad-hoc testing Scalarized-UCB

Notice that we pass in an explicit q-batch dimension for consistency, even though q=1.

# construct the acquisition function
SUCB = ScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound(gp, beta=0.1, weights=torch.tensor([0.1, 0.5]))
# evaluate on single point
SUCB(torch.rand(1, 2))

tensor([0.5031], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)

# batch-evaluate on 3 points
SUCB(torch.rand(3, 1, 2))

tensor([-0.6162, -0.8318, -0.1927], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)

Using the custom acquisition function with Ax's Service API

Registering the new acquisition function

In order to use an acquisition function, Ax needs to know how to generate inputs to construct the acquisition function.

from typing import List
from typing import Any, Dict

from botorch.acquisition.input_constructors import acqf_input_constructor

def construct_inputs_scalarized_ucb(
model: Model,
beta: float,
weights: List[float],
posterior_transform: None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"model": model,
"beta": torch.as_tensor(beta, dtype=torch.double),
"weights": torch.as_tensor(weights, dtype=torch.double),

Setting up a GenerationStrategy using BOTORCH_MODULAR with our custom acquistion function.

BOTORCH_MODULAR is a convenient wrapper implemented in Ax that facilitates the use of custom BoTorch models and acquisition functions in Ax experiments. In order to customize the way the candidates are generated, we need to construct a new GenerationStrategy and pass it into the AxClient.

from ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy import GenerationStep, GenerationStrategy
from ax.modelbridge.registry import Generators

gs = GenerationStrategy(
# Quasi-random initialization step
num_trials=5, # How many trials should be produced from this generation step
model_kwargs={"seed": 999}, # Any kwargs you want passed into the model
# Bayesian optimization step using the custom acquisition function
num_trials=-1, # No limitation on how many trials should be produced from this step
# For `BOTORCH_MODULAR`, we pass in kwargs to specify what surrogate or acquisition function to use.
# `acquisition_options` specifies the set of additional arguments to pass into the input constructor.
"botorch_acqf_class": ScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound,
"acquisition_options": {"beta": 0.1, "weights": [1.0, 1.0]},

Setting up the experiment

We will set up a simple experiment to optimize a simple scalarization of the BraninCurrin function (per the weights above). A detailed tutorial on Service API can be found here.

In order to use the GenerationStrategy we just created, we will pass it into the AxClient.

from ax.service.ax_client import AxClient
from ax.service.utils.instantiation import ObjectiveProperties
from botorch.test_functions import BraninCurrin

# Initialize the client - AxClient offers a convenient API to control the experiment
ax_client = AxClient(generation_strategy=gs)
# Setup the experiment
"name": f"x{i+1}",
"type": "range",
# It is crucial to use floats for the bounds, i.e., 0.0 rather than 0.
# Otherwise, the parameter would
"bounds": [0.0, 1.0],
for i in range(2)
"branin": ObjectiveProperties(minimize=True),
"currin": ObjectiveProperties(minimize=True),
# Setup a function to evaluate the trials
branincurrin = BraninCurrin()

def evaluate(parameters):
x = torch.tensor([[parameters.get(f"x{i+1}") for i in range(2)]])
bc_eval = branincurrin(x).squeeze().tolist()
# In our case, standard error is 0, since we are computing a synthetic function.
return {"branin": (bc_eval[0], 0.0), "currin": (bc_eval[1], 0.0)}

[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Starting optimization with verbose logging. To disable logging, set the verbose_logging argument to False. Note that float values in the logs are rounded to 6 decimal points.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.utils.instantiation: Due to non-specification, we will use the heuristic for selecting objective thresholds.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.utils.instantiation: Inferred value type of ParameterType.FLOAT for parameter x1. If that is not the expected value type, you can explicity specify 'value_type' ('int', 'float', 'bool' or 'str') in parameter dict.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.utils.instantiation: Inferred value type of ParameterType.FLOAT for parameter x2. If that is not the expected value type, you can explicity specify 'value_type' ('int', 'float', 'bool' or 'str') in parameter dict.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.utils.instantiation: Created search space: SearchSpace(parameters=[RangeParameter(name='x1', parameter_type=FLOAT, range=[0.0, 1.0]), RangeParameter(name='x2', parameter_type=FLOAT, range=[0.0, 1.0])], parameter_constraints=[]).

Running the BO loop

Ax makes this part super simple!

for i in range(10):
parameters, trial_index = ax_client.get_next_trial()
# Local evaluation here can be replaced with deployment to external system.
ax_client.complete_trial(trial_index=trial_index, raw_data=evaluate(parameters))

[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 0 with parameters {'x1': 0.62873, 'x2': 0.51481}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 0 with data: {'branin': (46.244598, 0.0), 'currin': (6.842319, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 1 with parameters {'x1': 0.434883, 'x2': 0.396266}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 1 with data: {'branin': (14.735401, 0.0), 'currin': (8.740173, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 2 with parameters {'x1': 0.075645, 'x2': 0.934926}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 2 with data: {'branin': (2.808084, 0.0), 'currin': (4.10731, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 3 with parameters {'x1': 0.863245, 'x2': 0.038764}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 3 with data: {'branin': (9.956846, 0.0), 'currin': (10.342199, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 4 with parameters {'x1': 0.953918, 'x2': 0.808236}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:43] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 4 with data: {'branin': (95.420815, 0.0), 'currin': (4.715139, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:44] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 5 with parameters {'x1': 1.0, 'x2': 0.343958}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:45] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 5 with data: {'branin': (6.593266, 0.0), 'currin': (7.800417, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:45] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 6 with parameters {'x1': 0.545885, 'x2': 0.0}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:45] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 6 with data: {'branin': (5.420934, 0.0), 'currin': (11.428976, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:47] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 7 with parameters {'x1': 0.123588, 'x2': 0.0}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:47] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 7 with data: {'branin': (151.344849, 0.0), 'currin': (12.426076, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:48] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 8 with parameters {'x1': 0.045172, 'x2': 0.0}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:48] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 8 with data: {'branin': (240.222977, 0.0), 'currin': (7.477064, 0.0)}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:49] ax.service.ax_client: Generated new trial 9 with parameters {'x1': 0.120649, 'x2': 0.032781}.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:49] ax.service.ax_client: Completed trial 9 with data: {'branin': (142.032639, 0.0), 'currin': (12.317077, 0.0)}.

Viewing trials and plotting the Pareto frontier

View the trials attached to the experiment.


[INFO 11-16 18:14:50] ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy: Note that parameter values in dataframe are rounded to 2 decimal points; the values in the dataframe are thus not the exact ones suggested by Ax in trials.

Generation StepGeneration ModelTrial IndexTrial StatusArm Parameterizations
00Sobol0COMPLETED{'0_0': {'x1': 0.63, 'x2': 0.51}}
10Sobol1COMPLETED{'1_0': {'x1': 0.43, 'x2': 0.4}}
20Sobol2COMPLETED{'2_0': {'x1': 0.08, 'x2': 0.93}}
30Sobol3COMPLETED{'3_0': {'x1': 0.86, 'x2': 0.04}}
40Sobol4COMPLETED{'4_0': {'x1': 0.95, 'x2': 0.81}}
51BoTorch5COMPLETED{'5_0': {'x1': 1.0, 'x2': 0.34}}
61BoTorch6COMPLETED{'6_0': {'x1': 0.55, 'x2': 0.0}}
71BoTorch7COMPLETED{'7_0': {'x1': 0.12, 'x2': 0.0}}
81BoTorch8COMPLETED{'8_0': {'x1': 0.05, 'x2': 0.0}}
91BoTorch9COMPLETED{'9_0': {'x1': 0.12, 'x2': 0.03}}

Plot the Pareto frontier.

Note that we do not expect a good coverage of the Pareto frontier since we use very small number of evaluations and our acquisition function naively optimizes the sum of the two objectives.

from ax.plot.pareto_frontier import plot_pareto_frontier
from ax.plot.pareto_utils import compute_posterior_pareto_frontier
from ax.utils.notebook.plotting import render

objectives = ax_client.experiment.optimization_config.objective.objectives
frontier = compute_posterior_pareto_frontier(
absolute_metrics=["branin", "currin"],
render(plot_pareto_frontier(frontier, CI_level=0.90))

Appendix: Using ScalarizedPosteriorTransform

Using the ScalarizedPosteriorTransform abstraction, the functionality of ScalarizedUpperConfidenceBound implemented above can be easily achieved in just a few lines of code. PosteriorTransforms can be used with both the MC and analytic acquisition functions.

from botorch.acquisition.objective import ScalarizedPosteriorTransform
from botorch.acquisition.analytic import UpperConfidenceBound

pt = ScalarizedPosteriorTransform(weights=torch.tensor([0.1, 0.5]))
SUCB = UpperConfidenceBound(gp, beta=0.1, posterior_transform=pt)